Resumo Este estudo investigou a prevalência e potenciais fatores de risco para ansiedade e depressão em fisioterapeutas durante a pandemia. Fisioterapeutas responderam a um questionário na web, incluindo: dados sociodemográficos, profissionais e clínicos; demandas psicossociais; e dois questionários validados para medir ansiedade e depressão. Regressão logística binária identificou fatores de risco para ansiedade e depressão por meio de odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC). Em 417 participantes houve alta prevalência de ansiedade (48,2%) e depressão (53%). Os fatores de risco para ansiedade foram: sexo feminino (OR 2,07; IC95% 1,01-4,24), piora nos padrões de sono (OR 3,78; IC95% 1,92-7,44), moderada (OR 2,24; IC95% 1,00-5,00) e extrema preocupação financeira (OR 3,47; IC95% 1,57-7,65) e extrema solidão (OR 3,47; IC95% 1,71-7,07). Os fatores de risco para depressão foram: sexo feminino (OR 2,16; IC95% 1,03-4,55), baixa renda familiar (OR 2,43; IC95% 1,21-4,89), piora nos padrões de sono (OR 5,97; IC95% 3,02-11,82), extrema preocupação financeira (OR 2,61; IC95% 1,15-5,94) e extrema solidão (OR 4,38; IC95% 2,00-9,63). Este estudo mostrou alta prevalência de ansiedade e depressão na população estudada e identificou fatores de risco para ambos. pandemia web incluindo sociodemográficos clínicos psicossociais OR 95 IC. IC . (IC) 41 48,2% 482 48 2 (48,2% 53%. 53 53% (53%) foram 2,07 207 07 IC95 1,014,24, 101424 1,01 4,24 , 1 01 4 24 1,01-4,24) 3,78 378 3 78 1,927,44, 192744 1,92 7,44 92 7 44 1,92-7,44) 2,24 224 1,005,00 100500 1,00 5,00 00 5 1,00-5,00 3,47 347 47 1,577,65 157765 1,57 7,65 57 65 1,57-7,65 1,717,07. 171707 1,71 7,07 71 1,71-7,07) 2,16 216 16 1,034,55, 103455 1,03 4,55 03 55 1,03-4,55) 2,43 243 43 1,214,89, 121489 1,21 4,89 21 89 1,21-4,89) 5,97 597 97 3,0211,82, 3021182 3,02 11,82 02 11 82 3,02-11,82) 2,61 261 61 1,155,94 115594 1,15 5,94 15 94 1,15-5,94 4,38 438 38 2,009,63. 200963 2,00 9,63 9 63 2,00-9,63) ambos (IC 48,2 (48,2 (53% 2,0 20 0 IC9 014 1,014,24 10142 101 1,0 424 4,2 1,01-4,24 3,7 37 927 1,927,44 19274 192 1,9 744 7,4 1,92-7,44 2,2 22 005 1,005,0 10050 100 500 5,0 1,00-5,0 3,4 34 577 1,577,6 15776 157 1,5 765 7,6 6 1,57-7,6 717 1,717,07 17170 171 1,7 707 7,0 1,71-7,07 2,1 034 1,034,55 10345 103 455 4,5 1,03-4,55 2,4 214 1,214,89 12148 121 1,2 489 4,8 8 1,21-4,89 5,9 59 0211 3,0211,82 302118 302 3,0 1182 11,8 3,02-11,82 2,6 26 155 1,155,9 11559 115 1,1 594 1,15-5,9 4,3 009 2,009,63 20096 200 963 9,6 2,00-9,63 48, (48, (53 2, 1,014,2 1014 10 1, 42 4, 1,01-4,2 3, 1,927,4 1927 19 74 7, 1,92-7,4 1,005, 1005 50 5, 1,00-5, 1,577, 1577 76 1,57-7, 1,717,0 1717 17 70 1,71-7,0 1,034,5 1034 45 1,03-4,5 1,214,8 1214 12 1,21-4,8 021 3,0211,8 30211 30 118 11, 3,02-11,8 1,155, 1155 1,15-5, 2,009,6 2009 96 9, 2,00-9,6 (48 (5 1,014, 1,01-4, 1,927, 1,92-7, 1,005 1,00-5 1,577 1,57-7 1,717, 1,71-7, 1,034, 1,03-4, 1,214, 1,21-4, 3,0211, 3021 3,02-11, 1,155 1,15-5 2,009, 2,00-9, (4 ( 1,014 1,01-4 1,927 1,92-7 1,00- 1,57- 1,717 1,71-7 1,034 1,03-4 1,214 1,21-4 3,0211 3,02-11 1,15- 2,009 2,00-9 1,01- 1,92- 1,71- 1,03- 1,21- 3,021 3,02-1 2,00- 3,02-
