Resumo Objetivo identificar a prevalência de multimorbidade em pessoas idosas residentes na zona rural e os fatores sociodemográficos, comportamentais e clínico-terapêuticos associados. Método estudo transversal, realizado com idosos residentes na zona rural de Araçagi, Paraíba, Brasil, vinculados à Estratégia Saúde da Família e selecionados aleatoriamente. A variável dependente do estudo foi a multimorbidade, entendida como a presença de duas ou mais condições crônicas em um só indivíduo. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário sociodemográfico e um formulário sobre problemas de saúde autorreferidos, abordando 32 condições. Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se a estatística univariada, bivariada e regressão de Poisson. Resultados participaram do estudo 360 idosos com prevalência de multimorbidade de 54,2% (IC95%: 49,0–59,3). Após regressão, identificou-se que sexo feminino (RP=1,16; IC95%: 1,09–1,25), idade ≥ 70 anos (RP=1,08; IC95%: 1,01–1,15), sobrepeso (RP=1,19; IC95%: 1,10–1,29), acesso a água tratada e encanada (RP=1,09; IC95%: 1,00–1,18), histórico de tabagismo (RP=1,10; IC95%: 1,03–1,17), não fazer uso de álcool (RP=1,13; IC95%: 1,05–1,22), dor crônica (RP=1,18; IC95%: 1,10–1,26), hospital como primeira opção de serviço de saúde (RP=1,12; IC95%: 1,03–1,21) e consulta médica no último ano (RP=1,19; IC95%: 1,11–1,27) eram fatores associados à multimorbidade. Conclusão o estudo revelou alta prevalência de multimorbidade e seus fatores associados. Por fim, torna-se viável o planejamento de medidas que melhorem a condição de saúde desses indivíduos e pensar em possibilidades de promover um envelhecimento saudável. sociodemográficos clínicoterapêuticos clínico terapêuticos transversal Araçagi Paraíba Brasil aleatoriamente indivíduo autorreferidos 3 utilizouse utilizou se univariada Poisson 36 542 54 2 54,2 IC95% IC95 IC (IC95% 49,0–59,3. 490593 49,0–59,3 . 49 0 59 49,0–59,3) identificouse identificou RP=1,16 RP116 RP 1 16 (RP=1,16 1,09–1,25, 109125 1,09–1,25 , 09 25 1,09–1,25) 7 RP=1,08 RP108 08 (RP=1,08 1,01–1,15, 101115 1,01–1,15 01 15 1,01–1,15) RP=1,19 RP119 19 (RP=1,19 1,10–1,29, 110129 1,10–1,29 10 29 1,10–1,29) RP=1,09 RP109 (RP=1,09 1,00–1,18, 100118 1,00–1,18 00 18 1,00–1,18) RP=1,10 RP110 (RP=1,10 1,03–1,17, 103117 1,03–1,17 03 17 1,03–1,17) RP=1,13 RP113 13 (RP=1,13 1,05–1,22, 105122 1,05–1,22 05 22 1,05–1,22) RP=1,18 RP118 (RP=1,18 1,10–1,26, 110126 1,10–1,26 26 1,10–1,26) RP=1,12 RP112 12 (RP=1,12 1,03–1,21 103121 21 1,11–1,27 111127 11 27 fim tornase torna saudável 5 54, IC9 (IC95 49059 49,0–59, 4 RP=1,1 RP11 (RP=1,1 10912 1,09–1,2 RP=1,0 RP10 (RP=1,0 10111 1,01–1,1 11012 1,10–1,2 10011 1,00–1,1 10311 1,03–1,1 10512 1,05–1,2 1,03–1,2 10312 1,11–1,2 11112 (IC9 4905 49,0–59 RP=1, RP1 (RP=1, 1091 1,09–1, 1011 1,01–1, 1101 1,10–1, 1001 1,00–1, 1031 1,03–1, 1051 1,05–1, 1,11–1, 1111 (IC 490 49,0–5 RP=1 (RP=1 109 1,09–1 101 1,01–1 110 1,10–1 100 1,00–1 103 1,03–1 105 1,05–1 1,11–1 111 49,0– RP= (RP= 1,09– 1,01– 1,10– 1,00– 1,03– 1,05– 1,11– 49,0 (RP 1,09 1,01 1,10 1,00 1,03 1,05 1,11 49, 1,0 1,1 1,
