ABSTRACT Purpose: Research in high-income countries has extensively documented the non-operative management of spleen injuries in children, resulting in low splenectomy rates (5%). However, there is a lack of literature on this topic in low- and-middle-income countries (LMICs), including Brazil. This scoping review analyzed pediatric spleen trauma research trends in Brazil and the United States of America (USA). Methods: Search strategy was conducted across five databases, considering articles published in English or Portuguese from January 1968 to 2023 that reported spleen injury in patients younger than 18 years old in Brazil or the USA. Two pairs of independent reviewers screened the title and the abstract, followed by a full-text review. Results: The total of 7,150 studies was identified, of which 295 were eligible for data extraction. Most papers (98.64%, 301) originated from the USA, while only 1.36% (4) were from Brazil. In addition, 46.44% (137) articles reported intrabdominal injury, including splenic trauma, 16.27% (48) liver and spleen injury, and 37.29% (110) reported isolated spleen injury. The operative rate for spleen injury was 11.33% in American studies (40,812/359,926) compared to 98.57% (137/139) in Brazilian studies. Conclusions: Brazil contributed only with four studies on pediatric splenic trauma over two decades. Future studies should explore the incidence and management of splenic trauma in LMICs. Purpose highincome high income nonoperative non children 5%. 5 5% . (5%) However andmiddleincome middle LMICs, LMICs , (LMICs) USA (USA) Methods databases 196 202 1 abstract fulltext full text Results 7150 7 150 7,15 identified 29 extraction 98.64%, 9864 98 64 (98.64% 301 136 36 1.36 4 (4 addition 4644 46 44 46.44 137 (137 1627 16 27 16.27 48 (48 3729 37 37.29 110 (110 1133 11 33 11.33 40,812/359,926 40812359926 40 812 359 926 (40,812/359,926 9857 57 98.57 137/139 137139 139 (137/139 Conclusions decades (5% (LMICs (USA 19 20 715 15 7,1 2 98.64% 986 9 6 (98.64 30 13 3 1.3 ( 464 46.4 (13 162 16.2 372 37.2 (11 113 11.3 40,812/359,92 4081235992 81 35 92 (40,812/359,92 985 98.5 137/13 13713 (137/13 (5 71 7, 98.64 (98.6 1. 46. (1 16. 37. 11. 40,812/359,9 408123599 8 (40,812/359,9 98. 137/1 1371 (137/1 98.6 (98. 40,812/359, 40812359 (40,812/359, 137/ (137/ (98 40,812/359 4081235 (40,812/359 (9 40,812/35 408123 (40,812/35 40,812/3 40812 (40,812/3 40,812/ 4081 (40,812/ 40,812 408 (40,812 40,81 (40,81 40,8 (40,8 40, (40, (40