RESUMO Objetivo Analisar fatores associados à cobertura vacinal completa com doses válidas, em crianças das capitais e em três outras cidades da região sudeste. Métodos Trata-se de análise de inquérito populacional conduzido em 2020-2021, em amostra estratificada segundo níveis socioeconômicos de crianças nascidas em 2017-2018, com dados coletados por registro fotográfico da caderneta de vacinação. Foram estimadas razões de chances (odds ratio, OR) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) da cobertura vacinal completa pelas características da família, mãe e criança. Resultados Em 8.703 crianças, menor cobertura ocorreu nos estratos A e B (OR=0,39; IC95% 0,23;0,67 e OR=0,38; IC95% 0,25;0,58); nível de consumo A/B (OR=0,38; IC95% 0,28;0,52); renda mensal inferior a R$ 8.000,00 (OR=0,23; IC95% 0,12;0,42); em filhos de mães com ensino superior (OR=0,47; IC95% 0,32;0,71); em crianças não vacinadas exclusivamente no serviço público (OR=0,37; IC95% 0,26;0,51) e com atraso vacinal até 6 meses (OR=0,28; IC95% 0,22;0,37). Conclusão As coberturas não atingiram metas para controlar doenças imunopreveníveis e associaram-se negativamente ao maior nível socioeconômico. válidas sudeste Tratase Trata se 20202021, 20202021 2020 2021, 2021 2020-2021 20172018, 20172018 2017 2018, 2018 2017-2018 vacinação odds ratio OR 95 IC95 IC (IC95% família criança 8703 8 703 8.70 OR=0,39 OR039 0 39 (OR=0,39 0,230,67 023067 0,23 0,67 23 67 0,23;0,6 OR=0,38 OR038 38 0,250,58 025058 0,25 0,58 25 58 0,25;0,58) AB (OR=0,38 0,280,52 028052 0,28 0,52 28 52 0,28;0,52) R 800000 000 00 8.000,0 OR=0,23 OR023 (OR=0,23 0,120,42 012042 0,12 0,42 12 42 0,12;0,42) OR=0,47 OR047 47 (OR=0,47 0,320,71 032071 0,32 0,71 32 71 0,32;0,71) OR=0,37 OR037 37 (OR=0,37 0,260,51 026051 0,26 0,51 26 51 0,26;0,51 OR=0,28 OR028 (OR=0,28 0,220,37. 022037 0,22 0,37 . 22 0,22;0,37) associaramse associaram socioeconômico 2020202 202 2020-202 2017201 201 2017-201 9 IC9 (IC95 870 70 8.7 OR=0,3 OR03 3 (OR=0,3 230 0,230,6 02306 023 0,2 067 0,6 2 0,23;0, 250 0,250,5 02505 025 058 0,5 5 0,25;0,58 280 0,280,5 02805 028 052 0,28;0,52 80000 8.000, OR=0,2 OR02 (OR=0,2 120 0,120,4 01204 012 0,1 042 0,4 1 4 0,12;0,42 OR=0,4 OR04 (OR=0,4 320 0,320,7 03207 032 0,3 071 0,7 7 0,32;0,71 260 0,260,5 02605 026 051 0,26;0,5 220 0,220,37 02203 022 037 0,22;0,37 202020 20 2020-20 201720 2017-20 (IC9 87 8. OR=0, OR0 (OR=0, 0,230, 0230 02 0, 06 0,23;0 0,250, 0250 05 0,25;0,5 0,280, 0280 0,28;0,5 8000 8.000 0,120, 0120 01 04 0,12;0,4 0,320, 0320 03 07 0,32;0,7 0,260, 0260 0,26;0, 0,220,3 0220 0,22;0,3 20202 2020-2 20172 2017-2 (IC OR=0 (OR=0 0,230 0,23; 0,250 0,25;0, 0,280 0,28;0, 800 8.00 0,120 0,12;0, 0,320 0,32;0, 0,260 0,26;0 0,220, 0,22;0, 2020- 2017- OR= (OR= 0,25;0 0,28;0 80 8.0 0,12;0 0,32;0 0,26; 0,220 0,22;0 (OR 0,25; 0,28; 0,12; 0,32; 0,22;
