Resumo: Objetivo: caracterizar o desenvolvimento de pesquisas pelos docentes do curso médico da Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE). Material e método: estudo descritivo, censitário, com 246 docentes da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Quatro alunos de iniciação científica utilizaram dois instrumentos para coleta; as questões abertas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: 74,4% desses docentes eram professores, 47,1% especialistas, 34,5% mestres e 14,2% doutores; 82,5% já realizaram pesquisa, 51,2% com iniciação científica. De janeiro de 1999 a agosto de 2002, 68,3% desenvolveram pesquisa, 48,8% com iniciação científica: 48,3% referiram falta de financiamento como o maior obstáculo: apenas 30,9% tiveram financiamento, sendo o CNPq a principal fonte (42,3%). O interesse científico motivou pesquisas (76,8%), esperavam fazer descobertas científicas (53,0%) e adquirir novos conhecimentos (41,7%). Metade dos projetos divulgou seus resultados, sobretudo em eventos científicos nacionais. Conclusões: é preciso estimular as potencialidades da UPE para que constitua um recanto privilegiado de interação professor-aluno no processo de ensino-aprendizagem-pesquisa.
Abstract: The objective of this article was to characterize the development of research by the medical school faculty of the University of Permmbuco (UPE), Brazi1. This was a descriptive survey with a total of 246 faculty members (professor and instructors), at the School of Medicine and Institute of Biological Science. Four first-year science fellows used two instruments for the suvey. The open questions were submitted to a content analysis. Of the faculty members, 74.4% had professor status, 47.1% were specialists, 34.5% had Master’s degrees, and 14.2% were PhDs; 82,5% had conducted research, 51.2% of whom with science initiation grants. From january 1999 to august 2002, 68.3% conducted rescarch, 48.8%, with Science initiation grants; 48.3% reported lack of funding as the main obstacl to conducting research; only 30.9% received funding with the National Research Council (CNPq) as the main sorce (42.3%). Motivations for the research included scientific interest (76.8%), the expectation of making scientific discoveries (53.0%), and the hope of acquiring new knowledge (41.7%). Half of the projects had their results disseminated, especially at national scientific events. The authors conclude that it is neressary to sstimulate the potentialities at UPE in order for it to become a prime center for faculty-study interaction in the teaching-learning-research.