Resumo Objetivos: analisar os fatores associados à participação das gestantes em atividades educativas e sua indicação à maternidade de referência ao parto durante o pré-natal. Métodos: estudo longitudinal multicêntrico realizado em três maternidades. Utilizou-se entrevista realizada logo após o parto e os desfechos avaliados foram a participação em atividade educativa no pré-natal e a indicação da maternidade de referência ao parto. Utilizou-se Regressão de Poisson na análise do modelo hierárquico proposto. Resultados: das 3438participantes, 23,2%participaram de atividades educativas e 61,2% tiveram o parto referenciadoà uma maternidade. As mulheres com maior renda familiar (RP= 1,36; IC95%= 1,04–1,77), com aumento em um ano na idade RP= 1,02; IC95%= 1,01–1,04), primeira gestação RP= 1,84; IC95%= 1,56–2,17) e que praticavam atividade física RP= 1,28; IC95%= 1,09–1,50) tiveram maior prevalência de participação nas atividades educativas. A indicação da maternidade foi mais frequente entre as mulheres com maior renda familiar RP= 1,15; IC95%= 1,01–1,30), escolaridade (RP= 1,01; IC95%=1,00–1,02), não tabagistas (RP= 1,31; IC95%= 1,07–1,61) e usuárias de drogas (RP= 1,44; IC95%= 1,17–1,77). Conclusões: apesar da ampla cobertura, o pré-natal ainda apresenta falhas nas ações educativas e na indicação da maternidade de referência. Objetivos prénatal. prénatal pré natal. natal Métodos maternidades Utilizouse Utilizou se proposto Resultados 3438participantes participantes 232participaram participaram 23 2 612 61 61,2 RP (RP 1,36 136 1 36 IC95 IC IC95% 1,04–1,77, 104177 1,04–1,77 , 04 77 1,04–1,77) 1,02 102 02 1,01–1,04, 101104 1,01–1,04 01 1,01–1,04) 1,84 184 84 1,56–2,17 156217 56 17 1,28 128 28 1,09–1,50 109150 09 50 1,15 115 15 1,01–1,30, 101130 1,01–1,30 30 1,01–1,30) 1,01 101 IC95%=1,00–1,02, IC95100102 IC95%=1,00–1,02 00 IC95%=1,00–1,02) 1,31 131 31 1,07–1,61 107161 07 1,44 144 44 1,17–1,77. 117177 1,17–1,77 . 1,17–1,77) Conclusões cobertura 6 61, 1,3 13 3 IC9 10417 1,04–1,7 0 7 1,0 10 10110 1,01–1,0 1,8 18 8 1,56–2,1 15621 5 1,2 12 1,09–1,5 10915 1,1 11 10113 1,01–1,3 IC9510010 IC95%=1,00–1,0 1,07–1,6 10716 1,4 14 4 11717 1,17–1,7 1, 1041 1,04–1, 1011 1,01–1, 1,56–2, 1562 1,09–1, 1091 IC951001 IC95%=1,00–1, 1,07–1, 1071 1171 1,17–1, 104 1,04–1 1,01–1 1,56–2 156 1,09–1 109 IC95100 IC95%=1,00–1 1,07–1 107 117 1,17–1 1,04– 1,01– 1,56– 1,09– IC9510 IC95%=1,00– 1,07– 1,17– 1,04 1,56 1,09 IC951 IC95%=1,00 1,07 1,17 1,5 IC95%=1,0 IC95%=1, IC95%=1
Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the associated factors in the participation of educational activities and the indication of maternity reference of the birth given for the women during prenatal. Methods: A multicenter longitudinal study was conducted in three maternity hospitals. The interview was carried out soon after the childbirth and the outcomes evaluated were the participation of educational activities during the prenatal and the indication of birth maternity reference. The Poisson regression was used in the analysis of the proposed hierarchical model. Results: Of the 3438 women, 23.2% participated in the educative activities and 61.2% had the childbirth linked to a reference maternity. The women with higher household income (PR= 1.36; CI95%= 1.04–1.77), increase in age by one year (PR= 1.02; CI95%= 1.01–1.04), first pregnancy (PR= 1.84; CI95%= 1.56–2.17), and who practiced physical activity (PR= 1.28; CI95%= 1.09–1.50) had higher prevalence in the participation on the educational activities. The indication of maternity reference was more frequent between the women with higher household income (PR= 1.15; CI95%= 1.01–1.30), education (PR= 1.01; CI95%= 1.00–1.02), non-smoker (PR= 1.31; CI95%= 1.07–1.61), and drug user (PR= 1.44; CI95%= 1.17–1.77). Conclusions despite the wide coverage, the prenatal still has flaws in the actions of education and in the indication of the reference maternity hospital. Objectives Methods hospitals model Results 343 232 23 2 23.2 612 61 61.2 PR= PR (PR 1.36 136 1 36 CI95 CI CI95% 1.04–1.77, 104177 1.04–1.77 , 04 77 1.04–1.77) 1.02 102 02 1.01–1.04, 101104 1.01–1.04 01 1.01–1.04) 1.84 184 84 1.56–2.17, 156217 1.56–2.17 56 17 1.56–2.17) 1.28 128 28 1.09–1.50 109150 09 50 1.15 115 15 1.01–1.30, 101130 1.01–1.30 30 1.01–1.30) 1.01 101 1.00–1.02, 100102 1.00–1.02 00 1.00–1.02) nonsmoker non smoker 1.31 131 31 1.07–1.61, 107161 1.07–1.61 07 1.07–1.61) 1.44 144 44 1.17–1.77. 117177 1.17–1.77 . 1.17–1.77) coverage hospital 34 23. 6 61. 1.3 13 3 CI9 10417 1.04–1.7 0 7 1.0 10 10110 1.01–1.0 1.8 18 8 15621 1.56–2.1 5 1.2 12 1.09–1.5 10915 1.1 11 10113 1.01–1.3 10010 1.00–1.0 10716 1.07–1.6 1.4 14 4 11717 1.17–1.7 1. 1041 1.04–1. 1011 1.01–1. 1562 1.56–2. 1.09–1. 1091 1001 1.00–1. 1071 1.07–1. 1171 1.17–1. 104 1.04–1 1.01–1 156 1.56–2 1.09–1 109 100 1.00–1 107 1.07–1 117 1.17–1 1.04– 1.01– 1.56– 1.09– 1.00– 1.07– 1.17– 1.04 1.56 1.09 1.00 1.07 1.17 1.5