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze factors associated with full vaccination coverage with valid doses, in children from four state capitals and three other cities in Southeast Brazil. Method Analysis of a population survey conducted in 2020-2021, with a sample stratified according to socioeconomic levels of children born in 2017-2018, with data collected through photographic records of their vaccination cards. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) for full vaccination coverage were estimated based on the characteristics of the family, mother and child. Results Among 8703 children, lowest coverage occurred in strata A and B (OR=0.39; 95%CI 0.23;0.67 and OR=0.38; 95%CI 0.25;0.58); in consumption level A/B (OR=0.38; 95CI% 0.28;0.52); among those with income >BRL8000/month (OR=0.23; 95%CI 0.12;0.42); in children of mothers with higher education (OR=0.47; 95%CI 0.32;0.71); in children not vaccinated exclusively in the public service (OR=0.37; 95%CI 0.26;0.51) and in children with a vaccination delay of up to 6 months (OR=0.28; 95%CI 0.22;0.37). Conclusion Coverage did not reach the targets for controlling vaccine-preventable diseases and was negatively associated with higher socioeconomic status. doses Brazil 20202021, 20202021 2020 2021, 2021 2020-2021 20172018, 20172018 2017 2018, 2018 2017-2018 cards OR (OR 95 95CI CI (95%CI family child 870 OR=0.39 OR039 0 39 (OR=0.39 0.230.67 023067 0.23 0.67 23 67 0.23;0.6 OR=0.38 OR038 38 0.250.58 025058 0.25 0.58 25 58 0.25;0.58) AB (OR=0.38 0.280.52 028052 0.28 0.52 28 52 0.28;0.52) BRL8000month BRLmonth BRL8000 month BRL OR=0.23 OR023 (OR=0.23 0.120.42 012042 0.12 0.42 12 42 0.12;0.42) OR=0.47 OR047 47 (OR=0.47 0.320.71 032071 0.32 0.71 32 71 0.32;0.71) OR=0.37 OR037 37 (OR=0.37 0.260.51 026051 0.26 0.51 26 51 0.26;0.51 OR=0.28 OR028 (OR=0.28 0.220.37. 022037 0.22 0.37 . 22 0.22;0.37) vaccinepreventable vaccine preventable status 2020202 202 2020-202 2017201 201 2017-201 9 87 OR=0.3 OR03 3 (OR=0.3 230 0.230.6 02306 023 0.2 067 0.6 2 0.23;0. 250 0.250.5 02505 025 058 0.5 5 0.25;0.58 280 0.280.5 02805 028 052 0.28;0.52 BRL800 OR=0.2 OR02 (OR=0.2 120 0.120.4 01204 012 0.1 042 0.4 1 4 0.12;0.42 OR=0.4 OR04 (OR=0.4 320 0.320.7 03207 032 0.3 071 0.7 7 0.32;0.71 260 0.260.5 02605 026 051 0.26;0.5 220 0.220.37 02203 022 037 0.22;0.37 202020 20 2020-20 201720 2017-20 8 OR=0. OR0 (OR=0. 0.230. 0230 02 0. 06 0.23;0 0.250. 0250 05 0.25;0.5 0.280. 0280 0.28;0.5 BRL80 0.120. 0120 01 04 0.12;0.4 0.320. 0320 03 07 0.32;0.7 0.260. 0260 0.26;0. 0.220.3 0220 0.22;0.3 20202 2020-2 20172 2017-2 OR=0 (OR=0 0.230 0.23; 0.250 0.25;0. 0.280 0.28;0. BRL8 0.120 0.12;0. 0.320 0.32;0. 0.260 0.26;0 0.220. 0.22;0. 2020- 2017- OR= (OR= 0.25;0 0.28;0 0.12;0 0.32;0 0.26; 0.220 0.22;0 0.25; 0.28; 0.12; 0.32; 0.22;
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