RESUMO Objetivo Analisar, pela verificação eletroacústica de mapeamento de fala a 65 dB NPS, o Speech Intelligibility Index, com o algoritmo de autopercepção de fala ativado e desativado em idosos usuários de próteses auditivas. Métodos Trata-se de estudo observacional transversal. Participaram 40 idosos com perda auditiva neurossensorial bilateral simétrica de grau leve a severo, idade entre 60 e 80 anos, que frequentavam um centro auditivo, usuários de dispositivos da marca Rexton, com receptor no canal, (Receiver In the Canal - RIC), plataforma My Core e com o algoritmo de autopercepção de fala. Após avaliação audiológica, as próteses auditivas foram programadas utilizando-se o método prescritivo NAL/NL2 (National Acoustic Laboratories/ Non linear 2) e ajustes finos realizados conforme necessidades individuais. O algoritmo de autopercepção de fala foi calibrado e, depois de realizada a verificação eletroacústica, foi quantificado o Speech Inteligibility Index. A verificação eletroacústica foi realizada com e sem o algoritmo de autopercepção da fala habilitado. A análise estatística foi realizada com o software SPSS Statistics, versão 28.0. O valor de significância estatística foi igual a 5% (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados Na orelha direita, sem o algoritmo ativado, o Speech Inteligibility Index médio foi de 58,9% (±14,7) e ativado, 57,85% (±14,8). Na orelha esquerda, sem ativação do algoritmo, o Speech Inteligibility Index médio foi 63,1% (±15,13) e com ativação, 61,9% (±15,2). Houve significância estatística entre o Speech Inteligibility Index obtido com o algoritmo ativado e desativado (p<0,001). Nas duas orelhas, com o algoritmo de autopercepção ativado, o Speech Inteligibility Index médio foi menor que sem o algoritmo ativado. Conclusão Há redução do Speech Inteligibility Index com algoritmo de autopercepção de fala ativado no máximo. Analisar 6 NPS Tratase Trata se transversal 4 severo 8 anos auditivo Rexton canal Receiver RIC, RIC , RIC) audiológica utilizandose utilizando NALNL2 NALNL NAL NL2 NL NAL/NL National Laboratories 2 individuais habilitado Statistics 280 28 0 28.0 5 p 0,05. 005 0,05 . 05 0,05) direita 589 58 9 58,9 ±14,7 147 14 7 (±14,7 5785 57 85 57,85 ±14,8. 148 ±14,8 (±14,8) esquerda 631 63 1 63,1 ±15,13 1513 15 13 (±15,13 619 61 61,9 ±15,2. 152 ±15,2 (±15,2) p<0,001. p0001 p<0,001 001 (p<0,001) orelhas máximo 28. 00 0,0 58, ±14, (±14, 578 57,8 (±14,8 63, ±15,1 151 (±15,1 61, ±15, (±15,2 p000 p<0,00 (p<0,001 0, ±14 (±14 57, (±15, ±15 p00 p<0,0 (p<0,00 ±1 (±1 (±15 p0 p<0, (p<0,0 ± (± p<0 (p<0, ( p< (p<0 (p<
ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze, by electroacoustic verification at 65 dB SPL, the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII), with the speech self-perception algorithm activated and deactivated in elderly hearing aid users. Methods This is a cross-sectional observational study. The participants were 40 older adults with mild to severe bilateral symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss, aged between 60 and 80 years, who attended a hearing center, users of Rexton receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) devices, My Core platform with speech Self-perception algorithm. After an audiological evaluation, the hearing aids were programmed using the NAL/NL2 prescriptive method and fine-tuned according to individual needs. The speech self-perception algorithm was calibrated and after performing the electroacoustic verification, the Speech Intelligibility Index was quantified. Electroacoustic verification was performed with and without the self-perception of speech algorithm enabled. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS Statistics software, version 28.0. The statistical significance value was equal to 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results In the right ear, without activation of the algorithm, the average SII was 58.9% (±14.7) and with activation, 57.85% (±14.8). In the left ear, without activation of the algorithm, the SSI was 63.1% (±15.13) and with activation, 61.9% (±15.2). There was statistical significance between the SII obtained with the algorithm on and off (p<0.001). In both ears, with the self-perception activated algorithm activated, the mean SII was lower than without. Conclusion There is a reduction in SII with the self-perception of speech algorithm activated in strong mode. analyze 6 SPL SII, , (SII) selfperception self perception crosssectional cross sectional study 4 loss 8 years center receiverinthecanal receiver canal RIC (RIC devices Selfperception Self evaluation NALNL2 NALNL NAL NL2 NL NAL/NL finetuned fine tuned needs quantified enabled software 280 28 0 28.0 5 p 0.05. 005 0.05 . 05 0.05) ear 589 58 9 58.9 ±14.7 147 14 7 (±14.7 5785 57 85 57.85 ±14.8. 148 ±14.8 (±14.8) 631 63 1 63.1 ±15.13 1513 15 13 (±15.13 619 61 61.9 ±15.2. 152 ±15.2 2 (±15.2) p<0.001. p0001 p<0.001 001 (p<0.001) ears mode (SII 28. 00 0.0 58. ±14. (±14. 578 57.8 (±14.8 63. ±15.1 151 (±15.1 61. ±15. (±15.2 p000 p<0.00 (p<0.001 0. ±14 (±14 57. (±15. ±15 p00 p<0.0 (p<0.00 ±1 (±1 (±15 p0 p<0. (p<0.0 ± (± p<0 (p<0. ( p< (p<0 (p<