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au:Moreira, Juliano
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Identification and mapping of glyphosate-resistant sourgrass with low-level resistance to clethodim and haloxyfop glyphosateresistant glyphosate resistant lowlevel low level
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Danilussi, Maikon Tiago Yamada
; Albrecht, Alfredo Junior Paiola
; Lorenzetti, Juliano Bortoluzzi
; Albrecht, Leandro Paiola
; Silva, André Felipe Moreira
; Dazzi, Felipe Ortolan
; Colombari, Corina
; Barroso, Arthur Arrobas Martins
ABSTRACT Mapping resistant populations makes it possible to identify the evolution and dispersal of resistance cases, providing important information for control-related decision making. This study aimed to identify and map herbicide-resistant sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) populations in Brazilian regions. The results showed no glufosinate resistance, with 485 samples (96.6%) classified as putative resistant to glyphosate, while nine (1.8%) and five (1%) were considered putative resistant to haloxyfop and clethodim, respectively. Two samples were deemed putative resistant to three herbicides (glyphosate, haloxyfop, and clethodim). One of the samples characterized as a control failure for all three herbicides was used on the dose-response curve. This biotype was identified as glyphosate-resistant, with low-level resistance to clethodim and haloxyfop. Based on C50, resistance factors of 10.96, 3.26, and 3.15 were identified for glyphosate, clethodim, and haloxyfop, respectively. Mapping sourgrass resistance is vital to understand and ensure the early identification and quantification of the frequency of these plants. cases controlrelated related making herbicideresistant herbicide Digitaria insularis regions 48 96.6% 966 96 6 (96.6% glyphosate 1.8% 18 1 8 (1.8% 1% (1% respectively (glyphosate clethodim. . clethodim) doseresponse dose response curve glyphosateresistant, glyphosateresistant resistant, glyphosate-resistant lowlevel low level C50 C 1096 10 10.96 326 3 26 3.26 315 15 3.1 plants 4 96.6 9 (96.6 1.8 (1.8 (1 C5 109 10.9 32 2 3.2 31 3. 96. (96. 1. (1. ( 10. (96 (9
[SciELO Preprints] - Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – 2024
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Fernandes, Fabio
Simões, Marcus V.
Correia, Edileide de Barros
Marcondes-Braga, Fabiana G.
Coelho-Filho, Otavio Rizzi
Mesquita, Cláudio Tinoco
Mathias-Junior, Wilson
Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
Ramires, Felix José Alvarez
Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins
Montera, Marcelo Westerlund
Lopes, Renato Delascio
Oliveira-Junior, Mucio Tavares
Scolari, Fernando L.
Avila, Walkiria Samuel
Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
Bacal, Fernando
Bocchi, Edimar Alcides
Moura, Lídia Ana Zytynski
Saad, Eduardo Benchimol
Scanavacca, Mauricio I.
Valdigem, Bruno Pereira
Cano , Manuel Nicolas
Abizaid , Alexandre
Ribeiro, Henrique Barbosa
Lemos-Neto, Pedro Alves
Ribeiro, Gustavo Calado de Aguiar
Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro
Beck-da-Silva, Luis
Rohde, Luis Eduardo P.
Bittencourt, Marcelo Imbroinise
Pereira, Alexandre
Krieger, José Eduardo
Villacorta, Humberto
Martins, Wolney de Andrade
Figueiredo-Neto, José Albuquerque de
Cardoso , Juliano Novaes
Pastore, Carlos Alberto
Jatene, Ieda Biscegli
Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
Hotta, Viviane Tiemi
Romano, Minna Moreira Dias
Albuquerque, Denilson Campos de
Mourilhe-Rocha, Ricardo
Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
Brito, Fabio Sandoli de
Caramelli , Bruno
Calderaro, Daniela
Farsky, Pedro Silvio
Colafranceschi , Alexandre Siciliano
Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli
Vieira , Marcelo Luiz Campos
Danzmann, Luiz Claudio
Barberato , Silvio Henrique
Mady, Charles
Martinelli-Filho, Martino
Torbey , Ana Flavia Malheiros
Schwartzmann, Pedro Vellosa
Macedo, Ariane Vieira Scarlatelli
Ferreira , Silvia Moreira Ayub
Schmidt, Andre
Melo , Marcelo Dantas Tavares de
Lima-Filho, Moysés Oliveira
Sposito, Andrei C.
Brito, Flavio de Souza
Biolo, Andreia
Madrini-Junior, Vagner
Rizk, Stéphanie Itala
Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é uma forma de doença do músculo cardíaco de causa genética, caracterizada pela hipertrofia das paredes ventriculares. O diagnóstico requer detecção por métodos de imagem (Ecocardiograma ou Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca) de qualquer segmento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo com espessura > 15 mm, sem outra causa provável. A análise genética permite identificar mutações de genes codificantes de diferentes estruturas do sarcômero responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da CMH em cerca de 60% dos casos, permitindo o rastreio de familiares e aconselhamento genético, como parte importante do manejo dos pacientes e familiares. Vários conceitos sobre a CMH foram recentemente revistos, incluindo sua prevalência de 1 em 250 indivíduos, não sendo, portanto, uma doença rara, mas subdiagnosticada. A vasta maioria dos pacientes é assintomática. Naqueles sintomáticos, a obstrução do trato de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (OTSVE) é o principal distúrbio responsável pelos sintomas, devendo-se investigar a sua presença em todos os casos. Naqueles em que o ecocardiograma em repouso ou com Manobra de Valsalva não detecta gradiente intraventricular significativo (> 30 mmHg), devem ser submetidos à ecocardiografia com esforço físico para detecção da OTSVE. Pacientes com sintomas limitantes e grave OTSVE, refratários ao uso de betabloqueadores e verapamil, devem receber terapias de redução septal ou uso de novas drogas inibidoras da miosina cardíaca. Por fim, os pacientes adequadamente identificados com risco aumentado de morta súbita podem receber medida profilática com implante de cardiodesfibrilador implantável (CDI).
La miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH) es una forma de enfermedad cardíaca de origen genético, caracterizada por el engrosamiento de las paredes ventriculares. El diagnóstico requiere la detección mediante métodos de imagen (Ecocardiograma o Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca) que muestren algún segmento de la pared ventricular izquierda con un grosor > 15 mm, sin otra causa probable. El análisis genético permite identificar mutaciones en genes que codifican diferentes estructuras del sarcómero responsables del desarrollo de la MCH en aproximadamente el 60% de los casos, lo que permite el tamizaje de familiares y el asesoramiento genético, como parte importante del manejo de pacientes y familiares. Varios conceptos sobre la MCH han sido revisados recientemente, incluida su prevalencia de 1 entre 250 individuos, por lo tanto, no es una enfermedad rara, sino subdiagnosticada. La gran mayoría de los pacientes son asintomáticos. En los casos sintomáticos, la obstrucción del tracto de salida ventricular izquierdo (TSVI) es el trastorno principal responsable de los síntomas, y su presencia debe investigarse en todos los casos. En aquellos en los que el ecocardiograma en reposo o la maniobra de Valsalva no detecta un gradiente intraventricular significativo (> 30 mmHg), deben someterse a ecocardiografía de esfuerzo para detectar la obstrucción del TSVI. Los pacientes con síntomas limitantes y obstrucción grave del TSVI, refractarios al uso de betabloqueantes y verapamilo, deben recibir terapias de reducción septal o usar nuevos medicamentos inhibidores de la miosina cardíaca. Finalmente, los pacientes adecuadamente identificados con un riesgo aumentado de muerte súbita pueden recibir medidas profilácticas con el implante de un cardioversor-desfibrilador implantable (CDI).
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a form of genetically caused heart muscle disease, characterized by the thickening of the ventricular walls. Diagnosis requires detection through imaging methods (Echocardiogram or Cardiac Magnetic Resonance) showing any segment of the left ventricular wall with a thickness > 15 mm, without any other probable cause. Genetic analysis allows the identification of mutations in genes encoding different structures of the sarcomere responsible for the development of HCM in about 60% of cases, enabling screening of family members and genetic counseling, as an important part of patient and family management. Several concepts about HCM have recently been reviewed, including its prevalence of 1 in 250 individuals, hence not a rare but rather underdiagnosed disease. The vast majority of patients are asymptomatic. In symptomatic cases, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is the primary disorder responsible for symptoms, and its presence should be investigated in all cases. In those where resting echocardiogram or Valsalva maneuver does not detect significant intraventricular gradient (> 30 mmHg), they should undergo stress echocardiography to detect LVOT obstruction. Patients with limiting symptoms and severe LVOT obstruction, refractory to beta-blockers and verapamil, should receive septal reduction therapies or use new drugs inhibiting cardiac myosin. Finally, appropriately identified patients at increased risk of sudden death may receive prophylactic measure with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation.