Abstract Objective to identify the prevalence of multimorbidity in elderly people living in rural areas and associated sociodemographic, behavioral and clinical-therapeutic factors. Method cross-sectional study, conducted with randomly selected elderly residents in the rural area of Araçagi, Paraíba, Brazil, linked to the Family Health Strategy. The dependent variable of the study was multimorbidity, understood as the presence of two or more chronic conditions in a single individual. Data were collected through a sociodemographic questionnaire and a form about self-reported health problems, addressing 32 conditions. Univariate and bivariate statistics and Poisson regression were used in the data analysis, considering significant when p-value <0.05. Results 360 elderly subjects participated in the study, with a 54.2% (95%CI: 49,0–59,3) prevalence of multimorbidity. After regression, it was identified that female gender (PR=1,16; 95%CI: 1,09–1,25), age ≥70 years (PR=1,08; 95%CI: 1,01–1,15), overweight (PR=1,19; 95%CI: 1,10–1,29), access to treated and piped water (PR=1,09; 95%CI: 1,00–1,18), smoking history (PR=1,10; 95%CI: 1,03–1,17), not using alcohol (PR=1,13; 95%CI: 1,05–1,22), chronic pain (PR=1,18; 95%CI: 1,10–1,26), hospital as first choice of health service (PR=1,12; 95%CI: 1,03–1,21) and medical consultation in the last year (PR=1,19; 95%CI: 1,11–1,27) were factors associated with multimorbidity. Conclusion the study revealed a high prevalence of multimorbidity and its associated factors. Finally, it becomes feasible to plan measures that improve the health condition of these individuals and think of possibilities to promote healthy aging. clinicaltherapeutic clinical therapeutic crosssectional cross sectional Araçagi Paraíba Brazil Strategy individual selfreported self reported problems 3 analysis pvalue p value 005 0 05 <0.05 36 542 54 2 54.2 95%CI 95CI CI 95 (95%CI 49,0–59,3 490593 49 59 PR=1,16 PR116 PR 1 16 (PR=1,16 1,09–1,25, 109125 1,09–1,25 , 09 25 1,09–1,25) 70 ≥7 PR=1,08 PR108 08 (PR=1,08 1,01–1,15, 101115 1,01–1,15 01 15 1,01–1,15) PR=1,19 PR119 19 (PR=1,19 1,10–1,29, 110129 1,10–1,29 10 29 1,10–1,29) PR=1,09 PR109 (PR=1,09 1,00–1,18, 100118 1,00–1,18 00 18 1,00–1,18) PR=1,10 PR110 (PR=1,10 1,03–1,17, 103117 1,03–1,17 03 17 1,03–1,17) PR=1,13 PR113 13 (PR=1,13 1,05–1,22, 105122 1,05–1,22 22 1,05–1,22) PR=1,18 PR118 (PR=1,18 1,10–1,26, 110126 1,10–1,26 26 1,10–1,26) PR=1,12 PR112 12 (PR=1,12 1,03–1,21 103121 21 1,11–1,27 111127 11 27 Finally aging <0.0 5 54. 9 49,0–59, 49059 4 PR=1,1 PR11 (PR=1,1 10912 1,09–1,2 7 ≥ PR=1,0 PR10 (PR=1,0 10111 1,01–1,1 11012 1,10–1,2 10011 1,00–1,1 10311 1,03–1,1 10512 1,05–1,2 1,03–1,2 10312 1,11–1,2 11112 <0. 49,0–59 4905 PR=1, PR1 (PR=1, 1091 1,09–1, 1011 1,01–1, 1101 1,10–1, 1001 1,00–1, 1031 1,03–1, 1051 1,05–1, 1,11–1, 1111 <0 49,0–5 490 PR=1 (PR=1 109 1,09–1 101 1,01–1 110 1,10–1 100 1,00–1 103 1,03–1 105 1,05–1 1,11–1 111 < 49,0– PR= (PR= 1,09– 1,01– 1,10– 1,00– 1,03– 1,05– 1,11– 49,0 (PR 1,09 1,01 1,10 1,00 1,03 1,05 1,11 49, 1,0 1,1 1,