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au:OLIVEIRA, Leandro Machado
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Irregular practices in drugstores in the offer of products for children under three years old
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Soares, Roberta Almeida Silva
; Pinheiro, Elisa Natany Silva
; Diniz, Maria Hortência Teixeira
; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto
; Oliveira, Antônio Marcos Machado de
; Pereira, Leandro Alves
; Silva, Luciana Saraiva da
; Rinaldi, Ana Elisa Madalena
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a conformidade da comercialização dos produtos infantis incluídos na Norma Brasileira de Comercialização de Alimentos para Lactentes e Crianças de Primeira Infância, Bicos, Chupetas e Mamadeira (NBCAL) e de compostos lácteos em drogarias de Uberlândia/MG. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em 143 drogarias que vendiam produtos infantis: fórmulas infantis (FI) para lactentes, FI de seguimento para lactentes, mamadeiras, bicos, chupetas e protetores de mamilo; FI para crianças de primeira infância, alimentos de transição e alimentos à base de cereais, leites fluidos/em pó, leites modificados/similares de origem vegetal e composto lácteo. A localização das drogarias nos cinco setores geográficos foi realizada por geoprocessamento. Os dados coletados foram: tipos de promoção comercial irregular e tipo de administração da drogaria (rede/independente). As promoções comerciais irregulares foram expressas em frequências absoluta e relativa. Resultados: Verificamos a presença de promoção comercial irregular em 11,7% dos bicos, chupetas e mamadeiras, em 10,0% das FI lactentes/seguimento de lactentes, em 9,5% das FI para crianças de primeira infância, em 11,1% dos leites, em 25,0% de alimentos de transição e em 59,1% dos compostos lácteos. Nas drogarias de rede, a presença de promoção comercial irregular foi maior para compostos lácteos (81,8 vs. 28,6%, respectivamente) e, para leites, foi maior nas drogarias independentes (30,8 vs. 6,0%). Os setores central e leste apresentaram os maiores percentuais de promoção comercial irregular (26%). Conclusões: As violações à NBCAL ainda ocorrem nas drogarias, principalmente para os produtos destinados às crianças de primeira infância, e nas drogarias de rede. Objetivo Infância Bicos (NBCAL UberlândiaMG Uberlândia MG Uberlândia/MG Métodos 14 (FI lactentes mamadeiras bicos mamilo infância cereais fluidosem fluidos pó modificadossimilares modificados similares lácteo geoprocessamento rede/independente. redeindependente rede/independente . rede independente (rede/independente) relativa Resultados 117 11 7 11,7 100 10 0 10,0 lactentesseguimento 95 9 5 9,5 111 1 11,1 250 25 25,0 591 59 59,1 81,8 818 81 8 (81, vs 286 28 6 28,6% respectivamente 30,8 308 30 (30, 6,0%. 60 6,0% 6,0%) 26%. 26 26% (26%) Conclusões (rede/independente 11, 10, 9, 2 25, 59, 81, (81 28,6 30, 3 (30 6,0 (26% (8 28, (3 6, (26 ( (2
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the compliance with the commercialization of children's products included in the Brazilian Code of Marketing of Infant and Toddlers Food and Childcare-Related Products (NBCAL) in drugstores in Uberlândia/MG. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 143 drugstores that sold infant products: infant formula (IF), follow-up IF, nipples, teats, pacifiers and nipple shields; FI for young children, transition foods and cereal-based foods, fluid or powdered milk, modified/similar milks of plant origin and dairy compounds. The location of drugstores in the five geographic sectors was performed by geoprocessing. The data collected were: types of promotion and types of drugstore administration (drugstore chains/drugstores with independent administration). Irregular commercial promotion was expressed as absolute and relative frequencies. Results: Irregular commercial promotion was found in 11.7% of nipples, pacifiers and bottles, in 10.0% of IF and follow-up formula, in 9.5% of IF for young children, in 11.1% fluid or powdered milk, in 25.0% of transition foods and cereal-based foods and in 59.1% of dairy compounds. In commercial drugstore chains, the presence of promotion for dairy (81.8 vs. 28.6%, respectively) was higher than in drugstores with independent administration. The opposite ocurred for fluid or powdered milk, modified and similar milks of plant origin. The downtown and eastern sectors had the highest percentages of promotions (26%). Conclusions: NBCAL violations still occur in drugstores, mainly in the sale of young children's foods and in the commercial network drugstores. Objective childrens children s ChildcareRelated Childcare Related (NBCAL UberlândiaMG Uberlândia MG Uberlândia/MG Methods crosssectional cross sectional 14 , (IF) followup follow up nipples teats shields cerealbased cereal based milk modifiedsimilar compounds geoprocessing were chainsdrugstores chains . administration) frequencies Results 117 11 7 11.7 bottles 100 10 0 10.0 95 9 5 9.5 111 1 11.1 250 25 25.0 591 59 59.1 81.8 818 81 8 (81. vs 286 28 6 28.6% respectively 26%. 26 26% (26%) Conclusions (IF 11. 10. 9. 2 25. 59. 81. (81 28.6 (26% (8 28. (26 ( (2
Xerostomia impacts oral health-related quality of life in individuals with end-stage renal disease healthrelated health related endstage end stage
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OLIVEIRA, Leandro Machado
; SCHÖFFER, Caroline
; SANTI, Samantha Simoni
; ARGENTA, Laércio Cassol
; ANTONIAZZI, Raquel Pippi
; ZANATTA, Fabrício Batistin
RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo transversal realizado em dois centros teve como objetivo avaliar se a ocorrência de xerostomia está associada à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) em pacientes com doença renal crônica em estágio final (DRCEF) após o ajuste para potenciais fatores de confusão. Métodos: Exames bucais foram realizados por examinadores calibrados para cárie dentária não tratada, periodontite e perda dentária em 180 adultos com DRCEF. A presença de xerostomia foi determinada por meio da pergunta global “Com que frequência você fica com a boca seca?”. A QVRSB foi avaliada pela versão simplificada do questionário Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). A análise multivariada de regressão binomial negativa inflacionada por zero foi usada para calcular as taxas de incidência (IRR) para os escores diferentes de zero e os razões de chance (OR) de não haver impacto nos escores do OHIP-14 de acordo com a presença dA exposição. Resultados: No modelo ajustado, a xerostomia (IRR = 1,57; IC 95%: 1,12 a 2,20) foi associada a pior QVRSB. A análise específica por domínio revelou que a ocorrência de xerostomia impactou significativamente a incapacidade psicológica e a incapacidade social, e a chance de não haver impacto foi menor para o domínio desconforto psicológico (OR = 0,84; IC95%: 0,12 a 0,98). Conclusão: A xerostomia exerce impacto sobre a QVRSB em pacientes com DRCEF, principalmente nos construtos de deficiência psicológica e social. Objetivo (QVRSB DRCEF (DRCEF confusão Métodos tratada 18 Com seca. seca . seca?” OHIP14. OHIP14 OHIP 14 (OHIP-14) IRR OR OHIP-1 exposição Resultados ajustado 1,57 157 1 57 95% 95 112 12 1,1 2,20 220 2 20 social 0,84 084 0 84 IC95% IC95 012 0,1 0,98. 098 0,98 98 0,98) Conclusão seca? OHIP1 (OHIP-14 OHIP- 1,5 15 5 9 11 1, 2,2 22 0,8 08 8 IC9 01 0, 09 0,9 (OHIP-1 2, (OHIP- (OHIP