Corn physical characteristics on piglet performance
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Paiano, Diovani
; Silva, Marcos Augusto Alves
; Zanotto, Marlon José
; Hashimoto, Juliano Hideo
; Moreira, Ivan
ABSTRACT. This study aimed to correlate the physical characteristics of ground corn, at different crushing intensities, with the zootechnical performance of piglets in the nursery phase. Forty piglets (20 castrated males and 20 females) with an initial average weight of 15.7±1.98 kg and final weight of 32.5±3.27 kg were used. They were subjected to the same type of experimental diet (4% of commercial premix for the phase, 29% of soybean meal, and 67% of ground corn), with the only difference being the corn grinding process. The corn used was fractionated into five portions, and each one of them was crushed in a hammermill equipped with a different screen hole diameter (2; 2.5; 3; 3.5 and 4 mm). Which resulted in ground corn with the following particle sizes (PS): 518, 580, 628, 706 and 740 μm, and the following corn geometric standard deviations (GSD): 1.72, 1.71, 1.75, 1.80 and 1.90, respectively. The piglets were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications, with the experimental units being formed by pens with two piglets each. There was no effect (p > 0.10) from grinding intensities on daily feed intake (DFI) and daily weight gain (DWG). Conversely, there was an effect (p < 0.10) from different grinding intensities on feed conversion (FC). The PS and GSD of both the corn and diet, as well as the corn fractions retained on the 4-, 2- and 1.2-mm test sieves showed positive correlations with FC (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the corn fractions retained on the 0.6-, 0.3- and 0.15-mm teste sieves showed negative correlations with FC (p < 0.05). The linear model was the one that fitted the estimated data into the data observed for FC. A corn PS reduction from 740 to 580 μm promoted a linear improvement in FC. The use of corn fractions, retained on the 1-, 2- and 0.3-mm test sieves, and the use of corn GSD and diet GSD as independent variables showed a higher R² than that obtained with the use of corn PS as an independent variable in linear equations for estimating FC. ABSTRACT phase (2 2 females 157198 15 7 1 98 15.7±1.9 325327 32 5 3 27 32.5±3.2 4% (4 29 meal 67 , corn) process portions 2.5 25 35 3. mm. mm . mm) (PS) 518 628 70 74 (GSD) 172 72 1.72 171 71 1.71 175 75 1.75 180 80 1.8 190 90 1.90 respectively replications p 0.10 010 0 10 DFI (DFI DWG. DWG (DWG) Conversely (FC) 4, 4- 1.2mm 12mm 1.2 0.05. 005 0.05 05 0.05) hand 0.6, 06 0.6 6 0.6- 0.3 03 0.15mm 015mm 0.15 58 1, 1- 0.3mm 03mm R ( 15719 9 15.7±1. 32532 32.5±3. 2. (PS 51 62 (GSD 17 1.7 18 8 1. 19 1.9 0.1 01 (DWG (FC 2mm 12 00 0.0 0. 15mm 015 3mm 1571 15.7±1 3253 32.5±3 157 15.7± 325 32.5± 15.7 32.5 15. 32.
Substitution of virginiamycin with yeast-based products (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diets of cattle: digestibility and ruminal parameters yeastbased yeast based Saccharomyces cerevisiae cattle
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Oliveira, Daiana dos Santos de
; Silva, Luan de Oliveira Moura
; Ribeiro, Laís Gonçalves
; Sousa, Debora Gomes de
; Pereira, Leidiano Martins
; Couto, Victor Rezende Moreira
; Fernandes, Marcia Helena Machado da Rocha
; Arnhold, Emmanuel
; Nascimento, Mariana Quintino do
; Manzano, Ricardo Pereira
; Fernandes, Juliano José de Resende
Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a substituição de virginiamicina por produtos à base de levedura em dietas de alto grão contendo monensina, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e parâmetros ruminais. Cinco novilhos cruzados Nelore x Holandês (peso inicial 281 kg ± 9,2 kg) distribuídos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 5 x 5. As dietas foram compostas por silagem de milho (355 g kg-1) e concentrado composto por: milho moído, farelo de soja, casca de soja, mistura mineral, calcário, sal e ureia (645 g kg-1). Os tratamentos foram: 1. Controle, 18 mg kg-1 MS de virginiamicina (VM); 2. Cultura de levedura enriquecida (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 7g animal dia-1 (CLE 7); 3. Cultura de levedura enriquecida (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 14g animal dia-1 (CLE 14); 4. Levedura autolisada (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 7g animal dia-1 (LA 7) e Levedura autolisada (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 14g animal dia-1 (LA 14). A monensina (18 mg kg-1 MS) estava presente na mistura mineral vitamínica fornecida em todos tratamentos. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para o consumo de matéria seca (média 8,36 kg MS); digestibilidade da matéria orgânica (média 58,39%) e média de pH ruminal (média 6,75). Além disso, não foram encontrados efeitos significativos de tratamentos para concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e nitrogênio amoniacal. Estes resultados indicam a possibilidade de substituir a virginiamicina por produtos à base de levedura nos menores níveis (7g animal dia-1 de cultura de levedura enriquecida ou 7g animal dia-1 de levedura autolisada) em dietas de alto grão com monensina. ruminais peso 28 92 9 2 9, 355 (35 kg1 1 moído soja calcário 645 (64 kg1. . Controle kg- VM (VM) Saccharomyces cerevisiae dia1 dia dia- CLE 7 3 14 14) 4 LA 14. (1 P>0,05 P005 P 0 05 (P>0,05 836 8 36 8,3 58,39% 5839 58 39 6,75. 675 6,75 6 75 6,75) disso amoniacal 35 (3 64 (6 (VM ( P>0,0 P00 (P>0,0 83 8, 58,39 583 67 6,7 P>0, P0 (P>0, 58,3 6, P>0 (P>0 58, P> (P> (P
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of substituting virginiamycin with yeastbased products in high-energy diets containing monensin on the nutrient digestibility and ruminal parameters of cattle. Five crossbred Nellore × Holstein steers (initial body weight 281 kg ± 9.2 kg) were allotted to a 5 × 5 Latin square design. The diets were composed in dry matter basis of corn silage (355 g kg-1), and concentrate composed of ground corn, soybean meal, soybean hulls,mineral mix, limestone, salt and urea (645 g kg-1). The treatments were: 1 - control, 18 mg kg-1 dry matter (DM) virginiamycin (VM); 2 - enriched yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at 7 g animal day-1 (EYC 7); 3 - enriched yeast culture (S. cerevisiae) at 14 g animal day-1 (EYC 14); 4 - autolyzed yeast (S. cerevisiae) at 7 g animal day-1 (AY 7); and 5 - autolyzed yeast (S. cerevisiae) at 14 g animal day-1 (AY 14). Monensin (18 mg kg-1 DM) was added to the mineral mix in all treatments. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found for DM intake (mean 8.36 kg DM), organic matter (OM) digestibility (average of 58.39%), or mean ruminal pH (mean 6.75) among treatments. Moreover, the treatment did not have a significant effect on the short-chain fatty acid or ammonia nitrogen concentrations. These results indicated the possibility of replacing virginiamycin with yeast-based products at the lowest level (7 g of enriched yeast culture or autolyzed yeast per animal day-1) in high-energy diets containing monensin. highenergy high energy cattle initial 28 92 9 9. design 355 (35 kg1, kg1 , kg-1) meal hullsmineral hulls limestone 645 (64 kg1. . control kg- (DM VM (VM) Saccharomyces cerevisiae day1 day day- EYC 7) S. S (S 14) AY 14. (1 P 0.05 005 0 05 836 8 36 8.3 DM, OM (OM average 58.39%, 5839 58.39% 58 39 58.39%) 6.75 675 6 75 Moreover shortchain short chain concentrations based ( 35 (3 64 (6 (VM 0.0 00 83 8. 583 58.39 6.7 67 0. 58.3 6. 58.
Diretriz sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica – 2024 202 20 2
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Fernandes, Fabio
; Simões, Marcus V.
