Resumo Introdução: Doenças cardiovasculares são uma causa significativa de morte em pacientes com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC). A calcificação valvar é preditor de mortalidade cardiovascular e doença arterial coronariana. Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência, fatores associados e progressão de valvopatias em pacientes com DRC. Métodos: Coorte retrospectiva com 291 pacientes ambulatoriais no Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco. Inclusão: ≥18 anos com DRC e valvopatia; exclusão: tratamento conservador ou dados incompletos. Variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais foram comparadas e categorizadas por tempo de terapia dialítica (TTD): <5 anos, 5–10 anos, >10 anos. Foram aplicados os testes Qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis. Associação entre valvopatia e TTD foi avaliada por regressão binária. Significância foi definida como p < 0,05. Resultados: A valvopatia mitral foi encontrada em 82,5% (240) dos casos, seguida da aórtica (65,6%; 86). Houve progressão da doença valvar em 106 (36,4%) pacientes. Não houve associação entre valvopatias aórtica, pulmonar, mitral ou tricúspide e TTD. Hiperparatireoidismo secundário foi a única variável explicativa significativa na regressão para valvopatia mitral (OR 2,59 [IC95%: 1,09–6,18]; p = 0,031). Conclusão: Encontramos alta frequência de valvopatias, especialmente mitral e aórtica, aem pacientes com DRC. Não houve associação entre TTD e valvopatia. Introdução . (DRC) coronariana Objetivo Métodos 29 Pernambuco Inclusão 18 ≥1 exclusão incompletos (TTD) 5 510 10 5–1 >1 Quiquadrado, Quiquadrado Qui quadrado, quadrado Qui-quadrado Fisher ANOVA KruskalWallis. KruskalWallis Kruskal Wallis. Wallis Kruskal-Wallis binária 005 0 05 0,05 Resultados 825 82 82,5 240 (240 casos 65,6% 656 65 6 (65,6% 86. 86 86) 36,4% 364 36 4 (36,4% pulmonar OR 259 2 59 2,5 IC95% IC95 IC [IC95% 1,09–6,18 109618 1 09 1,09–6,18] 0,031. 0031 0,031 031 0,031) Conclusão (DRC ≥ (TTD 51 5– > 00 0,0 8 82, 24 (24 65,6 (65,6 36,4 3 (36,4 25 2, IC9 [IC95 1,09–6,1 10961 003 0,03 03 0, (2 65, (65, 36, (36, [IC9 1,09–6, 1096 ( (65 (36 [IC 1,09–6 109 (6 (3 1,09– 1,09 1,0 1,
Abstract Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of death among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Valve calcification is a predictor of cardiovascular mortality and coronary artery disease. Objective: To assess heart valve disease frequency, associated factors, and progression in CKD patients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 291 CKD patients at Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco. Inclusion criteria were age ≥ 18 with CKD and valve disease, while those on conservative management or with missing data were excluded. Clinical and laboratory variables were compared, and patients were categorized by dialysis duration (<5 years; 5–10 years; >10 years). Statistical tests, including chi-square, Fisher’s exact, ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis, were employed as needed. Simple and multivariate binary regression models were used to analyze valve disease associations with dialysis duration. Significance was defined as p < 0.05. Results: Mitral valve disease was present in 82.5% (240) of patients, followed by aortic valve disease (65.6%; 86). Over time, 106 (36.4%) patients developed valve disease. No significant association was found between aortic, pulmonary, mitral, or tricuspid valve disease and dialysis duration. Secondary hyperparathyroidism was the sole statistically significant factor for mitral valve disease in the regression model (OR 2.59 [95% CI: 1.09–6.18]; p = 0.031). Conclusion: CKD patients on renal replacement therapy exhibit a high frequency of valve disease, particularly mitral and aortic valve disease. However, no link was established between dialysis duration and valve disease occurrence or progression. Introduction CKD. . (CKD) Objective factors Methods 29 Pernambuco 1 excluded compared <5 5 (< years 510 10 5–1 >1 years. years) tests chisquare, chisquare chi square, square chi-square Fishers Fisher s exact ANOVA KruskalWallis, KruskalWallis Kruskal Wallis, Wallis Kruskal-Wallis needed 005 0 05 0.05 Results 825 82 82.5 240 (240 65.6% 656 65 6 (65.6% 86. 86 86) time 36.4% 364 36 4 (36.4% pulmonary OR 259 2 59 2.5 95% 95 [95 CI 1.09–6.18 109618 09 1.09–6.18] 0.031. 0031 0.031 031 0.031) Conclusion However (CKD ( 51 5– > 00 0.0 8 82. 24 (24 65.6 (65.6 36.4 3 (36.4 25 2. 9 [9 1.09–6.1 10961 003 0.03 03 0. (2 65. (65. 36. (36. [ 1.09–6. 1096 (65 (36 1.09–6 109 (6 (3 1.09– 1.09 1.0 1.