ABSTRACT Objective: This two-centre cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate whether xerostomia occurrence is associated with oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) after the adjustment for potential confounders. Methods: Oral examinations were performed by calibrated examiners for untreated dental caries, periodontitis and tooth loss in 180 adults with ESRD. The presence of xerostomia was determined using the global question “How often does your mouth feel dry?”. OHRQoL was evaluated by the simplified version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP14) questionnaire. Multivariate zero-inflated negative binomial regression analysis was used to calculate the incidence rate ratios (IRR) for the nonzero scores and odds ratios (OR) of having no impact in OHIP14 scores according to the presence of exposure. Results: In the adjusted model, xerostomia (IRR = 1.57; 95% CI: 1.12 to 2.20) was associated with poorer OHRQoL. The adjusted domain-specific analysis revealed that xerostomia occurrence significantly impacted the psychological disability and social disability, and the chance of having no impact was lower for the psychological discomfort domain (OR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.12 to 0.98). Conclusion: Xerostomia exert an impact on OHRQoL in patients with ESRD, mainly in the psychological and social disabilities constructs. Objective twocentre two centre crosssectional cross sectional healthrelated health related (OHRQoL endstage end stage ESRD (ESRD confounders Methods caries 18 How dry. dry . dry?” OHIP (OHIP14 questionnaire zeroinflated zero inflated IRR OR OHIP1 exposure Results model 1.57 157 1 57 95 CI 112 12 1.1 2.20 220 2 20 domainspecific specific 0.84 084 0 84 012 0.1 0.98. 098 0.98 98 0.98) Conclusion constructs dry? (OHIP1 1.5 15 5 9 11 1. 2.2 22 0.8 08 8 01 0. 09 0.9 (OHIP 2.
Consensus of the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe) for prophylactic treatment of episodic migraine: part II SBCe (SBCe migraine
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Santos, Paulo Sergio Faro
; Melhado, Eliana Meire
; Kaup, Alexandre Ottoni
; Costa, Aline Turbino Neves Martins da
; Roesler, Célia Aparecida de Paula
; Piovesan, Élcio Juliato
; Sarmento, Elder Machado
; Theotonio, Giselle Oliveira Martins
; Campos, Henrique Carneiro de
; Fortini, Ida
; Souza, Jano Alves de
; Maciel Júnior, Jayme Antunes
; Segundo, João Batista Alves
; Carvalho, João José Freitas de
; Speziali, José Geraldo
; Calia, Leandro Cortoni
; Barea, Liselotte Menke
; Queiroz, Luiz Paulo
; Souza, Marcio Nattan Portes
; Figueiredo, Marcos Ravi Cerqueira Ferreira
; Costa, Maria Eduarda Nobre de Magalhães
; Peres, Mário Fernando Prieto
; Jurno, Mauro Eduardo
; Peixoto, Patrícia Machado
; Kowacs, Pedro André
; Rocha Filho, Pedro Augusto Sampaio
; Moreira Filho, Pedro Ferreira
; Silva Neto, Raimundo Pereira
; Fragoso, Yara Dadalti
Resumo Antecedentes Migrânea afeta um bilhão de pessoas em todo o mundo e mais de 30 milhões de brasileiros; além disso, é um distúrbio subdiagnosticado e subtratado. Objetivo Sabe-se sobre a necessidade de difundir o conhecimento sobre o tratamento profilático da migrânea; por isso, a Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleias (SBCe) nomeou um comitê de autores com o objetivo de estabelecer um consenso com recomendações sobre o tratamento profilático da migrânea episódica com base em artigos da literatura mundial, assim como da experiência pessoal. Métodos As reuniões foram realizadas inteiramente online, com a participação de 12 grupos que revisaram e escreveram sobre as categorias farmacológicas dos medicamentos e, ao final, reuniram-se para a leitura e conclusão do documento. As classes de medicamentos estudadas na parte II deste Consenso foram: anti-hipertensivos, inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina, inibidores de recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, outros medicamentos e politerapia racional. Resultados Desta lista de medicamentos, apenas o candesartan foi estabelecido como eficaz no controle da migrânea episódica. Flunarizina, venlafaxina, duloxetina e pizotifeno foram definidos como provavelmente eficazes, enquanto lisinopril, enalapril, escitalopram, fluvoxamina, quetiapina, atorvastatina, sinvastatina, ciproheptadina e melatonina foram possivelmente eficazes na profilaxia da doença. Conclusões Apesar do esforço da comunidade científica em encontrarmedicamentos realmente eficazes no tratamento da migrânea, dado o grande número de medicamentos testados para este fim, ainda dispomos de poucas opções terapêuticas. 3 brasileiros disso subtratado Sabese Sabe se isso SBCe (SBCe mundial pessoal online 1 final reuniramse reuniram documento antihipertensivos, antihipertensivos anti hipertensivos, hipertensivos anti-hipertensivos noradrenalina cálcio racional Flunarizina venlafaxina lisinopril enalapril escitalopram fluvoxamina quetiapina atorvastatina sinvastatina doença fim terapêuticas
Abstract Background Migraine affects 1 billion people worldwide and > 30 million Brazilians; besides, it is an underdiagnosed and undertreated disorder. Objective The need to disseminate knowledge about the prophylactic treatment of migraine is known, so the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe, in the Portuguese acronym) appointed a committee of authors with the objective of establishing a consensus with recommendations on the prophylactic treatment of episodic migraine based on articles from the world literature as well as from personal experience. Methods Meetings were held entirely online, with the participation of 12 groups that reviewed and wrote about the pharmacological categories of drugs and, at the end, met to read and finish the document. The drug classes studied in part II of this Consensus were: antihypertensives, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, other drugs, and rational polytherapy. Results From this list of drugs, only candesartan has been established as effective in controlling episodic migraine. Flunarizine, venlafaxine, duloxetine, and pizotifen were defined as likely to be effective, while lisinopril, enalapril, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, quetiapine, atorvastatin, simvastatin, cyproheptadine, and melatonin were possibly effective in prophylaxis of the disease. Conclusions Despite an effort by the scientific community to find really effective drugs in the treatment of migraine, given the large number of drugs tested for this purpose, we still have few therapeutic options. 3 Brazilians besides disorder known SBCe, SBCe (SBCe acronym experience online end document antihypertensives inhibitors blockers polytherapy Flunarizine venlafaxine duloxetine lisinopril enalapril escitalopram fluvoxamine quetiapine atorvastatin simvastatin cyproheptadine disease purpose options