; Correia, Edileide de Barros
; Marcondes-Braga, Fabiana Goulart
; Coelho-Filho, Otavio Rizzi
; Mesquita, Cláudio Tinoco
; Mathias Junior, Wilson
; Antunes, Murillo de Oliveira
; Arteaga-Fernández, Edmundo
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
; Ramires, Felix José Alvarez
; Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins
; Montera, Marcelo Westerlund
; Lopes, Renato Delascio
; Oliveira Junior, Mucio Tavares de
; Scolari, Fernando Luis
; Avila, Walkiria Samuel
; Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides
; Bacal, Fernando
; Moura, Lidia Zytynski
; Saad, Eduardo Benchimol
; Scanavacca, Mauricio Ibrahim
; Valdigem, Bruno Pereira
; Cano, Manuel Nicolas
; Abizaid, Alexandre Antonio Cunha
; Ribeiro, Henrique Barbosa
; Lemos Neto, Pedro Alves
; Ribeiro, Gustavo Calado de Aguiar
; Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
; Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro
; Beck-da-Silva, Luis
; Rohde, Luis Eduardo Paim
; Bittencourt, Marcelo Imbroinise
; Pereira, Alexandre da Costa
; Krieger, José Eduardo
; Villacorta Junior, Humberto
; Martins, Wolney de Andrade
; Figueiredo Neto, José Albuquerque de
; Cardoso, Juliano Novaes
; Pastore, Carlos Alberto
; Jatene, Ieda Biscegli
; Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
; Hotta, Viviane Tiemi
; Romano, Minna Moreira Dias
; Albuquerque, Denilson Campos de
; Mourilhe-Rocha, Ricardo
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Brito Junior, Fabio Sandoli de
; Caramelli, Bruno
; Calderaro, Daniela
; Farsky, Pedro Silvio
; Colafranceschi, Alexandre Siciliano
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco
; Vieira, Marcelo Luiz Campos
; Danzmann, Luiz Claudio
; Barberato, Silvio Henrique
; Mady, Charles
; Martinelli Filho, Martino
; Torbey, Ana Flavia Malheiros
; Schwartzmann, Pedro Vellosa
; Macedo, Ariane Vieira Scarlatelli
; Ferreira, Silvia Moreira Ayub
; Schmidt, Andre
; Melo, Marcelo Dantas Tavares de
; Lima Filho, Moysés Oliveira
; Sposito, Andrei C.
; Brito, Flávio de Souza
; Biolo, Andreia
; Madrini Junior, Vagner
; Rizk, Stephanie Itala
; Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
Neuroendocrine adenoma of middle ear: a case report and endoscopic approach ear
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Abrahão, Nicolau Moreira
; Guimarães, Guilherma Correa
; Tamanini, Jonas Belchior
; Costa, Sofia Fontes de Oliva
; Ferreira, Pedro Juliano de Mesquita
; Silva, Vagner Antônio Rodrigues da
; Castilho, Arthur Menino
Alternatives for the chemical control of sourgrass at post-emergence postemergence post emergence
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Danilussi, Maikon Tiago Yamada
; Lorenzetti, Juliano Bortoluzzi
; Albrecht, Alfredo Junior Paiola
; Barroso, Arthur Arrobas Martins
; Albrecht, Leandro Paiola
; Santos, Guilherme Rossano dos
; Silva, André Felipe Moreira
; Caneppele, Giuzeppe Augusto Maran
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de herbicidas quando aplicados isolados e em combinações na pós-emergência de capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis), bem como identificar um substituto ao paraquat na aplicação sequencial. Experimentos em campo e em casa de vegetação foram conduzidos durante as safras de 2019/2020 e 2020/2021. Os herbicidas aplicados isolados e em combinações foram: atrazina, cletodim, clodinafope, diquate, glufosinato, haloxifope, imazapique, imazapir, mesotriona, nicossulfurom, paraquate, glifosato, saflufenacil, tembotriona e tepraloxidim. Na safra de 2019/2020, no experimento em campo, o controle de capim-amargoso foi considerado baixo devido às condições de clima seco e ao pleno florescimento das plantas. Na casa de vegetação, observou-se controle satisfatório acima de 80% aos 28 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas para a maioria dos tratamentos. Na safra de 2020/2021, em condições de campo, a aplicação de glifosato combinado com haloxifope, com aplicação sequencial de glufosinato, resultou no maior controle da planta daninha. Na casa de vegetação, a maioria dos tratamentos foi eficaz e, destes, todos continham glufosinato. A aplicação sequencial de glufosinato ou em combinações favorece um melhor controle de capim-amargoso. No entanto, o diquate e o glufosinato não diferem em eficácia na aplicação sequencial e são opções de controle desta planta daninha. pósemergência pós emergência capimamargoso capim amargoso Digitaria insularis, insularis , insularis) 20192020 2019 2020 2019/202 20202021 2021 2020/2021 atrazina cletodim clodinafope haloxifope imazapique imazapir mesotriona nicossulfurom paraquate saflufenacil tepraloxidim plantas observouse observou se 80 2 daninha destes capimamargoso. amargoso. entanto 2019202 201 202 2019/20 2020202 2020/202 8 201920 20 2019/2 202020 2020/20 20192 2019/ 20202 2020/2 2020/
Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of herbicides when applied alone and in combinations at sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) post-emergence, as well as to identify a substitute to paraquat in sequential application. Field and greenhouse experiments were conducted during the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 crop seasons. The herbicides applied alone and in combinations were: atrazine, clethodim, clodinafop, diquat, glufosinate, haloxyfop, imazapic, imazapyr, mesotrione, nicosulfuron, paraquat, glyphosate, saflufenacil, tembotrione, and tepraloxydim. In the 2019/2020 crop season, in the experiment conducted in the field, the control of sourgrass was considered low due to the dry weather condition and to the full flowering of the plants. In the greenhouse, a satisfactory control above 80% was observed at 28 days after herbicide application for most treatments. In the 2020/2021 crop season, under field conditions, the application of glyphosate combined with haloxyfop, with a sequential application of glufosinate, resulted in the highest weed control. In the greenhouse, most treatments were effective and, of these, all contained glufosinate. The sequential application of glufosinate or in combinations favors a better control of sourgrass. However, diquat and glufosinate do not differ in efficacy in sequential application and are an option for the control of the weed. Digitaria insularis postemergence, postemergence post emergence, emergence post-emergence 20192020 2019 2020 2019/202 20202021 2021 2020/202 seasons atrazine clethodim clodinafop haloxyfop imazapic imazapyr mesotrione nicosulfuron saflufenacil tembotrione tepraloxydim season plants 80 2 conditions these However 2019202 201 202 2019/20 2020202 2020/20 8 201920 20 2019/2 202020 2020/2 20192 2019/ 20202 2020/
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil Brasil
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Boeger, Walter A.
; Valim, Michel P.
; Zaher, Hussam
; Rafael, José A.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Percequillo, Alexandre R.
; Serejo, Cristiana S.
; Garraffoni, André R.S.
; Santos, Adalberto J.
; Slipinski, Adam
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Calor, Adolfo R.
; Garda, Adrian A.
; Kury, Adriano B.
; Fernandes, Agatha C.S.
; Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I.
; Akama, Alberto
; Silva Neto, Alberto M. da
; Burbano, Alejandro L.
; Menezes, Aleksandra
; Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Lees, Alexander C.
; Bezerra, Alexandra M.R.
; Domahovski, Alexandre C.
; Pimenta, Alexandre D.
; Aleixo, Alexandre L.P.
; Marceniuk, Alexandre P.
; Paula, Alexandre S. de
; Somavilla, Alexandre
; Specht, Alexandre
; Camargo, Alexssandro
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Silva, Aline A.S. da
; Santos, Aline B. dos
; Tassi, Aline D.
; Aragão, Allan C.
; Santos, Allan P.M.
; Migotto, Alvaro E.
; Mendes, Amanda C.
; Cunha, Amanda
; Chagas Júnior, Amazonas
; Sousa, Ana A.T. de
; Pavan, Ana C.
; Almeida, Ana C.S.
; Peronti, Ana L.B.G.
; Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L.
; Prudente, Ana L.
; Tourinho, Ana L.
; Pes, Ana M.O.
; Carmignotto, Ana P.
; Wengrat, Ana P.G. da Silva
; Dornellas, Ana P.S.
; Molin, Anamaria Dal
; Puker, Anderson
; Morandini, André C.
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Martins, André L.
; Esteves, André M.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Köhler, Andreas
; Paladini, Andressa
; Andrade, Andrey J. de
; Pinto, Ângelo P.
