Abstract Yanlishuang Pills is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine used to treat pharyngitis widely. In this study, we used gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to establish a method for the fingerprint and quantitative analysis of the four major components of Yanlishuang Pills, which can provide a more reliable method for its quality control. We used the software “Chromatographic Fingerprint Similarity Evaluation System for Traditional Chinese Medicine”, version A, 2004, to obtain fingerprint using the averaging method with a time width of 0.1. The peak with the largest peak area was used as the reference peak to determine the shared peaks and generate the common pattern. Then the main components of the Yanlishuang Pills were identified and their contents were determined in GC-MS SIM mode using internal standard method.The fingerprint established by GC-MS were reproducible, and a total of 18 common peaks were identified in the fingerprint of 13 batches of samples, and the similarity of the fingerprint of each batch of samples was above 0.99. The concentrations of camphor, menthone, borneol and menthol of the four main ingredients of the Yanlishuang Pills were linearly well within the range of 25.13-150.78 μg/mL (r = 0.9995), 28.77-172.62 μg/mL (r = 0.9991), 299.70-1798.20 μg/mL (r = 0.9997), 121.98-731.88 μg/mL (r = 0.9997), and the average recoveries were 102.02% (RSD of 1.3%), 96.10% (RSD of 1.0%), 102.71% (RSD of 1.3%), 102.58% (RSD of 1.1%), respectively, with good precision, reproducibility, and stability within 16 h. The camphor content of the 13 batches of samples was 5.6025-8.3662 mg/g, menthone content was 4.7871-5.8936 mg/g, borneol content was 88.0034-133.0969 mg/g and menthol was 40.2017-61.9466 mg/g. The fingerprints of the Yanlishuang Pills established by GC-MS were characterized by a common pattern, and the simultaneous determination of camphor, menthone, borneol and menthol in the Yanlishuang Pills was rapid, simple and accurate. In conclusion, the determination of the content of multiple ingredients combined with fingerprinting can provide a more comprehensive control of the quality of Yanlishuang Pills. widely study GCMS GC MS (GC-MS Chromatographic Medicine, Medicine , Medicine” A 2004 01 0 1 0.1 pattern methodThe reproducible 099 99 0.99 25.13150.78 251315078 25.13 150.78 25 150 78 25.13-150.7 μgmL μg mL r 0.9995, 09995 0.9995 9995 0.9995) 28.77172.62 287717262 28.77 172.62 28 77 172 62 28.77-172.6 0.9991, 09991 0.9991 9991 0.9991) 299.701798.20 29970179820 299.70 1798.20 299 70 1798 20 299.70-1798.2 0.9997, 09997 0.9997 9997 0.9997) 121.98731.88 1219873188 121.98 731.88 121 98 731 88 121.98-731.8 10202 102 02 102.02 RSD 1.3%, 1.3% 3 1.3%) 9610 96 10 96.10 1.0%, 1.0% 1.0%) 10271 71 102.71 10258 58 102.58 1.1%, 11 1.1% 1.1%) respectively precision reproducibility h 5.60258.3662 5602583662 5.6025 8.3662 5 6025 8 3662 5.6025-8.366 mgg mg g 4.78715.8936 4787158936 4.7871 5.8936 4 7871 8936 4.7871-5.893 88.0034133.0969 8800341330969 88.0034 133.0969 0034 133 0969 88.0034-133.096 40.201761.9466 402017619466 40.2017 61.9466 40 2017 61 9466 40.2017-61.946 rapid accurate conclusion 200 0. 09 9 0.9 13150 25.13150.7 25131507 2513 25.1 15078 150.7 2 15 7 25.13-150. 0999 0.999 999 77172 28.77172.6 28771726 2877 28.7 17262 172.6 17 6 28.77-172. 701798 299.701798.2 2997017982 29970 299.7 179820 1798.2 29 179 299.70-1798. 98731 121.98731.8 121987318 12198 121.9 73188 731.8 12 73 121.98-731. 1020 102.0 1.3 961 96.1 1.0 1027 102.7 1025 102.5 1.1 60258 5.60258.366 560258366 56025 5.602 83662 8.366 602 366 5.6025-8.36 78715 4.78715.893 478715893 47871 4.787 58936 5.893 787 893 4.7871-5.89 0034133 88.0034133.096 880034133096 880034 88.003 1330969 133.096 003 096 88.0034-133.09 201761 40.201761.946 40201761946 402017 40.201 619466 61.946 201 946 40.2017-61.94 1315 25.13150. 2513150 251 25. 1507 150. 25.13-150 7717 28.77172. 2877172 287 28. 1726 172. 28.77-172 70179 299.701798. 299701798 2997 299. 17982 1798. 299.70-1798 9873 121.98731. 12198731 1219 121. 7318 731. 121.98-731 102. 1. 96. 5.60258.36 56025836 5602 5.60 8366 8.36 60 36 5.6025-8.3 4.78715.89 47871589 4787 4.78 5893 5.89 89 4.7871-5.8 003413 88.0034133.09 88003413309 88003 88.00 133096 133.09 00 88.0034-133.0 20176 40.201761.94 4020176194 40201 40.20 61946 61.94 94 40.2017-61.9 131 25.13150 251315 25.13-15 771 28.77172 287717 28.77-17 7017 299.701798 29970179 299.70-179 987 121.98731 1219873 121.98-73 5.60258.3 5602583 560 5.6 836 8.3 5.6025-8. 4.78715.8 4787158 478 4.7 589 5.8 4.7871-5. 00341 88.0034133.0 8800341330 8800 88.0 13309 133.0 88.0034-133. 40.201761.9 402017619 4020 40.2 6194 61.9 40.2017-61. 25.1315 25131 25.13-1 28.7717 28771 28.77-1 701 299.70179 2997017 299.70-17 121.9873 121987 121.98-7 5.60258. 560258 56 5. 83 8. 5.6025-8 4.78715. 478715 47 4. 4.7871-5 88.0034133. 880034133 880 88. 1330 133. 88.0034-133 40.201761. 40201761 402 40. 619 61. 40.2017-61 25.131 25.13- 28.771 28.77- 299.7017 299701 299.70-1 121.987 121.98- 5.60258 5.6025- 4.78715 4.7871- 88.0034133 88003413 88.0034-13 40.201761 4020176 40.2017-6 299.701 299.70- 88.003413 8800341 88.0034-1 40.20176 40.2017- 88.00341 88.0034-