Consensus of the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe) for the Prophylactic Treatment of Episodic Migraine: part I SBCe (SBCe Migraine
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Melhado, Eliana Meire
; Santos, Paulo Sergio Faro
; Kaup, Alexandre Ottoni
; Costa, Aline Turbino Neves Martins da
; Roesler, Célia Aparecida de Paula
; Piovesan, Élcio Juliato
; Sarmento, Elder Machado
; Theotonio, Giselle Oliveira Martins
; Campos, Henrique Carneiro de
; Fortini, Ida
; Souza, Jano Alves de
; Maciel Júnior, Jayme Antunes
; Segundo, João Batista Alves
; Carvalho, João José Freitas de
; Speziali, José Geraldo
; Calia, Leandro Cortoni
; Barea, Liselotte Menke
; Queiroz, Luiz Paulo
; Souza, Marcio Nattan Portes
; Figueiredo, Marcos Ravi Cerqueira Ferreira
; Costa, Maria Eduarda Nobre de Magalhães
; Peres, Mário Fernando Prieto
; Jurno, Mauro Eduardo
; Peixoto, Patrícia Machado
; Kowacs, Pedro André
; Rocha-Filho, Pedro Augusto Sampaio
; Moreira Filho, Pedro Ferreira
; Silva-Neto, Raimundo Pereira
; Fragoso, Yara Dadalti
Resumo A Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia (SBCe) nomeou um Comitê de Autores com o objetivo de estabelecer um consenso com recomendações sobre o tratamento profilático da enxaqueca episódica com base em artigos da literatura mundial e da experiência pessoal. A enxaqueca é um distúrbio subdiagnosticado e subtratado que acomete um bilhão de pessoas no mundo e mais de 30 milhões de brasileiros. É conhecido na comunidade médica de neurologistas e, sobretudo, dos especialistas em cefaleia, a necessidade de se divulgar o conhecimento sobre o tratamento profilático da enxaqueca. Com esta finalidade, aliada às necessidades de atualizações de drogas e de se aumentar o conhecimento sobre a doença em si (frequência, intensidade, duração, impacto e talvez a progressão da enxaqueca), foi elaborado este Consenso, com metodologia totalmente on-line, por 12 grupos que revisaram e escreveram sobre as categorias farmacológicas das drogas e, ao final, reuniram-se para a leitura e conclusão do documento. As classes de drogas estudadas para este Consenso foram: anticonvulsivantes, antidepressivos tricíclicos, anticorpos monoclonais do antipeptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina — anti-CGRP), betabloqueadores, anti-hipertensivos, inibidores dos canais de cálcio, outros antidepressivos (inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina, ISRSs, e antidepressivos de ação dual), outras drogas, e politerapia. O tratamento hormonal, bem como anti-inflamatórios e triptanas em esquema de profilaxia mínima (miniprofilaxia), será abordado em um capítulo próprio. As classes de drogas estudadas na parte I do Consenso foram: anticonvulsivantes, antidepressivos tricíclicos, anticorpos monoclonais anti-CGRP, e betabloqueadores. SBCe (SBCe pessoal 3 brasileiros sobretudo cefaleia finalidade frequência, frequência (frequência intensidade duração enxaqueca, , enxaqueca) online, online on line, line on-line 1 final reuniramse reuniram documento foram anticonvulsivantes tricíclicos peptídeo antiCGRP, antiCGRP anti CGRP anti-CGRP) betabloqueadores antihipertensivos, antihipertensivos hipertensivos, hipertensivos anti-hipertensivos cálcio serotonina ISRSs dual, dual dual) politerapia hormonal antiinflamatórios inflamatórios miniprofilaxia, miniprofilaxia (miniprofilaxia) próprio CGRP, anti-CGRP (miniprofilaxia
Abstract The Brazilian Headache Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, SBCe, in Portuguese) nominated a Committee of Authors with the aim of establishing a consensus with recommendations regarding prophylactic treatment for episodic migraine based on articles published in the worldwide literature, as well as personal experience. Migraine affects 1 billion people around the world and more than 30 million Brazilians. In addition, it is an underdiagnosed and undertreated disorder. It is well known within the medical community of neurologists, and especially among headache specialists, that there is a need to disseminate knowledge about prophylactic treatment for migraine. For this purpose, together with the need for drug updates and to expand knowledge of the disease itself (frequency, intensity, duration, impact and perhaps the progression of migraine), this Consensus was developed, following a full online methodology, by 12 groups who reviewed and wrote about the pharmacological categories of the drugs used and, at the end of the process, met to read and establish conclusions for this document. The drug classes studied were: anticonvulsants, tricyclic antidepressants, monoclonal anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide (anti-CGRP) antibodies, beta-blockers, antihypertensives, calcium channel inhibitors, other antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, and dual-action antidepressants), other drugs, and polytherapy. Hormonal treatment and anti-inflammatories and triptans in minimum prophylaxis schemes (miniprophylaxis) will be covered in a specific chapter. The drug classes studied for part I of the Consensus were: anticonvulsants, tricyclic antidepressants, monoclonal anti-CGRP antibodies, and beta-blockers. Sociedade Cefaleia SBCe Portuguese literature experience 3 Brazilians addition disorder neurologists specialists purpose frequency, frequency (frequency intensity duration migraine, , migraine) developed methodology process document were anticonvulsants anticalcitonin anti calcitonin generelated gene related antiCGRP CGRP (anti-CGRP antibodies betablockers, betablockers beta blockers, blockers beta-blockers antihypertensives inhibitors selective SSRIs dualaction dual action antidepressants) polytherapy antiinflammatories inflammatories miniprophylaxis (miniprophylaxis chapter betablockers. blockers.