; Salles, Anna C. de A.
; Gondim, Anne I.
; Amaral, Antonia C.Z.
; Rondón, Antonio A.A.
; Brescovit, Antonio
; Lofego, Antônio C.
; Marques, Antonio C.
; Macedo, Antonio
; Andriolo, Artur
; Henriques, Augusto L.
; Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L.
; Lima, Aurino F. de
; Barros, Ávyla R. de A.
; Brito, Ayrton do R.
; Romera, Bárbara L.V.
; Vasconcelos, Beatriz M.C. de
; Frable, Benjamin W.
; Santos, Bernardo F.
; Ferraz, Bernardo R.
; Rosa, Brunno B.
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Bellini, Bruno C.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Oliveira, Bruno G. de
; Corrêa, Caio C.D.
; Martins, Caleb C.
; Castro-Guedes, Camila F. de
; Souto, Camilla
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Cunha, Carlo M.
; Barboza, Carlos A. de M.
; Lucena, Carlos A.S. de
; Barreto, Carlos
; Santana, Carlos D.C.M. de
; Agne, Carlos E.Q.
; Mielke, Carlos G.C.
; Caetano, Carlos H.S.
; Flechtmann, Carlos H.W.
; Lamas, Carlos J.E.
; Rocha, Carlos
; Mascarenhas, Carolina S.
; Margaría, Cecilia B.
; Waichert, Cecilia
; Digiani, Celina
; Haddad, Célio F.B.
; Azevedo, Celso O.
; Benetti, Cesar J.
; Santos, Charles M.D. dos
; Bartlett, Charles R.
; Bonvicino, Cibele
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Santos, Cinthya S.G.
; Justino, Cíntia E.L.
; Canedo, Clarissa
; Bonecker, Claudia C.
; Santos, Cláudia P.
; Carvalho, Claudio J.B. de
; Gonçalves, Clayton C.
; Galvão, Cleber
; Costa, Cleide
; Oliveira, Cléo D.C. de
; Schwertner, Cristiano F.
; Andrade, Cristiano L.
; Pereira, Cristiano M.
; Sampaio, Cristiano
; Dias, Cristina de O.
; Lucena, Daercio A. de A.
; Manfio, Daiara
; Amorim, Dalton de S.
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Colpani, Daniara
; Abbate, Daniel
; Aquino, Daniel A.
; Burckhardt, Daniel
; Cavallari, Daniel C.
; Prado, Daniel de C. Schelesky
; Praciano, Daniel L.
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Toledo, Daniela G.P. de
; Takiya, Daniela M.
; Fernandes, Daniell R.R.
; Ament, Danilo C.
; Cordeiro, Danilo P.
; Silva, Darliane E.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Muniz, David B.
; Gibson, David I.
; Nogueira, David S.
; Marques, Dayse W.A.
; Lucatelli, Débora
; Garcia, Deivys M.A.
; Baêta, Délio
; Ferreira, Denise N.M.
; Rueda-Ramírez, Diana
; Fachin, Diego A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Pádua, Diego G. de
; Barbosa, Diego N.
; Dolibaina, Diego R.
; Amaral, Diogo C.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Maccagnan, Douglas H.B.
; Caron, Edilson
; Carvalho, Edrielly
; Adriano, Edson A.
; Abreu Júnior, Edson F. de
; Pereira, Edson H.L.
; Viegas, Eduarda F.G.
; Carneiro, Eduardo
; Colley, Eduardo
; Eizirik, Eduardo
; Santos, Eduardo F. dos
; Shimbori, Eduardo M.
; Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
; Arruda, Eliane P. de
; Chiquito, Elisandra A.
; Lima, Élison F.B.
; Castro, Elizeu B. de
; Orlandin, Elton
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Razzolini, Emanuel
; Gama, Emanuel R.R.
; Araujo, Enilma M. de
; Nishiyama, Eric Y.
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Santos, Érika C.L. dos
; Contreras, Eugenia F.
; Galati, Eunice A.B.
; Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C. de
; Gallardo, Fabiana
; Hernandes, Fabio A.
; Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A.
; Pitombo, Fabio B.
; Dario, Fabio Di
; Santos, Fábio L. dos
; Mauro, Fabio
; Nascimento, Fabio O. do
; Olmos, Fabio
; Amaral, Fabio R.
; Schunck, Fabio
; Godoi, Fábio S. P. de
; Machado, Fabrizio M.
; Barbo, Fausto E.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Ribeiro, Felipe B.
; Moreira, Felipe F.F.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Silva, Fenanda S.
; Cavalcanti, Fernanda F.
; Straube, Fernando C.
; Carbayo, Fernando
; Carvalho Filho, Fernando
; Zanella, Fernando C.V.
; Jacinavicius, Fernando de C.
; Farache, Fernando H.A.
; Leivas, Fernando
; Dias, Fernando M.S.
; Mantellato, Fernando
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Gudin, Filipe M.
; Albuquerque, Flávio
; Molina, Flavio B.
; Passos, Flávio D.
; Shockley, Floyd W.
; Pinheiro, Francielly F.
; Mello, Francisco de A.G. de
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Franco, Francisco L.
; Oliveira, Francisco L. de
; Melo, Francisco T. de V.
; Quijano, Freddy R.B.
; Salles, Frederico F.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Queiroz, Gabriel C.
; Bizarro, Gabriel L.
; Hrycyna, Gabriela
; Leviski, Gabriela
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Santos, Geane B. dos
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Brown, George
; Mattox, George M.T.
; Zimbrão, Geraldo
; Carvalho, Gervásio S.
; Miranda, Gil F.G.
; Moraes, Gilberto J. de
; Lourido, Gilcélia M.
; Neves, Gilmar P.
; Moreira, Gilson R.P.
; Montingelli, Giovanna G.
; Maurício, Giovanni N.
; Marconato, Gláucia
; Lopez, Guilherme E.L.
; Silva, Guilherme L. da
; Muricy, Guilherme
; Brito, Guilherme R.R.
; Garbino, Guilherme S.T.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Graciolli, Gustavo
; Libardi, Gustavo S.
; Proctor, Heather C.
; Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
; Varella, Henrique R.
; Escalona, Hermes E.
; Schmitz, Hermes J.
; Rodrigues, Higor D.D.
; Galvão Filho, Hilton de C.
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Pinto, Hudson A.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Miyahira, Igor C.
; Gonçalves, Igor de S.
; Martins, Inês X.
; Cardoso, Irene A.
; Oliveira, Ismael B. de
; Franz, Ismael
; Fernandes, Itanna O.
; Golfetti, Ivan F.
; S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin
; Oliveira, Ivo de S.
; Delabie, Jacques H.C.
; Oliveira, Jader de
; Prando, Jadila S.
; Patton, James L.
; Bitencourt, Jamille de A.
; Silva, Janaina M.
; Santos, Jandir C.
; Arruda, Janine O.
; Valderrama, Jefferson S.
; Dalapicolla, Jeronymo
; Oliveira, Jéssica P.
; Hájek, Jiri
; Morselli, João P.
; Narita, João P.
; Martin, João P.I.
; Grazia, Jocélia
; McHugh, Joe
; Cherem, Jorge J.
; Farias Júnior, José A.S.
; Fernandes, Jose A.M.
; Pacheco, José F.
; Birindelli, José L.O.
; Rezende, José M.
; Avendaño, Jose M.
; Duarte, José M. Barbanti
; Ribeiro, José R. Inácio
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Pujol-Luz, José R.
; Santos, Josenilson R. dos
; Câmara, Josenir T.
; Teixeira, Joyce A.
; Prado, Joyce R. do
; Botero, Juan P.
; Almeida, Julia C.
; Kohler, Julia
; Gonçalves, Julia P.
; Beneti, Julia S.
; Donahue, Julian P.
; Alvim, Juliana
; Almeida, Juliana C.
; Segadilha, Juliana L.
; Wingert, Juliana M.
; Barbosa, Julianna F.
; Ferrer, Juliano
; Santos, Juliano F. dos
; Kuabara, Kamila M.D.
; Nascimento, Karine B.
; Schoeninger, Karine
; Campião, Karla M.
; Soares, Karla
; Zilch, Kássia
; Barão, Kim R.
; Teixeira, Larissa
; Sousa, Laura D. do N.M. de
; Dumas, Leandro L.
; Vieira, Leandro M.
; Azevedo, Leonardo H.G.
; Carvalho, Leonardo S.
