RESUMO O objetivo da presente revisão foi analisar os efeitos do número de toques na bola, nas respostas físicas e fisiológicas de durante pequenos jogos de futebol. Foram realizadas buscas eletrônicas nas bases de dados: “Web of Science”, “Scopus” e “PubMed”, utilizando os descritores “Small-sided games”; “Intensity”; “Touches”; “Soccer”; “Soccer players”; “Modified rules”. A estratégia PICO foi utilizada e o grupo de palavras foi combinado em duplas ou trios, utilizando os conectores OR e AND. Foram considerados apenas os artigos publicados entre 2010 e 2022. Foram excluídos: (a) anais e suplementos de eventos científicos, (b) revisões, artigos editoriais e de validação de instrumentos, e (c) estudos com mulheres. De 578 estudos, 9 foram selecionados e analisados. De um modo geral, a adoção da regra de limite de toques na bola aumentou as respostas fisiológicas, embora tenham sido observadas discrepâncias entre os estudos quanto as respostas físicas, devemos considerar as diferenças metodológicas entre os estudos. Concluímos que manipular o número de toques de bola permitidos por posse de bola influencia as respostas fisiológicas dos jogadores. Especificamente, maior intensidade é esperada em SSGs com menos toques de bola permitidos. Por outro lado, as respostas físicas não são influenciadas por esta regra. futebol dados Web Science, Science , Science” Scopus “Scopus PubMed, PubMed “PubMed” Smallsided Small sided games games” Intensity “Intensity” Touches “Touches” Soccer “Soccer” players players” Modified rules. rules . rules” trios AND 201 2022 excluídos (a científicos b (b revisões instrumentos c (c mulheres 57 analisados geral jogadores Especificamente lado “PubMed “Intensity “Touches 20 202 5 2
ABSTRACT The objective of the present review was to analyze the effects of the number of touches on the ball, in the physical and physiological responses during small soccer games. Electronic searches were carried out in the databases: “Web of Science”, “Scopus” and “PubMed”, using the descriptors “Small-sided games”; “Intensity”; “Touches”; “Soccer”; “Soccer players”; “Modified rules”. The PICO strategy was used and the group of words was combined in pairs or trios, using the OR and AND connectors. Only articles published between 2010 and 2022 were considered. The following were excluded: (a) annals and supplements of scientific events, (b) reviews, editorial and instrument validation articles, and (c) studies with women. Of 578 studies, 9 were selected and analyzed. In general, the adoption of the limit rule for touching the ball increased the physiological responses, although discrepancies were observed between the studies regarding the physical responses, we must consider the methodological differences between the studies. We conclude that manipulating the number of touches allowed per ball possession influences players’ physiological responses. Specifically, higher intensity is expected in SSGs with fewer ball touches allowed. On the other hand, physical responses are not influenced by this rule. games databases Web Science, Science , Science” Scopus “Scopus PubMed, PubMed “PubMed” Smallsided Small sided games” Intensity “Intensity” Touches “Touches” Soccer “Soccer” players players” Modified rules. rules . rules” trios connectors 201 202 considered excluded a (a events b (b reviews c (c women 57 analyzed general Specifically hand “PubMed “Intensity “Touches 20 5 2