Spurious infection by Calodium hepaticum (Bancroft, 1983) Moravec, 1982 and intestinal parasites in forest reserve dwellers in Western Brazilian Amazon
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Oliveira, Fernanda Bittencourt de
; Correia, Tuan Pedro Dias
; Neves, Leandro Batista das
; Teixeira, Paulo Eduardo Ferlini
; Moreira, Junior da Costa
; Souza, Leandro Siqueira de
; Neves, Renata Heisler
; Almeida, Fernanda Barbosa de
; Bóia, Márcio Neves
; Silva, Rosângela Rodrigues e
; Silva, José Roberto Machado e
ABSTRACT Subsistence hunting is the main source of protein for forest reserve dwellers, contributing to the development of spurious infections by Calodium hepaticum, frequently associated with the consumption of the liver from wild mammals. The prevalence of infections by soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) and intestinal protozoa is considered an indicator of the social vulnerability of a country, besides providing information on habits, customs and quality of life of a given population. Intestinal parasites mostly affect poor rural communities with limited access to clean water and adequate sanitation. This study reports the results of a parasitological survey carried out in 2017 and 2019, in two municipalities (Xapuri and Sena Madureira) in Acre State. Stool samples were collected from 276 inhabitants. Upon receipt, each sample was divided into two aliquots. Fresh samples without preservative were processed and examined by the Kato-Katz technique. Samples fixed in 10% formalin were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation and the centrifugal sedimentation techniques. Calodium hepaticum eggs were found in three stool samples. The overall STH prevalence was 44.9%. The hookworm prevalence (19.2%) was higher than that of Ascaris lumbricoides (2.5%) and Trichuris trichiura (0.7%), an unexpected finding for municipalities belonging to the Western Brazilian Amazon. When considering parasites transmitted via the fecal-oral route, Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli showed the highest positivity rates, of 13% and 10.9%, respectively. This study is the first report of spurious infection by C. hepaticum among forest reserve dwellers that consume undercooked liver of lowland pacas. Additionally, this is the first report of Blastocystis sp. in Acre State.
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary team in chronic pain treatment: interventional and prospective study
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Maemura, Leandro Monteiro
; Matos, Joenice de Almeida Ferreira
; Oliveira, Raissa Freitas de Paula
; Carrijo, Thiago Machado
; Fernandes, Tiago Vieira
; Medeiros, Rodrigo Parente
RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A abordagem multiprofissional envolve mais de um especialista da área da saúde para obter tratamento mais efetivo do paciente com dor crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a abordagem multidisciplinar possui eficácia no tratamento de pacientes com dor crônica, assim como analisar a resposta terapêutica destes pacientes com a utilização de escalas para aferição de dor neuropática, intensidade da dor e qualidade de vida. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 27 pacientes, com idade média de 56,85±12,17 anos. Permaneceram em acompanhamento com equipe multidisciplinar por 4 meses e foram avaliados no início e ao final do tratamento pela escala analógica visual, Leeds Pain Scale for Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms e o questionário de qualidade de vida Short Form-36. RESULTADOS: Observou-se melhora sintomática dos pacientes, no que diz respeito à redução da intensidade da dor, aperfeiçoamento da capacidade funcional, saúde mental e estado geral de saúde, sendo os valores encontrados pré e pós-intervenção de 30,10% para 58,80% (p=0,004), 33,7% para 57,78% (p<0,001), 43,41% para 67,56% (p=0,002), 40,19% para 65,07% (p=0,001), respectivamente, além da redução da sensação subjetiva de dor aferida pela escala analógica visual com mediana pré-tratamento de 8 e ao final de 2 (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo confirmou que o tratamento realizado por equipe multidisciplinar especializada em dor apresentou melhora e aumento da qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The multidisciplinary approach involves more than one specialist in the health field in order to obtain more effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. The aim of this study was to assess whether the multidisciplinary approach is effective in the treatment of patients with chronic pain, as well as to analyze the therapeutic response of these patients using scales for measuring neuropathic pain, pain intensity and quality of life. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients were evaluated, with a mean age of 56.85±12.17 years. They remained in follow-up with a multidisciplinary team for 4 months and were evaluated at the beginning and end of treatment using the visual analog scale, Leeds Pain Scale for Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms and the Short Form-36 quality of life questionnaire. RESULTS: Results showed a symptomatic improvement of the patients, with regard to the reduction of pain intensity, improvement of functional capacity, mental health and general health condition, with the values found before and after intervention from 30.10% to 58.80% (p=0.004), 33.7% to 57.78% (p<0.001), 43.41% to 67.56% (p=0.002), 40.19% to 65.07% (p=0.001), respectively, in addition to the reduction of the subjective pain sensation measured by the visual analog scale with a pre-treatment median of 8 and median at the end of 2 (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The study confirmed that the treatment performed by a multidisciplinary team improves not only the level of pain, but also directly affects the quality of life of patients.
Práticas de ressuscitação volêmica em unidades de terapia intensiva brasileiras: uma análise secundária do estudo Fluid-TRIPS
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Freitas, Flavio Geraldo Rezende de
; Hammond, Naomi
; Li, Yang
; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes de
; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi
; Taniguchi, Leandro
; Gobatto, André
; Japiassú, André Miguel
; Bafi, Antonio Tonete
; Mazza, Bruno Franco
; Noritomi, Danilo Teixeira
; Dal-Pizzol, Felipe
; Bozza, Fernando
; Salluh, Jorge Ibrahin Figueira
; Westphal, Glauco Adrieno
; Soares, Márcio
; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César de
; Lisboa, Thiago
; Lobo, Suzana Margarete Ajeje
; Barbosa, Achilles Rohlfs
; Ventura, Adriana Fonseca
; Souza, Ailson Faria de
; Silva, Alexandre Francisco
; Toledo, Alexandre
; Reis, Aline
; Cembranel, Allan
; Rea Neto, Alvaro
; Gut, Ana Lúcia
; Justo, Ana Patricia Pierre
; Santos, Ana Paula
; Albuquerque, André Campos D. de
; Scazufka, André
; Rodrigues, Antonio Babo
; Fernandino, Bruno Bonaccorsi
; Silva, Bruno Goncalves
; Vidal, Bruno Sarno
; Pinheiro, Bruno Valle
; Pinto, Bruno Vilela Costa
; Feijo, Carlos Augusto Ramos
; Abreu Filho, Carlos de
; Bosso, Carlos Eduardo da Costa Nunes
; Moreira, Carlos Eduardo Nassif
; Ramos, Carlos Henrique Ferreira
; Tavares, Carmen
; Arantes, Cidamaiá
; Grion, Cintia
; Mendes, Ciro Leite
; Kmohan, Claudio
; Piras, Claudio
; Castro, Cristine Pilati Pileggi
; Lins, Cyntia
; Beraldo, Daniel
; Fontes, Daniel
; Boni, Daniela
; Castiglioni, Débora
; Paisani, Denise de Moraes
; Pedroso, Durval Ferreira Fonseca
; Mattos, Ederson Roberto
; Brito Sobrinho, Edgar de
; Troncoso, Edgar M. V.
; Rodrigues Filho, Edison Moraes
; Nogueira, Eduardo Enrico Ferrari
; Ferreira, Eduardo Leme
; Pacheco, Eduardo Souza
; Jodar, Euzebio
; Ferreira, Evandro L. A.
; Araujo, Fabiana Fernandes de
; Trevisol, Fabiana Schuelter
; Amorim, Fábio Ferreira
; Giannini, Fabio Poianas
; Santos, Fabrício Primitivo Matos
; Buarque, Fátima
; Lima, Felipe Gallego
; Costa, Fernando Antonio Alvares da
; Sad, Fernando Cesar dos Anjos
; Aranha, Fernando G.
