Objectives: Smoking is a preventable cause of early death and the habit starts in adolescence. The aim of this study was to describe tobacco consumption in secondary school students in 2008 and trends in the last 20 years in Barcelona. Material and methods: We analyzed the trend in tobacco consumption by comparing data from 8 surveys carried out between 1987 and 2008 in the 8 th (2 nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education), 10th (4 th year of Compulsory Secondary Education) and 12th (2 nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education) years of secondary school. The FRESC questionnaire was used. Data on regular and daily consumption and associated factors in 2008 were gathered and compared with those corresponding to the previous studies. Percentages of annual change were calculated with Joinpoint regression and data were stratified by sex and year of education. Results: In 2008, 6.1% of boys and 4.5% of girls in the 8 th year, 15.8% and 20.4% of those in the 10th year, respectively, and 26.1% and 33.1% of those in the 12th year, respectively, were regular smokers. A strong association was noted between regular smoking and cannabis consumption in three school years, as well as with having friends who were smokers and poor school performance. At 15-16 years old, the average annual decrease from 1996 to 2008 was 6.8% in girls and 6.1% in boys. Conclusions: Adolescent smoking has been decreasing in the last few years in Barcelona. There is a strong association between tobacco use and cannabis consumption.
Objetivos: El tabaquismo es causa de muerte prematura y prevenible, que se inicia en la adolescencia. Se describe el consumo de tabaco en escolares durante 2008 y la tendencia en los últimos 20 años en Barcelona. Material y métodos: Estudio de análisis de la tendencia del consumo. Se comparan datos de ocho encuestas realizadas entre 1987 y 2008 en 2º y 4º cursos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y 2º de Bachillerato o Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio. Se utilizó el cuestionario FRESC. Se presentan datos del consumo regular y diario de tabaco en 2008 y sus factores asociados, y se comparan con los de estudios precedentes. Se calculan los porcentajes de cambio anual mediante regresión joinpoint y se estratifica por sexo y curso académico. Resultados: En 2008 fumaban regularmente en ESO el 6,1% de los chicos y el 4,5% de las chicas de 2º curso, y el 15,8% y el 20,4% de 4º curso; en 2º curso de Bachillerato y Ciclos los porcentajes eran, respectivamente, el 26,1% y el 33,1%. Entre los factores asociados al consumo regular, en los tres cursos se observó una fuerte asociación entre consumo de tabaco y cannabis, así como tener amigos fumadores y un bajo rendimiento escolar. A los 15-16 años de edad, la disminución media anual desde 1996 hasta 2008 era del 6,8% en las chicas y del 6,1% en los chicos. Conclusiones: El consumo de tabaco en los adolescentes está disminuyendo desde hace algunos años en Barcelona. Hay una asociación muy intensa entre el consumo de tabaco y el de cannabis.