Background: On the 4th of February 2008, 2 cases of measles, epidemiologically linked (2 members of the crew of the Fast-Ferry Jaime I from the company Balearia, which performs the route Algeciras - Tangier), were notified to the Epidemiological Surveillance Network in Andalusia (SVEA). The aim of this paper is to epidemiologically characterize this population level outbreak detected in the area of Campo de Gibraltar, the vaccine effectiveness and the control measures implemented. Methods: Descriptive observational study of reported cases. We have analysed the following variables: age, sex, municipality of residence, onset date, virus genotype, groups involved, previous immunization status, interventions, vaccine effectiveness. Information sources are SVEA records, vaccination program and individual digital story (Diraya). Rates 10(5) were calculated according to age group and frequency measurements. To compare vaccine effectiveness, the Chi² test was used. Results: We confirmed 155 cases of measles, 88.4% by laboratory techniques. Most affected age groups under 2 years (19%) and from 21 to 40 (51%). The 54.2% male. The 72,14% were not vaccinated. Virus was isolated from imported measles genotype D4. The vaccine efficacy was greater than 99%. Conclusions: The outbreak of the imported measles virus was confirmed. More than half of the cases were not vaccinated. The decrease in the incidence in vaccinated individuals recommends the necessity of carrying out Catch-Up campaigns to increase the coverage therefore avoiding the appearance of these outbreaks.
Fundamento: El 4 de febrero de 2008 se notificó a la Red de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Andalucía (SVEA), 2 casos de sarampión vinculados epidemiológicamente, 2 tripulantes del Fast-Ferry Jaime I de la Compañía Balearia, que realiza la línea de Algeciras - Tánger. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar epidemiológicamente el brote de ámbito poblacional detectado en la Comarca Campo de Gibraltar, las medidas de control implementadas y la efectividad vacunal. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo de casos notificados. Se analizan las variables edad, sexo, municipio de residencia, sintomatología, fecha de inicio, colectivos implicados, estado vacunal previo, intervenciones realizadas, genotipo del virus, y efectividad vacunal. Fuentes de información los registros del SVEA, programa de vacunas e historia digital individual (Diraya). Se calcularon tasas x 10(5) por grupo de edad y medidas de frecuencia. Para comparación de efectividad vacunal se utilizó test Chi². Resultados: Se confirmaron 155 casos de sarampión, 88.4% por laboratorio. Grupos de edad mas afectados menores de 2 años (19%) y de 21 a 40 (51%). El 54.2% varones. El 72,14% no estaban vacunados. Se aisló virus sarampión Genotipo D4 importado. La efectividad vacunal era superior al 99%. Conclusiones: Se confirma un brote por virus del sarampión importado. Mas de la mitad de los casos no estaban vacunados. La disminución de la incidencia en vacunados hace necesario recomendar campañas de Cacht - Up que aumenten las coberturas para evitar la aparición de estos brotes vacunales.