; Ganem, Fernando
; Callil, Flavio
; Costa Filho, Francisco Flávio
; Dall´Arto, Frederico Toledo Campo
; Moreno, Geovani
; Friedman, Gilberto
; Moralez, Giulliana Martines
; Silva, Guilherme Abdalla da
; Costa, Guilherme
; Cavalcanti, Guilherme Silva
; Cavalcanti, Guilherme Silva
; Betônico, Gustavo Navarro
; Betônico, Gustavo Navarro
; Reis, Hélder
; Araujo, Helia Beatriz N.
; Hortiz Júnior, Helio Anjos
; Guimaraes, Helio Penna
; Urbano, Hugo
; Maia, Israel
; Santiago Filho, Ivan Lopes
; Farhat Júnior, Jamil
; Alvarez, Janu Rangel
; Passos, Joel Tavares
; Paranhos, Jorge Eduardo da Rocha
; Marques, José Aurelio
; Moreira Filho, José Gonçalves
; Andrade, Jose Neto
; Sobrinho, José Onofre de C
; Bezerra, Jose Terceiro de Paiva
; Alves, Juliana Apolônio
; Ferreira, Juliana
; Gomes, Jussara
; Sato, Karina Midori
; Gerent, Karine
; Teixeira, Kathia Margarida Costa
; Conde, Katia Aparecida Pessoa
; Martins, Laércia Ferreira
; Figueirêdo, Lanese
; Rezegue, Leila
; Tcherniacovsk, Leonardo
; Ferraz, Leone Oliveira
; Cavalcante, Liane
; Rabelo, Ligia
; Miilher, Lilian
; Garcia, Lisiane
; Tannous, Luana
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Paciência, Luís Eduardo Miranda
; Cruz Neto, Luiz Monteiro da
; Bley, Macia Valeria
; Sousa, Marcelo Ferreira
; Puga, Marcelo Lourencini
; Romano, Marcelo Luz Pereira
; Nobrega, Marciano
; Arbex, Marcio
; Rodrigues, Márcio Leite
; Guerreiro, Márcio Osório
; Rocha, Marcone
; Alves, Maria Angela Pangoni
; Alves, Maria Angela Pangoni
; Rosa, Maria Doroti
; Dias, Mariza D’Agostino
; Martins, Miquéias
; Oliveira, Mirella de
; Moretti, Miriane Melo Silveira
; Matsui, Mirna
; Messender, Octavio
; Santarém, Orlando Luís de Andrade
; Silveira, Patricio Júnior Henrique da
; Vassallo, Paula Frizera
; Antoniazzi, Paulo
; Gottardo, Paulo César
; Correia, Paulo
; Ferreira, Paulo
; Torres, Paulo
; Silva, Pedro Gabrile M. de Barros e
; Foernges, Rafael
; Gomes, Rafael
; Moraes, Rafael
; Nonato filho, Raimundo
; Borba, Renato Luis
; Gomes, Renato V
; Cordioli, Ricardo
; Lima, Ricardo
; López, Ricardo Pérez
; Gargioni, Ricardo Rath de Oliveira
; Rosenblat, Richard
; Souza, Roberta Machado de
; Almeida, Roberto
; Narciso, Roberto Camargo
; Marco, Roberto
; waltrick, Roberto
; Biondi, Rodrigo
; Figueiredo, Rodrigo
; Dutra, Rodrigo Santana
; Batista, Roseane
; Felipe, Rouge
; Franco, Rubens Sergio da Silva
; Houly, Sandra
; Faria, Sara Socorro
; Pinto, Sergio Felix
; Luzzi, Sergio
; Sant’ana, Sergio
; Fernandes, Sergio Sonego
; Yamada, Sérgio
; Zajac, Sérgio
; Vaz, Sidiner Mesquita
; Bezerra, Silvia Aparecida Bezerra
; Farhat, Tatiana Bueno Tardivo
; Santos, Thiago Martins
; Smith, Tiago
; Silva, Ulysses V. A.
; Damasceno, Valnei Bento
; Nobre, Vandack
; Dantas, Vicente Cés de Souza
; Irineu, Vivian Menezes
; Bogado, Viviane
; Nedel, Wagner
; Campos Filho, Walther
; Dantas, Weidson
; Viana, William
; Oliveira Filho, Wilson de
; Delgadinho, Wilson Martins
; Finfer, Simon
; Machado, Flavia Ribeiro
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as práticas de ressuscitação volêmica em unidades de terapia intensiva brasileiras e compará-las com as de outros países participantes do estudo Fluid-TRIPS. Métodos: Este foi um estudo observacional transversal, prospectivo e internacional, de uma amostra de conveniência de unidades de terapia intensiva de 27 países (inclusive o Brasil), com utilização da base de dados Fluid-TRIPS compilada em 2014. Descrevemos os padrões de ressuscitação volêmica utilizados no Brasil em comparação com os de outros países e identificamos os fatores associados com a escolha dos fluidos. Resultados: No dia do estudo, foram incluídos 3.214 pacientes do Brasil e 3.493 pacientes de outros países, dos quais, respectivamente, 16,1% e 26,8% (p < 0,001) receberam fluidos. A principal indicação para ressuscitação volêmica foi comprometimento da perfusão e/ou baixo débito cardíaco (Brasil 71,7% versus outros países 56,4%; p < 0,001). No Brasil, a percentagem de pacientes que receberam soluções cristaloides foi mais elevada (97,7% versus 76,8%; p < 0,001), e solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% foi o cristaloide mais comumente utilizado (62,5% versus 27,1%; p < 0,001). A análise multivariada sugeriu que os níveis de albumina se associaram com o uso tanto de cristaloides quanto de coloides, enquanto o tipo de prescritor dos fluidos se associou apenas com o uso de cristaloides. Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que cristaloides são usados mais frequentemente do que coloides para ressuscitação no Brasil, e essa discrepância, em termos de frequências, é mais elevada do que em outros países. A solução de cloreto de sódio 0,9% foi o cristaloide mais frequentemente prescrito. Os níveis de albumina sérica e o tipo de prescritor de fluidos foram os fatores associados com a escolha de cristaloides ou coloides para a prescrição de fluidos.