Abstract This study investigated the prevalence and the potential risk factors for anxiety and depression among physiotherapists during the pandemic. Physiotherapists answered a web-based questionnaire including 1) sociodemographic, professional and clinical information; 2) psychosocial demands; and 3) two validated questionnaires to measure anxiety and depression. Binary logistic regression identified the risk factors by means of odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). In 417 participants, there was a high prevalence of anxiety (48.2%) and depression (53.0%). The risk factors for anxiety were female sex (OR 2.07; 95%CI 1.01-4.24), worsening in sleep patterns (OR 3.78; 95%CI 1.92-7.44), moderate (OR 2.24; 95%CI 1.00-5.00) and extreme concern about financial issues (OR 3.47; 95%CI 1.57-7.65), and extreme loneliness (OR 3.47; 95%CI 1.71-7.07). The risk factors for depression were female sex (OR 2.16; 95%CI 1.03-4.55), low family income (OR 2.43; 95%CI 1.21-4.89), worsening in sleep patterns (OR 5.97; 95%CI 3.02-11.82), extreme concern about financial issues (OR 2.61; 95%CI 1.15-5.94), and extreme loneliness (OR 4.38; 95%CI 2.00-9.63). This study found a high prevalence of anxiety and depression in the studied population and identified risk factors for both. pandemic webbased web based 1 sociodemographic information 2 demands 3 OR 95 CI. CI . (CI) 41 participants 48.2% 482 48 (48.2% 53.0%. 530 53.0% 53 0 (53.0%) 2.07 207 07 95CI 1.014.24, 101424 1.01 4.24 , 01 4 24 1.01-4.24) 3.78 378 78 1.927.44, 192744 1.92 7.44 92 7 44 1.92-7.44) 2.24 224 1.005.00 100500 1.00 5.00 00 5 1.00-5.00 3.47 347 47 1.577.65, 157765 1.57 7.65 57 65 1.57-7.65) 1.717.07. 171707 1.71 7.07 71 1.71-7.07) 2.16 216 16 1.034.55, 103455 1.03 4.55 03 55 1.03-4.55) 2.43 243 43 1.214.89, 121489 1.21 4.89 21 89 1.21-4.89) 5.97 597 97 3.0211.82, 3021182 3.02 11.82 02 11 82 3.02-11.82) 2.61 261 61 1.155.94, 115594 1.15 5.94 15 94 1.15-5.94) 4.38 438 38 2.009.63. 200963 2.00 9.63 9 63 2.00-9.63) both (CI 48.2 (48.2 53.0 (53.0% 2.0 20 014 1.014.24 10142 101 1.0 424 4.2 1.01-4.24 3.7 37 927 1.927.44 19274 192 1.9 744 7.4 1.92-7.44 2.2 22 005 1.005.0 10050 100 500 5.0 1.00-5.0 3.4 34 577 1.577.65 15776 157 1.5 765 7.6 6 1.57-7.65 717 1.717.07 17170 171 1.7 707 7.0 1.71-7.07 2.1 034 1.034.55 10345 103 455 4.5 1.03-4.55 2.4 214 1.214.89 12148 121 1.2 489 4.8 8 1.21-4.89 5.9 59 0211 3.0211.82 302118 302 3.0 1182 11.8 3.02-11.82 2.6 26 155 1.155.94 11559 115 1.1 594 1.15-5.94 4.3 009 2.009.63 20096 200 963 9.6 2.00-9.63 48. (48. 53. (53.0 2. 1.014.2 1014 10 1. 42 4. 1.01-4.2 3. 1.927.4 1927 19 74 7. 1.92-7.4 1.005. 1005 50 5. 1.00-5. 1.577.6 1577 76 1.57-7.6 1.717.0 1717 17 70 1.71-7.0 1.034.5 1034 45 1.03-4.5 1.214.8 1214 12 1.21-4.8 021 3.0211.8 30211 30 118 11. 3.02-11.8 1.155.9 1155 1.15-5.9 2.009.6 2009 96 9. 2.00-9.6 (48 (53. 1.014. 1.01-4. 1.927. 1.92-7. 1.005 1.00-5 1.577. 1.57-7. 1.717. 1.71-7. 1.034. 1.03-4. 1.214. 1.21-4. 3.0211. 3021 3.02-11. 1.155. 1.15-5. 2.009. 2.00-9. (4 (53 1.014 1.01-4 1.927 1.92-7 1.00- 1.577 1.57-7 1.717 1.71-7 1.034 1.03-4 1.214 1.21-4 3.0211 3.02-11 1.155 1.15-5 2.009 2.00-9 ( (5 1.01- 1.92- 1.57- 1.71- 1.03- 1.21- 3.021 3.02-1 1.15- 2.00- 3.02-