The following new genera with their type-species are described: Oxynetrini: Cyclopyge gen. n. - type-species: Pyrrhopyge roscius Hopffer, 1874; Pyrrhopygini: Arnysoria gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] galgala Hewitson, 1866, Chalypyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] chalybea Scudder, 1872, Creonpyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] creon H. Druce, 1874, Cyanopyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyge sangaris Skinner, 1921, Gunayan gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] rhacia Hewitson, 1875, Jonaspyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] Jonas C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859, Melanopyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] maculosa Hewitson, 1866, Mimardaris gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyga [sic] sela Hewitson, 1866, Mysarbia gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyge sejanus Hopffer, 1874, Ochropyge gen. n. - type species: Pyrrhopyge ruficauda Hayward, 1932. Apyrrothrix Lindsey, 1921 and Yanguna Watson, 1893 are revalidated. The following are revalidated combinations: Apyrrothrix araxes (Hewitson, 1867), Apyrrothrix arizonae (Godman & Salvin, 1893), Yanguna cometes cometes (Cramer, 1770), Yanguna cometes cometides Mabille & Boullet, 1908, Yanguna cometes staudingeri (Plštz, 1879), Yanguna cosyra (H. Druce, 1875), Yanguna spatlosa spatlosa (Hewitson, 1871), Yanguna spatlosa aspllos Mabille & Boullet, 1908, Yanguna spatlosa mabillei H.H. Druce, 1909, Yanguna tetricus Bell, 1931, Yanguna thelersa (Hewitson, 1866), The following are new combinations: Cyclopyge roscius roscius (Hopffer, 1874), Cyclopyge roscius flavomaculata (Bell, 1937), Cyclopyge roscius iphimedia (Plštz, 1886), Yanguna erebus (Plštz, 1879), Gunayan rhacia (Hewitson, 1875), Gunayan rubrlcollts (Sepp, [1841]), Gunayan timaeus (Bell, 1931), Chalypyge chalybea chalybea (Scudder, 1872), Chalypyge chalybea chlorts (Evans, 1951), Chalypyge zereda zereda (Hewitson, 1866), Chalypyge zereda hygieia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867), Chalypyge zereda insana (Staudinger, 1876), Chalypyge zereda rufinucha (Godman & Salvin, 1879), Chalypyge zereda rufipectus (Godman & Salvin, 1879), Chalypyge zereda zepha (Evans, 1951), Ochropyge ruficauda (Hayward, 1932), Melanopyge cossea (H. Druce, 1875), Melanopyge erythrosticta (Godman & Salvin, 1879), Melanopyge hoffmannl (Freeman, 1977), Melanopyge maculosa (Hewitson, 1866), Melanopyge mulleri (Bell, 1934), Jonaspyge Jonas (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859), Jonaspyge aesculapus (Staudinger, 1876), Jonaspyge tzotzlll (Freemann, 1969), Creonpyge creon creon (H. Druce, 1874), Creonpyge creon lillana (Nicolay & Small, 1969), Creonpyge creon laylori (Nicolay & Small, 1981), Cyanopyge sangaris (Skinner, 1921), Mysarbia sejanus sejanus (Hoppfer, 1874), Mysarbia sejanus erythrostigma (Ršber, 1925), Arnysoria galgala (Hewitson, 1866), Mimardaris aetata (Godman & Salvin, 1879), Mimardaris Umax (Evans, 1951), Mimardaris mlnthe (Godman & Salvin, 1879), Mimardaris montra (Evans, 1951), Mimardaris pityusa (Hewitson, 1875), Mimardaris porus poms (Evans, 1951), Mimardaris porus mortis (Evans, 1951), Mimardaris sela sela (Hewitson, 1866), Mimardaris sela aequatorea (Róber, 1925), Mimardaris sela chanchamayonis (Draudt, 1924), Mimardaris sela periphema (Hewitson, [1875]), and Mimardaris sela peruviana (Draudt, 1921). The following is a new synonym: Tamyris hygieia C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867 of Pyrrhopyga [sic] zereda Hewitson, 1866. Mysarbia sejanus stolli Mielke, ssp. n. is a replacement name for Papilio thasus Stoll, 1781, preoccupied by Stoll, 1780.