Abstract Objective: To describe fluid resuscitation practices in Brazilian intensive care units and to compare them with those of other countries participating in the Fluid-TRIPS. Methods: This was a prospective, international, cross-sectional, observational study in a convenience sample of intensive care units in 27 countries (including Brazil) using the Fluid-TRIPS database compiled in 2014. We described the patterns of fluid resuscitation use in Brazil compared with those in other countries and identified the factors associated with fluid choice. Results: On the study day, 3,214 patients in Brazil and 3,493 patients in other countries were included, of whom 16.1% and 26.8% (p < 0.001) received fluids, respectively. The main indication for fluid resuscitation was impaired perfusion and/or low cardiac output (Brazil: 71.7% versus other countries: 56.4%, p < 0.001). In Brazil, the percentage of patients receiving crystalloid solutions was higher (97.7% versus 76.8%, p < 0.001), and 0.9% sodium chloride was the most commonly used crystalloid (62.5% versus 27.1%, p < 0.001). The multivariable analysis suggested that the albumin levels were associated with the use of both crystalloids and colloids, whereas the type of fluid prescriber was associated with crystalloid use only. Conclusion: Our results suggest that crystalloids are more frequently used than colloids for fluid resuscitation in Brazil, and this discrepancy in frequencies is higher than that in other countries. Sodium chloride (0.9%) was the crystalloid most commonly prescribed. Serum albumin levels and the type of fluid prescriber were the factors associated with the choice of crystalloids or colloids for fluid resuscitation.
Self-reported dental treatment needs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil: an infodemiological study
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Abstract The aim of the present infodemiological study was to evaluate whether the COVID-19 outbreak has influenced the volume of content related to the dental treatment needs of Brazilian Twitter users to summarize the trends, and to identify the perceptions of the treatment needed. We collected tweets related to dental care needs of individuals exposed to the COVID-19 outbreak scenario between March 23 to May 4, 2020 and of those not exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic (unexposed group) on the same reported days of 2019 using the terms “dentista (dentist), dente (tooth), siso (third molar), and aparelho (orthodontic appliance).” Descriptive analysis was performed to provide summary statistics of the frequencies of tweets related to different dental treatment needs and also the differences in volume content between the years 2019 and 2020. Moreover, the data were analyzed by qualitative analysis using an inductive approach. A total of 1,763 tweets from 2020 and 1,339 tweets from 2019 were screened. Those tweets posted by non-Brazilian users, duplicates, and those unrelated to dental treatment needs were removed and, therefore 1,197 tweets from 2020 and 719 tweets from 2019 were selected. Content volume related to dental treatment needs greatly increased during the COVID-19 outbreak. Findings from the word cloud and content analysis suggest that dental pain, related or not to the third molar, and problems with orthodontic appliances were the topics most commonly related to dental treatment needs discussed during the COVID-19 outbreak, mainly conveying anxiety and distress. The volume of tweets related to dental treatment needs posted by Brazilian users increased during the COVID-19 outbreak and self-reported pain and urgencies were the most popular topics.
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil - study protocol
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Ferreira, Juliana C.
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Besen, Bruno A.M.P.
; Malbuisson, Luiz M.S.
; Taniguchi, Leandro U.
; Mendes, Pedro V.
; Costa, Eduardo L.V.
; Park, Marcelo
; Daltro-Oliveira, Renato
; Roepke, Roberta M.L.
; Silva Jr, João M.
; Carmona, Maria José C.
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro
; Hirota, Adriana
; Kanasiro, Alberto Kendy
; Crescenzi, Alessandra
; Fernandes, Amanda Coelho
; Miethke-Morais, Anna
; Bellintani, Arthur Petrillo
; Canasiro, Artur Ribeiro
; Carneiro, Bárbara Vieira
; Zanbon, Beatriz Keiko
; Batista, Bernardo Pinheiro De Senna Nogueira
; Nicolao, Bianca Ruiz
; Besen, Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro
; Biselli, Bruno
; Macedo, Bruno Rocha De
; Toledo, Caio Machado Gomes De
; Pompilio, Carlos Eduardo
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro De
; Mol, Caroline Gomes
; Stipanich, Cassio
; Bueno, Caue Gasparotto
; Garzillo, Cibele
; Tanaka, Clarice
; Forte, Daniel Neves
; Joelsons, Daniel
; Robira, Daniele
; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira
; Silva Júnior, Elson Mendes Da
; Regalio, Fabiane Aliotti
; Segura, Gabriela Cardoso
; Marcelino, Gustavo Brasil
; Louro, Giulia Sefrin
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Ferreira, Isabela Argollo
; Gois, Jeison de Oliveira
; Silva Junior, Joao Manoel Da
; Reusing Junior, Jose Otto
; Ribeiro, Julia Fray
; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho
; Galleti, Karine Vusberg
; Silva, Katia Regina
; Isensee, Larissa Padrao
; Oliveira, Larissa dos Santos
; Taniguchi, Leandro Utino
; Letaif, Leila Suemi
; Lima, Lígia Trombetta
; Park, Lucas Yongsoo
; Chaves Netto, Lucas
; Nobrega, Luciana Cassimiro
; Haddad, Luciana
; Hajjar, Ludhmila
; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo
; Pandolfi, Manuela Cristina Adsuara
; Park, Marcelo
; Carmona, Maria José Carvalho
; Andrade, Maria Castilho Prandini H De
; Santos, Mariana Moreira
; Bateloche, Matheus Pereira
; Suiama, Mayra Akimi
; Oliveira, Mayron Faria de
; Sousa, Mayson Laercio
; Louvaes, Michelle
; Huemer, Natassja
; Mendes, Pedro
; Lins, Paulo Ricardo Gessolo
; Santos, Pedro Gaspar Dos
; Moreira, Pedro Ferreira Paiva
; Guazzelli, Renata Mello
; Reis, Renato Batista Dos
; Oliveira, Renato Daltro De
; Roepke, Roberta Muriel Longo
; Pedro, Rodolpho Augusto De Moura
; Kondo, Rodrigo
; Rached, Samia Zahi
; Fonseca, Sergio Roberto Silveira Da
; Borges, Thais Sousa
; Ferreira, Thalissa
; Cobello Junior, Vilson
; Sales, Vivian Vieira Tenório
; Ferreira, Willaby Serafim Cassa
OBJECTIVES: We designed a cohort study to describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the largest public hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as Latin America becomes the epicenter of the pandemic. METHODS: This is the protocol for a study being conducted at an academic hospital in Brazil with 300 adult ICU beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients. We will include adult patients admitted to the ICU with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during the study period. The main outcome is ICU survival at 28 days. Data will be collected prospectively and retrospectively by trained investigators from the hospital’s electronic medical records, using an electronic data capture tool. We will collect data on demographics, comorbidities, severity of disease, and laboratorial test results at admission. Information on the need for advanced life support and ventilator parameters will be collected during ICU stay. Patients will be followed up for 28 days in the ICU and 60 days in the hospital. We will plot Kaplan-Meier curves to estimate ICU and hospital survival and perform survival analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model to identify the main risk factors for mortality. NCT04378582. RESULTS: We expect to include a large sample of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU and to be able to provide data on admission characteristics, use of advanced life support, ICU survival at 28 days, and hospital survival at 60 days. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide epidemiological data about critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Brazil, which could inform health policy and resource allocation in low- and middle-income countries.
