Resumo O estudo objetivou examinar a associação entre agrupamentos de atividade física (AF), dieta e tempo de televisão (TV) com o status do peso em uma amostra representativa de estudantes brasileiros. Foram analisados dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) 2015 (n = 16.521; idade média 14,8, desvio padrão de 0,03 ano). AF (minutos/semana no lazer e deslocamento para/da escola), assistir televisão (TV) (horas/dia), consumo semanal de doces, refrigerantes, alimentos ultraprocessados/fast-foods, saladas/vegetais e frutas foram coletadas por questionário validado. Análise de classes latentes definiu os perfis de comportamento e a regressão logística binária a associação entre agrupamento e status de peso. Foram identificadas seis classes com comportamentos positivos e negativos. Adolescentes pertencentes à classe “baixo tempo de TV e alta alimentação saudável” apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter sobrepeso/obesidade em comparação com seus pares na classe “AF moderada e dieta mista”. Não foram encontradas associações nos outros perfis. Classes com comportamentos saudáveis e não saudáveis caracterizaram o estilo de vida dos adolescentes e estiveram relacionadas com o status de peso. AF, , (AF) (TV brasileiros PeNSE (PeNSE 201 n 16.521 16521 16 521 148 14 8 14,8 003 0 03 0,0 ano. ano . ano) minutos/semana minutossemana minutos semana parada para escola, escola escola) horas/dia, horasdia horas/dia horas dia (horas/dia) doces refrigerantes ultraprocessados/fastfoods, ultraprocessadosfastfoods ultraprocessados/fast foods, ultraprocessados fast foods ultraprocessados/fast-foods saladasvegetais saladas vegetais validado negativos baixo saudável sobrepesoobesidade sobrepeso obesidade mista. mista mista” (AF 20 16.52 1652 1 52 14, 00 0, (horas/dia fastfoods ultraprocessados/fastfoods ultraprocessadosfast 2 16.5 165 5 16.
Abstract This study aimed to examine the association between clusters of physical activity (PA), diet, and television viewing (TV) with weight status among a representative sample of Brazilian students. Data from the National Health School-based Survey (PeNSE) 2015 were analyzed (n = 16,521; mean age 14.8, standard deviation 0.03 year). PA (minutes/week spent in leisure-time, and commuting to/from school), TV (hours/day), and weekly consumption of deep-fried empanadas, candies, sodas, ultra-processed foods, fast foods, green salads or vegetables, and fruits were self-reported on the validated PeNSE questionnaire. Latent class analysis defined behavior classes, and binary logistic regression assessed the association between clustering and weight status. Six classes’ types with positive and negative behaviors were identified. Adolescents belonging to the “low TV time and high healthy diet” class had higher chances of being overweight (including obesity) compared to their peers in the “moderate PA and mixed diet” class. No associations were found in the other clusters. Mixed classes with healthy and unhealthy behaviors characterized adolescents’ lifestyles and these profiles were related to weight status. PA, , (PA) diet (TV students Schoolbased School based (PeNSE 201 n 16,521 16521 16 521 148 14 8 14.8 003 0 03 0.0 year. year . year) minutes/week minutesweek minutes week leisuretime, leisuretime leisure time, leisure-time tofrom school, school school) hours/day, hoursday hours/day hours day (hours/day) deepfried deep fried empanadas candies sodas ultraprocessed ultra processed foods vegetables selfreported self reported questionnaire identified low including obesity moderate adolescents (PA 20 16,52 1652 1 52 14. 00 0. (hours/day 2 16,5 165 5 16,