; Souza, Leonardo S. de
; Rocha, Leonardo S.G.
; Bernardi, Leopoldo F.O.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Johann, Liana
; Salvatierra, Lidianne
; Oliveira, Livia de M.
; Loureiro, Lourdes M.A. El-moor
; Barreto, Luana B.
; Barros, Luana M.
; Lecci, Lucas
; Camargos, Lucas M. de
; Lima, Lucas R.C.
; Almeida, Lucia M.
; Martins, Luciana R.
; Marinoni, Luciane
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Lima, Luciano
; Naka, Luciano N.
; Miranda, Lucília S.
; Salik, Lucy M.
; Bezerra, Luis E.A.
; Silveira, Luis F.
; Campos, Luiz A.
; Castro, Luiz A.S. de
; Pinho, Luiz C.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L.
; Iniesta, Luiz F.M.
; Tencatt, Luiz F.C.
; Simone, Luiz R.L.
; Malabarba, Luiz R.
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukas
; Barros, Lurdiana D.
; Santos, Luziany Q.
; Skoracki, Maciej
; Correia, Maira A.
; Uchoa, Manoel A.
; Andrade, Manuella F.G.
; Hermes, Marcel G.
; Miranda, Marcel S.
; Araújo, Marcel S. de
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Labruna, Marcelo B.
; Santis, Marcelo D. de
; Duarte, Marcelo
; Knoff, Marcelo
; Nogueira, Marcelo
; Britto, Marcelo R. de
; Melo, Marcelo R.S. de
; Carvalho, Marcelo R. de
; Tavares, Marcelo T.
; Kitahara, Marcelo V.
; Justo, Marcia C.N.
; Botelho, Marcia J.C.
; Couri, Márcia S.
; Borges-Martins, Márcio
; Felix, Márcio
; Oliveira, Marcio L. de
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Gottschalk, Marco S.
; Tavares, Marcos D.S.
; Lhano, Marcos G.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus
; Santos, Marcus T.T.
; Domingues, Marcus V.
; Sallum, Maria A.M.
; Digiani, María C.
; Santarém, Maria C.A.
; Nascimento, Maria C. do
; Becerril, María de los A.M.
; Santos, Maria E.A. dos
; Passos, Maria I. da S. dos
; Felippe-Bauer, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Terossi, Mariana
; Bartz, Marie L.C.
; Barbosa, Marina F. de C.
; Loeb, Marina V.
; Cohn-Haft, Mario
; Cupello, Mario
; Martins, Marlúcia B.
; Christofersen, Martin L.
; Bento, Matheus
; Rocha, Matheus dos S.
; Martins, Maurício L.
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Cardenas, Melissa Q.
; Duarte, Mércia E.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Mincarone, Michael M.
; Borges, Michela
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Casagrande, Mirna M.
; Fernandez, Monica A.
; Piovesan, Mônica
; Menezes, Naércio A.
; Benaim, Natalia P.
; Reategui, Natália S.
; Pedro, Natan C.
; Pecly, Nathalia H.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Silva Júnior, Nelson J. da
; Perioto, Nelson W.
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Chao, Ning L.
; Ferla, Noeli J.
; Mielke, Olaf H.H.
; Evangelista, Olivia
; Shibatta, Oscar A.
; Oliveira, Otto M.P.
; Albornoz, Pablo C.L.
; Dellapé, Pablo M.
; Gonçalves, Pablo R.
; Shimabukuro, Paloma H.F.
; Grossi, Paschoal
; Rodrigues, Patrícia E. da S.
; Lima, Patricia O.V.
; Velazco, Paul
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Araújo, Paula B.
; Silva, Paula K.R.
; Riccardi, Paula R.
; Garcia, Paulo C. de A.
; Passos, Paulo G.H.
; Corgosinho, Paulo H.C.
; Lucinda, Paulo
; Costa, Paulo M.S.
; Alves, Paulo P.
; Roth, Paulo R. de O.
; Coelho, Paulo R.S.
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Carvalho, Pedro F. de
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Souza-Dias, Pedro G.B.
; Linardi, Pedro M.
; Bartholomay, Pedro R.
; Demite, Peterson R.
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Boll, Piter K.
; Pereira, Rachel M.M.
; Silva, Rafael A.P.F.
; Moura, Rafael B. de
; Boldrini, Rafael
; Silva, Rafaela A. da
; Falaschi, Rafaela L.
; Cordeiro, Ralf T.S.
; Mello, Ramon J.C.L.
; Singer, Randal A.
; Querino, Ranyse B.
; Heleodoro, Raphael A.
; Castilho, Raphael de C.
; Constantino, Reginaldo
; Guedes, Reinaldo C.
; Carrenho, Renan
; Gomes, Renata S.
; Gregorin, Renato
; Machado, Renato J.P.
; Bérnils, Renato S.
; Capellari, Renato S.
; Silva, Ricardo B.
; Kawada, Ricardo
; Dias, Ricardo M.
; Siewert, Ricardo
; Brugnera, Ricaro
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Robbins, Robert
; Pinto, Roberta R.
; Reis, Roberto E. dos
; Ramos, Robson T. da C.
; Cavichioli, Rodney R.
; Barros, Rodolfo C. de
; Caires, Rodrigo A.
; Salvador, Rodrigo B.
; Marques, Rodrigo C.
; Araújo, Rodrigo C.
; Araujo, Rodrigo de O.
; Dios, Rodrigo de V.P.
; Johnsson, Rodrigo
; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.
; Hutchings, Roger W.
; Lara, Rogéria I.R.
; Rossi, Rogério V.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Ochoa, Ronald
; Hutchings, Rosa S.G.
; Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
; Rocha, Rosana M. da
; Tidon, Rosana
; Brito, Rosangela
; Pellens, Roseli
; Santos, Sabrina R. dos
; Santos, Sandra D. dos
; Paiva, Sandra V.
; Santos, Sandro
; Oliveira, Sarah S. de
; Costa, Sávio C.
; Gardner, Scott L.
; Leal, Sebastián A. Muñoz
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Bonecker, Sergio L.C.
; Bueno, Sergio L. de S.
; Almeida, Sérgio M. de
; Stampar, Sérgio N.
; Andena, Sérgio R.
; Posso, Sergio R.
; Lima, Sheila P.
; Gadelha, Sian de S.
; Thiengo, Silvana C.
; Cohen, Simone C.
; Brandão, Simone N.
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Ribeiro, Síria L.B.
; Letana, Sócrates D.
; Santos, Sonia B. dos
; Andrade, Sonia C.S.
; Dávila, Stephane
; Vaz, Stéphanie
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Christo, Susete W.
; Cunha, Suzan B.Z.
; Gomes, Suzete R.
; Duarte, Tácio
; Madeira-Ott, Taís
; Marques, Taísa
; Roell, Talita
; Lima, Tarcilla C. de
; Sepulveda, Tatiana A.
; Maria, Tatiana F.
; Ruschel, Tatiana P.
; Rodrigues, Thaiana
; Marinho, Thais A.
; Almeida, Thaís M. de
; Miranda, Thaís P.
; Freitas, Thales R.O.
; Pereira, Thalles P.L.
; Zacca, Thamara
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Martins, Thiago F.
; Alvarenga, Thiago M.
; Carvalho, Thiago R. de
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Henry, Thomas
; Pikart, Tiago G.
; Porto, Tiago J.
; Krolow, Tiago K.
; Carvalho, Tiago P.
; Lotufo, Tito M. da C.
; Caramaschi, Ulisses
; Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S.
; Pardiñas, Ulyses F.J.
; Maia, Valéria C.
; Tavares, Valeria
; Costa, Valmir A.
; Amaral, Vanessa S. do
; Silva, Vera C.
; Wolff, Vera R. dos S.
; Slobodian, Verônica
; Silva, Vinícius B. da
; Espíndola, Vinicius C.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
; Bertaco, Vinicius de A.
; Padula, Vinícius
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Silva, Vitor C.P. da
; Piacentini, Vítor de Q.
; Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
; Trevine, Vivian
; Sousa, Viviane R.
; Sant’Anna, Vivianne B. de
; Mathis, Wayne N.
; Souza, Wesley de O.
; Colombo, Wesley D.
; Tomaszewska, Wioletta
; Wosiacki, Wolmar B.
; Ovando, Ximena M.C.
; Leite, Yuri L.R.
ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (, made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others. publications problem uptodate up date classifications context exception (CTFB http//, httpfaunajbrjgovbr http // , jbrj gov br ( 2015 Brazil 80 specialists 1 2024 133691 133 691 133,69 125138 125 138 125,13 82.3%, 823 82 3 (82.3% 102000 102 000 102,00 7.69%, 769 7 69 (7.69% 11000 11 11,00 . 3,567 3567 567 (3,56 2,292 2292 2 292 (2,29 1,833 1833 833 (1,83 1,447 1447 447 (1,44 1000 1,00 831 (83 628 (62 606 (60 520 (52 50 users science health biology law anthropology education others http// faunajbrjgovbr // ( 201 8 202 13369 13 133,6 12513 12 125,1 82.3% (82.3 10200 10 00 102,0 7.69% 76 6 (7.69 1100 11,0 3,56 356 56 (3,5 2,29 229 29 (2,2 1,83 183 83 (1,8 1,44 144 44 (1,4 100 1,0 (8 62 (6 60 52 (5 5 http// ( 20 1336 133, 1251 125, 82.3 (82. 1020 0 102, 7.69 (7.6 110 11, 3,5 35 (3, 2,2 22 (2, 1,8 18 (1, 1,4 14 4 ( 82. (82 7.6 (7. 3, (3 2, (2 (1 7. (7
Diretriz de Tomografia Computadorizada e Ressonância Magnética Cardiovascular da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia e do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia – 2024 202 20 2
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Magalhães, Tiago Augusto
; Carneiro, Adriano Camargo de Castro
; Moreira, Valéria de Melo
; Trad, Henrique Simão
; Lopes, Marly Maria Uellendahl
; Cerci, Rodrigo Julio
; Nacif, Marcelo Souto
; Schvartzman, Paulo R.
; Chagas, Antônio Carlos Palandrini
; Costa, Isabela Bispo Santos da Silva
; Schmidt, André
; Shiozaki, Afonso Akio
; Montenegro, Sérgio Tavares
; Piegas, Leopoldo Soares
; Zapparoli, Marcelo
; Nicolau, José Carlos
; Fernandes, Fabio
; Hadlich, Marcelo Souza
; Ghorayeb, Nabil
; Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
; Gonçalves, Luiz Flávio Galvão
; Ramires, Felix José Alvarez
; Fernandes, Juliano de Lara
; Schwartzmann, Pedro Vellosa
; Rassi, Salvador
; Torreão, Jorge Andion
; Mateos, José Carlos Pachón
; Beck-da-Silva, Luiz
; Silva, Marly Conceição
; Liberato, Gabriela
; Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes de
; Feitosa Filho, Gilson Soares
; Carvalho, Hilka dos Santos Moraes de
; Markman Filho, Brivaldo
; Rocha, Ricardo Paulo de Sousa
; Azevedo Filho, Clerio Francisco de
; Taratsoutchi, Flávio
; Coelho-Filho, Otavio Rizzi
; Kalil Filho, Roberto
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Ishikawa, Walther Yoshiharu
; Melo, Cíntia Acosta
; Jatene, Ieda Biscegli
; Albuquerque, Andrei Skromov de
; Rimkus, Carolina de Medeiros
; Silva, Paulo Savoia Dias da
; Vieira, Thiago Dieb Ristum
; Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
; Azevedo, Guilherme Sant Anna Antunes de
; Santos, Raul D.
; Monte, Guilherme Urpia
; Ramires, José Antonio Franchini
; Bittencourt, Marcio Sommer
; Avezum, Alvaro
; Silva, Leonardo Sara da
; Abizaid, Alexandre
; Gottlieb, Ilan
; Precoma, Dalton Bertolim
; Szarf, Gilberto
; Sousa, Antônio Carlos Sobral
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco
; Medeiros, Fábio de Morais
; Caramelli, Bruno
; Parga Filho, José Rodrigues
; Santos, Tiago Senra Garcia dos
; Prazeres, Carlos Eduardo Elias dos
; Lopes, Marcelo Antonio Cartaxo Queiroga
; Avila, Luiz Francisco Rodrigues de
; Scanavacca, Mauricio Ibrahim
; Gowdak, Luis Henrique Wolff
; Barberato, Silvio Henrique
; Nomura, Cesar Higa
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
Accuracy in body composition scanning by adult half-body DXA scanning
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Gómez-Campos, Rossana
; Vidal-Espinoza, Rubén
; Moreira-Goncalves, Ezequiel
; Langer, Raquel David
; Borges, Juliano Henrique
; Castelli-Correia-de Campos, Luis Felipe
; Urra-Albornoz, Camilo
; Sulla-Torres, José
; Cossio-Bolaños, Marco
Abstract Introduction: dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the gold standard method, although one limitation is the size of the scan area. Objective: the objective was to verify the accuracy of body composition (BC) scanning through half-body DXA scanning compared to standard total body scanning. Methods: a study was conducted on 145 volunteers. Weight and height were assessed. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. DXA was used for whole-body scan (WBS) and half-body scan (HBS). WBS was used as the reference method and the following indicators were extracted: bone mineral content (BMC), fat mass (FM), lean soft tissue (LST) and percentage fat mass (%FM). Results: no differences were observed in the body composition indicators (BMC, FM, LST and %FM) when compared between the reference WBS scanner and the HBS scanner. The predictive power between both scans ranged in both sexes between R2 = 0.94 and 0.98. The DRI desirable reproducibility index values defining the degree of agreement between both scans ranged from 0.97 to 0.99, and the values for precision (0.97 to 0.99) and accuracy (0.99) were high. Conclusion: HBS scanning by DXA evidenced agreement, and high values of accuracy and precision to assess body composition indicators (BMC, FM, LST and %FM).
Resumen Introducción: la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía (DXA) es el método de referencia, aunque una limitación es el tamaño del área de exploración. Objetivo: el objetivo fue verificar la precisión de la exploración de la CB mediante la exploración DXA de medio cuerpo en comparación con la exploración estándar de todo el cuerpo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio con 145 voluntarios. Se evaluaron el peso y la altura. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Se utilizó la DXA para la exploración de cuerpo entero (WBS) y la exploración de medio cuerpo (HBS). Se utilizó la PEP como método de referencia y se extrajeron los siguientes indicadores: contenido mineral óseo (CMO), masa grasa (MG), tejido blando magro (TBL) y porcentaje de masa grasa (%MG). Resultados: no se observaron diferencias en los indicadores de composición corporal (BMC, FM, LST y %FM) cuando se compararon entre el escáner WBS de referencia y el escáner HBS. El poder predictivo entre ambos escáneres osciló en ambos sexos entre R2 = 0,94 y 0,98. Los valores del índice de reproducibilidad deseable DRI que definen el grado de acuerdo entre ambas exploraciones oscilaron entre 0,97 y 0,99, y los valores de precisión (0,97 a 0,99) y exactitud (0,99) fueron altos. Conclusión: la exploración de HBS mediante DXA evidenció concordancia y altos valores de exactitud y precisión para evaluar los indicadores de composición corporal (BMC, FM, LST y %FM).