Surgical results of remnant gastric cancer treatment
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RESUMO Antecedentes: o câncer do coto ou remanescente gástrico (CRG) se desenvolve cinco anos ou mais após a ressecção gástrica por lesão benigna ou maligna. O tratamento é realizado através da gastrectomia total complementar (GTC) com linfadenectomia. Alguns relatos consideram que esse procedimento pode estar associado a maiores taxas de morbimortalidade. Objetivo: avaliar os resultados cirúrgicos e a sobrevida após GTC em pacientes com CRG. Métodos: 54 pacientes submetidos a GTC entre 2009 e 2019 foram incluídos no estudo. Como grupo de comparação, foram selecionados 215 pacientes com câncer gástrico primário (CGP) submetidos à gastrectomia total (GT) no mesmo período. Resultados: dentre as características iniciais, a idade média (68,0 vs. 60,5; p <0,001), os valores de hemoglobina (10,9 vs. 12,3; p <0,001) e o índice de massa corporal (22,5 vs. 24,6; p = 0,005) diferiram entre os grupos CRG e CGP, respectivamente. As complicações pós-operatórias mais frequentes foram pulmonares, infecciosas e fístulas nos dois grupos. Houve maior incidência de fístula esofagojejunal no grupo GTC (14,8% vs 6,5%, p = 0,055). A mortalidade perioperatória foi maior nos pacientes com CRG (9,3% vs. 5,1%), mas sem significância (p = 0,329). O tempo de internação hospitalar, complicações pós-operatórias (Clavien-Dindo), mortalidade aos 30 e 90 dias não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa na sobrevida livre de doença e global entre os grupos CRG e CGP. Conclusão: apesar dos relatos anteriores, os resultados cirúrgicos e a sobrevida foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Maior risco de fístula esofagojejunal dever ser considerado.
ABSTRACT Background: remnant gastric cancer (RGC) develops five years or later after previous resection for benign or malignant lesion. The treatment is performed through completion total gastrectomy (CTG) with radical lymphadenectomy. Some reports consider this procedure may be associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality. Objective: to evaluate surgical results and survival after CTG in patients with RGC. Methods: 54 patients who underwent CTG between 2009 and 2019 were included in the study. As a comparison group 215 patients with primary gastric cancer (PGC) who underwent total gastrectomy (TG) in the same period were selected. Results: among the initial characteristics, age (68.0 vs. 60.5; p<0.001), hemoglobin values (10.9 vs. 12.3; p<0.001) and body mass index (22.5 vs. 24.6; p=0.005) were different between the RGC and PGC groups, respectively. The most frequent postoperative complications were related to pulmonary complications, infection and fistula in both groups. There was a higher incidence of esophagojejunal fistula in the CTG group (14.8% vs 6.5%, p=0.055). Perioperative mortality was higher in RGC patients (9.3% vs. 5.1%), but without significance (p=0.329). Hospital length of stay, postoperative complications graded by the Clavien-Dindo classification, mortality at 30 and 90 days were not different between groups. There was no significant difference in disease-free and overall survival between RGC and PGC groups. Conclusion: despite previous reports, surgical results and survival were similar between groups. Higher risk of esophagojejunal fistula must be considered.
Anti-biofilm and anti-inflammatory effect of a herbal nanoparticle mouthwash: a randomized crossover trial
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; PAZINATTO, Josiele
; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Machado
; SOUZA, Márcia Ebling de
; SANTOS, Roberto Christ Vianna
; ZANATTA, Fabricio Batistin
Abstract Laboratory evidence has demonstrated the antimicrobial effect of Melaleuca alternifolia (MEL) against oral microorganisms. This randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial, compared the anti-biofilm and anti-inflammatory effects of MEL nanoparticles with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) on biofilm-free (BF) and biofilm-covered (BC) surfaces. Before each experimental period, the participants refrained from all oral hygiene practices for 72 hours. The 60 participants were randomly assigned to professional prophylaxis in two quadrants (Q1–Q3 or Q2–Q4), and rinsed with MEL or CHX for four days. The Quigley & Hein plaque index (QHPI), gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) volume, and participants’ perceptions were assessed. CHX showed significantly lower mean QHPI on BF (2.65 ± 0.34 vs. 3.34 ± 0.33, p < 0.05) and BC surfaces (2.84 ± 0.37 vs. 3.37 ± 0.33, p < 0.05). Intragroup comparisons indicated reductions in GCF in all the groups, with significant differences only for CHX on BF surfaces (p < 0.05). Intergroup comparisons revealed no significant differences (p > 0.05). Based on individual perceptions, CHX had better taste and biofilm control, but resulted in a greater change in taste. Nevertheless, MEL demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of CHX. Further clinical trials testing different protocols, concentrations and follow-up periods are required to establish its clinical application.
Sandfly fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an urban area, Central-West of Brazil
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Fernandes, Wagner de Souza
; Borges, Leandro Machado
; Casaril, Aline Etelvina
; Oliveira, Everton Falcão de
; Infran, Jucelei de Oliveira Moura
; Piranda, Eliane Mattos
; Oshiro, Elisa Teruya
; Gomes, Suellem Petilim
; Oliveira, Alessandra Gutierrez de
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
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ABSTRACT Biological and ecological relations among vectors and their pathogens are important to understand the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases. Camapuã is an endemic area for visceral and tegumentary leishmaniasis. The aim of this study was to characterize the sandfly fauna present in Camapuã , MS, Brazil. Sand flies were collected every fortnight from May 2014 to April 2015 using automatic light traps in the domicile and peridomicile of twelve neighborhoods and forest. The collected specimens were identified based on morphology according to the valid identification keys. In total, 2005 sandflies of five genera and nine species were collected. Nyssomyia whitmani and Lutzomyia cruzi were the most abundant species. Males were more abundant, with a male-to-female ratio of 2.14. The highest diversity was observed in peripheral neighborhood, with abundant plant cover. The peridomicile presented greater abundance of sandflies, with the predominance of Ny. whitmani . No significant correlation between the absolute frequencies of the most abundant species and the precipitation variable was observed; however, there was a predominance of Lu. cruzi in the rainy season. We observed a high frequency of sandflies in urban area, especially vector species. The presence of Nyssomyia whitmani and Lutzomyia cruzi indicate the necessity for health surveillance in the municipality. Additional method of collection such as sticky trap is also recommended for appropriate faunestic study.
