OBJETIVOS: Analisar o perfil sociodemográfico e comportamental dos parceiros sexuais, a proporção daqueles inadequadamente tratados e os motivos da não realização do tratamento. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo cuja coleta de dados ocorreu de maio a outubro de 2008, em cinco maternidades públicas de Fortaleza, Ceará. Foram aplicados questionários às parturientes internadas com sífilis que informaram ter parceiro sexual fixo. Foram analisadas as variáveis sociodemográficas e as relacionadas à comunicação, diagnóstico e tratamento dos parceiros sexuais. Os dados foram digitados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences e foram analisados por meio de distribuições de frequências, de medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 56 parturientes. Os parceiros sexuais tinham média de idade de 29 anos, menos de 7 anos de estudo (50%), atividade laboral (82,1%), renda familiar inferior a 1 salário-mínimo (6,4%). Eram o pai da criança 92,9 e 69,6% moravam com a parturiente. Faziam uso de álcool e drogas 50 e 12%, respectivamente. Foram comunicados do diagnóstico 75,0% parceiros, a comunicação foi feita pela própria mulher em 78,6% casos e ficaram sabendo do resultado do exame de VDRL antes ou durante o pré-natal, 59,5%. Não revelaram o diagnóstico 25,0% mulheres e os motivos alegados foram: desconhecer a importância do tratamento do parceiro (50,0%), não ter estado com este parceiro após o diagnóstico (42,9%) e estar brigada (7,1%). Dos que souberam do diagnóstico antes ou durante o pré-natal, 56,0% foram tratados e 6 (42,8%) foram considerados adequadamente tratados. Dentre os que não receberam tratamento, 63,6% se recusaram por não se sentir doentes, não acreditar no tratamento e medo de injeção. CONCLUSÕES: Os parceiros são comunicados do diagnóstico de sífilis da gestante; entretanto, poucos são adequadamente tratados.
PURPOSES: To analyze the sociodemographic and behavioral profile of sex partners, the proportion of those inadequately treated as well as to verify how many of them were inadequately treated and why some were not treated. METHODS: Quantitative study with data collected from May to October, 2008 at five public maternities in Fortaleza, Ceará. A survey was carried out with parturients who were hospitalized with syphilis and had a stable sex partner. We analyzed sociodemographic variables and those related to communication, diagnosis and treatment of sex partners. The data were entered into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and were analyzed using frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion. RESULTS: The study included 56 pregnant women. Most sexual partners were young adults aged on average 29 years, 50% of them had studied for less than seven years, 82.1 worked and 46.4% had a family income of less than a minimum wage. Of all the partners, 92.9% were the child's father and 69.6% lived with the women. Fifty percent and 12% were alcohol and drug users, respectively. Most partners (75.0%) were told about the diagnosis by the women, and in 78.6% of cases they were aware of the VDRL result before or during the prenatal period. However, 25.0% of the women did not communicate the result to their partners for the following reasons: not knowing the importance of the partner's treatment (50.0%), not being together after the diagnosis (42.9%) and having a quarrel (7.1%). Of the partners who were informed about the result before or during the prenatal period, 56.0% were treated and six (42.8%) were considered to have been properly treated. Among the ones who did not receive treatment, 63.6% refused it because they did not feel sick, because they did not believe in the treatment and because they were afraid of injections. CONCLUSIONS: Partners are told about the syphilis diagnosis of the pregnant women; however, only a few are properly treated.