Objetivo: Comparar el estado nutricional de los pacientes ingresados con VIH/sida durante los años 2002 y 2004 en el Hospital México Materiales y métodos: Todo paciente ingresado al Hospital México con el diagnóstico de VIH/sida fue sometido a una valoración nutricional general que incluía la determinación del peso, la talla y el IMC. Resultados: En 2002 se evaluó a 59 pacientes. Un 91,6% de ellos fueron hombres y un 8,4%, mujeres. El peso promedio fue de 54,3 ± 10,3kg para un IMC promedio de 19,3: t 12,6 kg/m². Un 31,4% presentó un IMC < a 18,5 kg/m², un 59,0% entre 18,6 y 25 kg/m²y un 9,5% un IMC mayor a 25 kg/m².En 2004 se evaluó a 71 pacientes, un 16,9% eran mujeres. El peso promedio fue de 59,1 ± 12,7 kg para un IMC promedio de 21,1 ± 4,5 kg/m².Un 25,3% de los pacientes estudiados tuvieron un IMC < 18,5 kg/m²; un 61,9%, un IMC normal y un 12,6%, un IMC > 25 kg/m².Los pacientes evaluados en 2004 tuvieron el peso promedio mayor en 4,8 kg y el IMC promedio superior en 1,9 kg/m². El porcentaje de pacientes con desnutrición fue del 6,1% menor en 2004 y el de pacientes con IMC normal fue del 2,9% mayor. Conclusiones: El estado nutricional de los pacientes con VIH - Sida ingresados en el Hospital México en 2004 fue superior con respecto a los de 2002.
Aim: To compare the nutritional status of the patients admitted to the Hospital México, San José, Costa Rica, for HIV/aids during 2002 and during 2004. Materials and methods: Every patient admitted during the year 2002 and 2004 to the Hospital México with the diagnosis of HIV/aids, was assessed for a general nutritional condition. The evaluation included weight, height and body mass index (BMI). Both groups were then compared. Results: Fifty nine patients were admitted and evaluated during 2002. Ninety one point six percent were males and 8.4% females. The mean weight was of 54.36 ± 10.3 k and the mean BMI was 19,3 ± 12,6 kg/m². Thirty one point four percent of the patients had a BMI < 18,5 kg/m² 59,0% had a BMI between 18,6 and 25 kg/m²,and 9,5% had a BMI over 25 kg/m². For 2004, there were 71 patients evaluated, of whom 16,9 % were females. Their mean weight was of 59,1 ± 12,7 kg their mean BMI was 21,1 ± 4, 50 kg/m². Of the total of patients studied 25,35% had a BMI < 18,5 kg/m², 61,97% had a normal BMI and 12,68% had a BMI > 25 kg/m². The mean weight of the patients evaluated during 2004 was 4,7 kg higher than that of those seen during 2002, and their BMI was 1.88kg/m² higher. The percentage of patients with BMI lower than normal decreased in 6.07% between 2002 and 2004 and the percentage of patients with normal BMI increased by 2,9%. Conclusions: The nutritional condition of the patients admitted for HIV/aids at the Hospital Mexico, improved between 2002 and 2004.