Normal ambulatory blood pressure in young adults with 21-hydroxylase enzyme deficiency undergoing glucocorticoid replacement therapy 21hydroxylase hydroxylase 21 2
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Borges, Juliano Henrique
; Camargo, Daniela Albiero
; Sewaybricker, Leticia Esposito
; Santoro, Renata Isa
; Oliveira, Daniel Minutti de
; Lemos-Marini, Sofia Helena Valente de
; Geloneze, Bruno
; Guerra-Júnior, Gil
; Gonçalves, Ezequiel Moreira
ABSTRACT Objective: Herein, we compared ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) between young adults with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase enzyme (21OHase) deficiency and a control group. Additionally, we analyzed correlations between the glucocorticoid dose and androgen levels and ABP parameters. Subjects and methods: This case-control study included 18 patients (6 males and 12 females) and 19 controls (8 males and 11 females) matched by age (18-31 years). ABP monitoring was used to estimate blood pressure (BP) over a 24-h period. Results: No difference was noted between patients and controls in terms of systolic BP (males, 115.5 ± 5.6 vs. 117.0 ± 9.3, P = 0.733; and females, 106.4 ± 7.9 vs. 108.4 ± 7.6, P = 0.556, respectively) and diastolic BP during 24 h (males, 62.8 ± 7.5 vs. 66.2 ± 5.6, P = 0.349; and females, 62.7 ± 4.9 vs. 62.3 ± 4.9, P = 0.818, respectively). Systolic and diastolic BP and pulse pressure during daytime and nocturnal periods were similar between patients and controls. Furthermore, no differences were detected in the percentage of load and impaired nocturnal dipping of systolic and diastolic BP between patients and controls during the 24-h period. Additionally, the glucocorticoid dose (varying between r = −0.24 to 0.13, P > 0.05) and androgens levels (varying between r = 0.01 to 0.14, P > 0.05) were not associated with ABP parameters. Conclusion: No signs of an elevated risk for hypertension were observed based on ABP monitoring in young adults with CAH attributed to 21OHase deficiency undergoing glucocorticoid replacement therapy. Objective Herein (ABP (CAH 21hydroxylase hydroxylase 21 OHase (21OHase group Additionally parameters methods casecontrol case 1 6 ( females 8 1831 31 (18-3 years. years . years) (BP 24h period Results males, (males 1155 115 5 115. 56 5. vs 1170 117 0 117. 93 9 3 9.3 0.733 0733 733 1064 106 4 106. 79 7 7. 1084 108 108. 76 7.6 0556 556 0.556 respectively 2 628 62 62. 75 662 66 66. 0.349 0349 349 627 49 4. 623 0818 818 0.818 respectively. Furthermore varying 024 −0.2 013 13 0.13 0.05 005 05 001 01 0.0 014 14 0.14 Conclusion therapy 183 (18- 9. 0.73 073 73 10 055 55 0.55 0.34 034 34 081 81 0.81 02 −0. 0.1 00 0. (18 0.7 07 0.5 0.3 03 08 0.8 −0 (1 −
Effective interventions for the promotion of breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding in the context of Primary Health Care
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Venancio, Sonia Isoyama
; Melo, Daiane Sousa
; Relvas, Gláubia Rocha Barbosa
; de Bortoli, Maritsa Carla
; de Araújo, Bruna Carolina
; Oliveira, Cintia de Freitas
; da Silva, Letícia Aparecida Lopes Bezerra
; de Melo, Roberta Crevelário
; Moreira, Helissa de Oliveira Mendonça
; Rodrigues, Juliano Mattos
Resumo Objetivo: Desenvolver uma revisão rápida sobre intervenções efetivas para a promoção do aleitamento materno e da alimentação complementar saudável na Atenção Primária à Saúde e sintetizar um cardápio de ações e seus elementos para implementação. Fontes de dados: Foram incluídas revisões sistemáticas que avaliaram a efetividade de intervenções para promoção do aleitamento materno e/ou alimentação complementar saudável com mães e outros cuidadores e/ou profissionais que atuam com essa população em comparação com qualquer abordagem usual ou nenhuma. Síntese dos dados: Na síntese das evidências, foram incluídas 32 revisões sistemáticas. Nas revisões sistemáticas, foram avaliados dez tipos de intervenções no tema “promoção do aleitamento materno” e quatro tipos de intervenções no tema “promoção da alimentação complementar saudável”. A síntese dos resultados permitiu discutir seis aspectos da implementação que devem ser considerados para aumentar as chances de impacto das intervenções: tipo de intervenção, público-alvo, momento da intervenção, atores que podem implementar, estratégias e métodos para conduzir a intervenção, e intensidade da intervenção. Conclusões: Os resultados permitiram apresentar um cardápio de ações cuja efetividade já foi demonstrada, fornecendo elementos para adaptações locais. Espera-se que as evidências apresentadas possam apoiar e fortalecer a implementação de programas de promoção do aleitamento materno e da alimentação complementar saudável na Atenção Primária à Saúde.
Abstract Objective: To develop a rapid review on effective actions for the promotion of breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding in primary health care and to summarize a list of actions and their elements for implementation. Data source: The review included systematic reviews on the effectiveness of interventions to promote breastfeeding and/or healthy complementary feeding for mothers and other caregivers, and/or professionals who work with this population, in comparison with any usual approach or none. Data synthesis: A total of 32 systematic reviews were included in the evidence synthesis. Ten types of interventions were evaluated in systematic reviews on promotion of breastfeeding and four types of interventions on promotion of healthy complementary feeding. The synthesis allowed six aspects to be discussed, and these must be considered to increase the chances of interventions’ impact: type of intervention, target audience, timing of intervention, actors that can implement it, strategies and methods of intervention, and intensity of intervention. Conclusions: It was possible to assemble a list of actions whose effectiveness has already been demonstrated, providing elements for local adaptations. Evidence is expected to support and strengthen the implementation of programs aimed at promoting breastfeeding and complementary feeding in primary health care.
The essential role of thoracic duct embolization in management of traumatic iatrogenic chylothorax
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Schmid, Bruno Pagnin
; Gilberto, Guilherme Moratti
; Cunha, Marcela Juliano Silva
; Valle, Leonardo Guedes Moreira
; Foronda, Gustavo
; Arrieta, Santiago Raul
; Nasser, Felipe
; Garcia, Rodrigo Gobbo
Resumo Este estudo objetiva descrever uma série de casos de pacientes submetidos a embolização do ducto torácico (EDT) para tratamento de quilotórax iatrogênico (QI). Três pacientes foram incluídos. Caso 1: um homem de 49 anos com linfoma folicular apresentou QI após ressecção de uma massa paravertebral por toracoscopia vídeo-assistida e foi submetido a EDT com micromolas e n-butil-cianoacrilato (NBCA). Caso 2: um homem de 68 anos com amiloidose cardíaca apresentou QI após ser submetido a transplante cardíaco e foi submetido a EDT com micromolas e copolímero de etileno e álcool vinílico. Caso 3: um paciente de 6 anos com malformação cardíaca congênita apresentou QI após cirurgia de Fontan e foi submetido a EDT com NBCA. Todas as lesões foram identificadas durante a linfangiografia, e a EDT foi realizada com sucesso. A EDT é uma técnica segura e valiosa, que pode oferecer um tratamento minimamente invasivo em casos de QI. (EDT . (QI) incluídos 1 4 vídeoassistida vídeo assistida nbutilcianoacrilato n butil cianoacrilato NBCA (NBCA) 2 vinílico 3 linfangiografia sucesso valiosa (QI (NBCA
Abstract This study aims to describe a case series of patients who underwent thoracic duct embolization (TDE) to treat traumatic iatrogenic chylothorax (TIC). Three patients were included: Case #1, a 49-year-old woman with follicular lymphoma developed a TIC following video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery to resect a solid right paravertebral mass and was treated with TDE using microcoils and N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) glue. Case #2, a 68-year-old man with cardiac amyloidosis developed a TIC following heart transplantation and was treated with TDE using microcoils and ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer. Case#3: A 6-year-old patient with congenital heart disease developed a TIC following a Fontan procedure and was treated with TDE using NBCA glue. All lesions were identified during lymphangiography and TDE was successfully performed in all cases. TDE is a safe and valuable technique that provides minimally invasive treatment for TCI. (TDE TIC. . (TIC) included 1 #1 49yearold yearold 49 year old videoassisted video assisted Nbutyl N butyl (NBCA glue 2 #2 68yearold 68 copolymer Case#3 Case3 3 6yearold 6 cases TCI (TIC # 4 Case#