Avaliação ambiental de BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno, xilenos) e biomarcadores de genotoxicidade em trabalhadores de postos de combustíveis
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Amaral, Isabele Campos Costa
; Carvalho, Leandro Vargas Barreto de
; Pimentel, Joyce Neri da Silva
; Pereira, Angélica Cardoso
; Vieira, Jucilene Aparecida
; Castro, Vinicio Soares de
; Borges, Renato Marçullo
; Alves, Sérgio Rabello
; Nogueira, Simone Mitri
; Tabalipa, Marianne de Medeiros
; Otero, Ubirani Barros
; Oliveira, Katia Maria Pinto Guedes de
; Corrêa, Sérgio Machado
; Fonseca, Antônio Sérgio Almeida
; Moreira, Josino Costa
; Peres, Frederico
; Teixeira, Liliane Reis
; Menezes, Marco Antônio Carneiro
; Mattos, Rita de Cássia Oliveira da Costa
; Sarcinelli, Paula de Novaes
; Larentis, Ariane Leites
Resumo Introdução: trabalhadores de postos de combustíveis estão expostos às diversas substâncias químicas presentes no ambiente de trabalho, destacando-se entre elas o benzeno, devido às suas propriedades carcinogênicas. Objetivo: avaliar os danos genotóxicos relacionados à exposição ocupacional ao BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno, xilenos) em trabalhadores de cinco postos de combustíveis do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Metodologia: foram analisadas concentrações de BTEX no ar; atividades das enzimas catalase e glutationa S-transferase; e ensaio cometa em amostras de sangue total de 97 trabalhadores. Resultados: as concentrações de BTEX estavam dentro dos valores preconizados pela NR 15, incluindo Anexo 13-A. Entretanto, uma oscilação nos resultados de ensaio cometa foi observada entre os trabalhadores dos diferentes postos de combustíveis, principalmente em trabalhadores de postos com menores concentrações de benzeno. Discussão: esse resultado está de acordo com a literatura científica atual, que indica uma curva dose-resposta supralinear para o benzeno, observando-se em baixas concentrações um aumento não linear do risco de leucemia, provavelmente relacionado à maior metabolização do benzeno e à maior produção de seus metabólitos tóxicos nessas concentrações. Conclusão: os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a exposição ao BTEX, mesmo em baixas concentrações, contribui para o risco genotóxico à saúde humana.
Abstract Introduction: gas station workers are exposed to several chemicals in their workplace, highlighting benzene, due to its carcinogenic properties. Objective: to assess the genotoxic damage related to occupational exposure to BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) in workers of five gas stations in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Methods: analysis of BTEX concentrations in the air were carried out; as well as activities of catalase and glutathione S-transferase; and comet assay in whole blood samples of 97 workers. Results: BTEX levels were within the Brazilian threshold levels recommended by the NR 15, including Annex 13-A. However, an oscillation of the comet assay results was observed among workers of different gas stations, mainly in workers from gas stations with lower concentrations of benzene. Discussion: this result is in accordance with the current international scientific literature that indicates a supralinear exposure-response curve for benzene. In lower concentrations we could observe a high non-linear risk of leukemia, probably due to a greater benzene metabolism and a higher production of its toxic metabolites. Conclusion: the results of this study suggest that exposure to BTEX, even in low concentrations, contributes to genotoxic risk to human health.
Spatial Distribution of Annual and Monthly Rainfall Erosivity in the Jaguarí River Basin
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Pontes, Lucas Machado
; Silva, Marx Leandro Naves
; Bispo, Diêgo Faustolo Alves
; Avalos, Fabio Arnaldo Pomar
; Oliveira, Marcelo Silva de
; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da
ABSTRACT The Jaguarí River Basin forms the main water supply sources for the São Paulo Metropolitan Region and other cities in the state. Since the kinetic energy of rainfall is the driving force of water erosion, the main cause of land and water degradation, we tested the hypothesis of correlation between the erosive potential of rainfall (erosivity) and geographical coordinates and altitude for the purpose of predicting the spatial and temporal distribution of the rainfall erosivity index (EI30) in the basin. An equation was used to estimate the (EI30) in accordance with the average monthly and total annual rainfall at rainfall stations with data available for the study area. In the regression kriging technique, the deterministic part was modeled using multiple linear regression between the dependent variable (EI30) and environmental predictor variables: latitude, longitude, and altitude. From the result of equations and the maps generated, a direct correlation between erosivity and altitude could be observed. Erosivity has a markedly seasonal behavior in accordance with the rainy season from October to March. This season concentrates 86 % of the estimated EI30 values, with monthly maximum values of up to 2,342 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 month-1 between December and January, and minimum of 34 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 month-1 in August. The highest values were found in the Mantiqueira Range region (annual average of up to 12,000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1), a region that should be prioritized in soil and water conservation efforts. From this validation, good precision and accuracy of the model was observed for the long period of the annual average, which is the main factor used in soil loss prediction models.
Beef heifers performance in natural grassland under continuous and rotational grazing in the autumn-winter
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Soares, Émerson Mendes
; Quadros, Fernando Luiz Ferreira de
; Carvalho, Régis Maximiliano Roos de
; Oliveira, Leandro Bittencourt de
; Jochims, Felipe
; Dutra, Gabriela Machado
; Fernandes, Augusto Miranda
; Trindade, José Pedro Pereira
; Ilha, Gustavo Freitas
O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho de novilhas de corte em pastagem natural sob pastoreio contínuo e rotativo no outono-inverno. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, conduzidos utilizando a massa de forragem acima de oito cm e 50% da massa de lâminas foliares das touceiras. Os animais foram novilhas Brangus com peso médio inicial de 258kg. As variáveis avaliadas foram massa de forragem disponibilizada (MFd), massa de lâminas foliares das touceiras (MLFt) oferta de forragem disponibilizada (OFd), altura do estrato inferior (Hinf), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), digestibilidade da matéria orgânica (DISMO), nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), ganho médio diário (GMD), escore de condição corporal (CC), escore do trato reprodutivo (ETR) e taxa de lotação (TL). MFd, Hinf, DISMO e NDT foram decrescentes e OFd, PB e FDN semelhantes ao longo do período experimental. O GMD foi positivo apenas no terceiro período, enquanto que CC, ETR e TL decresceram. O manejo da pastagem natural sob pastoreio contínuo ou rotativo, no outono-inverno, utilizando a massa de forragem acima de oito cm e 50% da massa de lâminas foliares das touceiras, não possibilita o desenvolvimento corporal adequado para acasalamento de novilhas de corte aos 24 meses.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of beef heifers in natural grassland under continuous and rotational grazing during the autumn-winter period. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design and conducted using the forage mass above eight cm and 50% of the leaf blades mass of tussocks. The animals were Brangus beef heifers with initial body weight of 258kg. The variables evaluated were available forage mass (FMa), leaf blades mass of tussocks (LBMt), real forage allowance (FAr), sward height of the lower stratum (HLS), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), organic matter digestibility (OMD), total digestible nutrients (TDN), average daily gain (ADG), body condition score (BCS), reproductive tract score (RTS) and stocking rate (SR). FMa, HLS, OMD and TDN decreased while FAr, CP and NDF were similar during the experimental period. The ADG was positive only at third experimental period while BCS, RTS and SR decreased over time. The natural grassland management under continuous and rotational grazing during the autumn-winter period, using the forage mass above 8cm and 50% of the leaf blades mass of tussocks, does not allow the adequate corporal development for breeding the beef heifers at 24 months old.
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