Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o efeito do tipo de diesel e da concentração de biodiesel na mistura combustível sobre as emissões de gases por motor agrícola submetido a diferentes cargas. Foram testados dois tipos de diesel: S10, com baixo teor de enxofre; e S500, com alto teor de enxofre; bem como suas misturas com 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 e 100% de biodiesel. O motor, de quatro cilindros, turboalimentado e com 105 cv de potência máxima, foi submetido a oito modos de operação, sob diferentes rotações e torques. O ensaio seguiu a metodologia prevista na norma NBR ISSO 8174-4:2012, tendo-se analisado as emissões de O2, CO2, NO2, NO, CO e de hidrocarbonetos (HC). Somente as emissões de HC foram influenciadas pelo tipo de diesel utilizado. As emissões de NO2 e O2 aumentaram com o aumento da concentração de biodiesel na mistura, enquanto as emissões de CO2, NO, CO e HC diminuíram. A carga aplicada ao motor esteve diretamente relacionada às emissões, exceto para O2. O combustível S10, com 20% de biodiesel, reduz as emissões, em comparação ao diesel comercial (S500), sem perda no desempenho do motor.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to quantify the effect of diesel type and of biodiesel concentrations in the fuel mixture on gas emissions from an agricultural engine subjected to different loads. Two diesel types were tested: S10, with low sulfur content; and S500, with high sulfur content; as well as their mixtures with 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, and 100% biodiesel. The engine, with four cylinders, turbocharged, and with 105-hp maximum power, was subjected to eight operation modes, under different rotations and torques. The assay followed the methodology set out in standard NBR ISO 8174-4:2012, and the emissions of O2, CO2, NO2, NO, CO, and hydrocarbons (HC) were analyzed. Only the HC emissions were affected by the type of diesel used. The NO2 and O2 emissions increased with greater concentration of biodiesel in the mixture, whereas the CO2, NO, CO, and HC emissions reduced. The load applied to the engine was directly related to the emissions, except for O2. The S10 fuel, with 20% biodiesel, reduces emissions, when compared to the commercial diesel (S500), without losing engine performance.