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RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar as características epidemiológicas e clínicas da lombalgia em jogadores profissionais de futebol. Métodos: Revisão sistemática e metanálise. Resultados: A revisão incluiu 44 estudos. A prevalência combinada de lombalgia em até uma temporada foi de 1% (IC95% = 0-4%) em homens. A prevalência pontual combinada de lombalgia foi de 25% (IC95% = 16-36%) em homens e 28% (IC95% = 20-37%) em mulheres. A prevalência combinada de lombalgia no último ano foi de 34% (IC95% = 24-44%) em homens. A prevalência combinada de lombalgia ao longo da vida foi de 32%(IC95% = 25-39%) em homens e 50% (IC95% = 32-69%) em mulheres. A frequência combinada de lombalgia/número total de lesões foi de 2% (IC95% = 1-3%) em homens e 4% (IC95% = 2-5%) em mulheres. A taxa de incidência combinada de lombalgia/1.000 jogador-horas de exposição foi de 0,30 (IC95% = 0,17-0,53) em homens e 0,32 (IC95% = 0,06-1,87) em mulheres. A recorrência de lombalgia variou entre 3-63% em homens. A intensidade da lombalgia variou entre 1,68 (2,39)-4,87 (2,14) pontos em uma escala de 0-10 (mínimo = 0; máximo = 8 pontos). A gravidade da lombalgia (ausência das atividades profissionais devido à dor) variou entre 2 (0)-10 (19) dias (mínimo = 1; máximo = 28 dias). Conclusão: Jogadores de futebol profissional apresentam alta prevalência de lombalgia substancial. A frequência e a incidência da lombalgia parecem ser baixas comparadas a outros esportes e condições. As estimativas de recorrência, intensidade e gravidade da lombalgia são incertas. Nível de Evidência II, Revisão Sistemática de Estudos de Nível II. Objetivo Métodos metanálise Resultados 4 estudos 1 IC95% IC95 IC (IC95 04% 04 0 0-4% 25 1636% 1636 16 36% 36 16-36% 2037% 2037 20 37% 37 20-37% mulheres 34 2444% 2444 24 44% 24-44% 32%IC95% 32IC95 32% 32 32%(IC95 2539% 2539 39% 39 25-39% 50 3269% 3269 69% 69 32-69% lombalgianúmero número 13% 13 3% 3 1-3% 5% 5 2-5% lombalgia1000 000 lombalgia/1.00 jogadorhoras jogador horas 030 30 0,3 0,170,53 017053 0,17 0,53 17 53 0,17-0,53 032 0,061,87 006187 0,06 1,87 06 87 0,06-1,87 363% 363 63% 63 3-63 168 68 1,6 2,394,87 239487 2,39 4,87 (2,39)-4,8 2,14 214 14 (2,14 010 10 0-1 mínimo pontos. . pontos) ausência dor (0)-1 19 (19 dias. dias) Conclusão substancial condições incertas II IC9 (IC9 0-4 163 16-36 203 20-37 244 24-44 32%IC95 32IC9 32%(IC9 253 25-39 326 6 32-69 1-3 2-5 lombalgia100 00 lombalgia/1.0 03 0, 170 0,170,5 01705 017 0,1 053 0,5 0,17-0,5 061 0,061,8 00618 006 0,0 187 1,8 0,06-1,8 3-6 1, 394 2,394,8 23948 239 2,3 487 4,8 (2,39)-4, 2,1 21 (2,1 01 0- (0)- (1 (IC 16-3 20-3 24-4 32%IC9 32IC 32%(IC 25-3 32-6 1- 2- lombalgia10 lombalgia/1. 0,170, 0170 05 0,17-0, 0,061, 0061 18 0,06-1, 3- 2,394, 2394 23 2, 48 4, (2,39)-4 (2, (0) ( 16- 20- 24- 32%IC 25- 32- lombalgia1 lombalgia/1 0,170 0,17-0 0,061 0,06-1 2,394 (2,39)- (2 (0 lombalgia/ 0,17- 0,06- (2,39) (2,39 (2,3
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of low back pain (LBP) in adult professional soccer players. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Results: The review included 44 studies. The pooled prevalence of LBP during ≤ 1 season was 1% (95%CI = 0-4%) in men. The pooled point prevalence of LBP was 25% (95%CI = 16-36%) in men and 28% (95%CI = 20-37%) in women. The pooled past-year prevalence of LBP was 34% (95%CI = 24-44%) in men. The pooled lifetime prevalence of LBP was 32% (95%CI = 25-39%) in men and 50% (95%CI = 32-69%) in women. The pooled frequency of LBP/total number of injuries was 2% (95%CI = 1-3%) in men and 4% (95%CI = 2-5%) in women. The pooled incidence rate of LBP/1,000 player-hours of exposure was 0.30 (95%CI = 0.17- 0.53) in men and 0.32 (95%CI = 0.06 -1.87) in women. The recurrence of LBP ranged from 3% to 63% in men. The intensity of LBP ranged from 1.68 (2.39) to 4.87 (2.14) points on a 0-10 scale (minimum = 0 and maximum = 8 points). The severity of LBP (days absent from professional activities due to pain) ranged from 2 (0) to 10 (19) days (minimum = 1 and maximum = 28 days). Conclusion: Adult elite soccer players have a substantial prevalence of LBP. The frequency and incidence of LBP (compared with other conditions and sports) seems to be low. Estimates of the recurrence, intensity, and severity of LBP are uncertain. Level of Evidence II, Systematic Review of Level II Studies. Objective (LBP Methods metaanalysis. metaanalysis meta analysis. analysis meta-analysis Results 4 studies 95%CI 95CI CI 95 04% 04 0-4% 25 1636% 1636 16 36% 36 16-36% 2037% 2037 20 37% 37 20-37% women pastyear past year 34 2444% 2444 24 44% 24-44% 32 2539% 2539 39% 39 25-39% 50 3269% 3269 69% 69 32-69% LBPtotal total 13% 13 3 1-3% 5% 5 2-5% LBP1000 000 LBP/1,00 playerhours player hours 030 30 0.3 0.17 017 17 0.53 053 53 032 006 06 0.0 1.87 187 87 -1.87 63 168 68 1.6 2.39 239 (2.39 487 4.8 2.14 214 14 (2.14 010 0-1 minimum points. . points) (0 19 (19 days. days) Conclusion compared sports uncertain Studies 9 0-4 163 16-36 203 20-37 244 24-44 253 25-39 326 6 32-69 1-3 2-5 LBP100 00 LBP/1,0 03 0. 0.1 01 0.5 05 1.8 18 -1.8 1. 2.3 23 (2.3 48 4. 2.1 21 (2.1 0- ( (1 16-3 20-3 24-4 25-3 32-6 1- 2- LBP10 LBP/1, -1. 2. (2. 16- 20- 24- 25- 32- LBP1 LBP/1 -1 (2 LBP/ -
Radiological characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma that achieved complete response after chemoembolization with drug-eluting beads for liver transplantation planning drugeluting drug eluting
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Valle, Leonardo Guedes Moreira
; Cunha, Marcela Juliano Silva
; Schmid, Bruno Pagnin
; Falsarella, Priscila Mina
; Rezende, Marcelo Bruno de
; Felga, Guilherme Eduardo Gonçalves
; Ogawa, Renata Emy
; Garcia, Rodrigo Gobbo
; Affonso, Breno Boueri
; Nasser, Felipe
; Galastri, Francisco Leonardo
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the radiological characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) lesions that achieved a complete response following drug-eluting bead transarterial chemoembolization (DEB-TACE) preceding liver transplantation. Methods This single-center case-control study enrolled patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent neoadjuvant DEB-TACE therapy, were followed up with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, and were successively evaluated according to the modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors. The HCCs were divided into two groups based on their diameter (Group A: ≤3cm; Group B: 3cm). Viability was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method according to tumor size categories. The relationship between tumor variables was analyzed using bivariate Cox regression. Results Three-hundred and twenty-eight patients with 667 hepatocellular carcinomas who underwent their first DEB-TACE session were enrolled. A total of 105 hepatocellular carcinomas in 59 patients exhibited complete response after the initial DEB-TACE session and were divided into Group A (92 HCCs) and Group B (13 HCCs). The diameter in Group A decreased significantly compared to the pre-procedure size until the second assessment (p<0.001), with no subsequent reduction in diameter, despite maintaining a complete response. In Group B, the reduction in diameter remained significant compared with the initial value until the sixth imaging evaluation (p=0.014). The average reduction was 45.1% for Group B and a maximum of 14.9% in Group A. Conclusion HCCs >3cm exhibited a greater reduction in size and a longer time to recurrence. HCCs ≤3cm had a shorter relapse time. The recurrence rates were similar. These findings may aid in planning for liver transplantation. HCC (HCC drugeluting drug eluting DEBTACE DEB TACE (DEB-TACE transplantation singlecenter single center casecontrol case control therapy contrastenhanced contrast enhanced tomography Tumors 3cm cm 3cm. . 3cm) KaplanMeier Kaplan Meier categories regression Threehundred Three hundred twentyeight twenty eight 66 10 5 92 (9 13 (1 HCCs. preprocedure pre procedure p<0.001, p0001 p p<0.001 , 0 001 (p<0.001) p=0.014. p0014 p=0.014 014 (p=0.014) 451 45 1 45.1 149 14 9 14.9 similar 6 ( p000 p<0.00 00 (p<0.001 p001 p=0.01 01 (p=0.014 4 45. 14. p00 p<0.0 (p<0.00 p=0.0 (p=0.01 p0 p<0. (p<0.0 p=0. (p=0.0 p<0 (p<0. p=0 (p=0. p< (p<0 p= (p=0 (p< (p= (p
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