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au:Cardoso, Ana Rita Paulo
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O que mudou entre os períodos de pico e de platô durante a primeira onda do SARS-CoV-2? Estudo multicêntrico português em unidades de cuidados intensivos SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV 2 SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV- SARS-CoV
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Pereira, Rui Antunes
; Sousa, Marta
; Cidade, José Pedro
; Melo, Luís
; Lopes, Diogo
; Ventura, Sara
; Aragão, Irene
; Lima Neto, Raul Miguel de Freitas
; Molinos, Elena
; Marques, Ana
; Cardoso, Nelson
; Marino, Flávio
; Monteiro, Filipa Brás
; Oliveira, Ana Pinho
; Silva, Rogério C
; Real, André Miguel Neto
; Banheiro, Bruno Sarmento
; Reis, Renato
; Adão-Serrano, Maria
; Cracium, Ana
; Valadas, Ana
; Ribeiro, João Miguel
; Póvoa, Pedro
; Tapadinhas, Camila
; Mendes, Vítor
; Coelho, Luís
; Maia, Raquel
; Freitas, Paulo Telles
; Ferreira, Isabel Amorim
; Ramires, Tiago
; Val-Flores, Luís Silva
; Cascão, Mariana
; Alves, Rita
; Rodeia, Simão C
; Barrigoto, Cleide
; Cardiga, Rosa
; Silva, Maria João Ferreira da
; Vale, Bruno
; Fonseca, Tatiana
; Rios, Ana Lúcia
; Camões, João
; Pérez, Danay
; Cabral, Susana
; Ribeiro, Maria Inês
; Mendes, João João
; Gouveia, João
; Fernandes, Susana Mendes
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar e comparar as características de pacientes críticos com a COVID-19, a abordagem clínica e os resultados entre os períodos de pico e de platô na primeira onda pandêmica em Portugal. Métodos: Este foi um estudo de coorte multicêntrico ambispectivo, que incluiu pacientes consecutivos com a forma grave da COVID-19 entre março e agosto de 2020 de 16 unidades de terapia intensiva portuguesas. Definiram-se as semanas 10 - 16 e 17 - 34 como os períodos de pico e platô. Resultados: Incluíram-se 541 pacientes adultos com mediana de idade de 65 [57 - 74] anos, a maioria do sexo masculino (71,2%). Não houve diferenças significativas na mediana de idade (p = 0,3), no Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (40 versus 39; p = 0,8), na pressão parcial de oxigênio/fração inspirada de oxigênio (139 versus 136; p = 0,6), na terapia com antibióticos na admissão (57% versus 64%; p = 0,2) ou na mortalidade aos 28 dias (24,4% versus 22,8%; p = 0,7) entre o período de pico e platô. Durante o período de pico, os pacientes tiveram menos comorbidades (1 [0 - 3] versus 2 [0 - 5]; p = 0,002); fizeram mais uso de vasopressores (47% versus 36%; p < 0,001) e ventilação mecânica invasiva na admissão (58,1% versus 49,2%; p < 0,001), e tiveram mais prescrição de hidroxicloroquina (59% versus 10%; p < 0,001), lopinavir/ritonavir (41% versus 10%; p < 0,001) e posição prona (45% versus 36%; p = 0,04). Entretanto, durante o platô, observou-se maior uso de cânulas nasais de alto fluxo (5% versus 16%; p < 0,001) na admissão, remdesivir (0,3% versus 15%; p < 0,001) e corticosteroides (29% versus 52%; p < 0,001), além de menor tempo de internação na unidade de terapia intensiva (12 versus 8 dias; p < 0,001). Conclusão: Houve mudanças significativas nas comorbidades dos pacientes, nos tratamentos da unidade de terapia intensiva e no tempo de internação entre os períodos de pico e platô na primeira onda da COVID-19. Objetivo COVID19, COVID19 COVID 19, 19 Portugal Métodos ambispectivo COVID-1 202 1 portuguesas Definiramse Definiram se 3 Resultados Incluíramse Incluíram 54 6 57 [5 74 anos 71,2%. 712 71,2% . 71 (71,2%) 0,3, 03 0,3 , 0 0,3) 40 (4 39 0,8, 08 0,8 0,8) oxigêniofração fração 139 (13 136 0,6, 06 0,6 0,6) 57% (57 64% 64 0,2 02 24,4% 244 24 4 (24,4 22,8% 228 22 0,7 07 7 ( [ 5 5] 0,002 0002 002 0,002) 47% 47 (47 36% 36 0,001 0001 001 58,1% 581 58 (58,1 49,2% 492 49 0,001, 59% 59 (59 10% lopinavirritonavir lopinavir ritonavir 41% 41 (41 45% 45 (45 0,04. 004 0,04 04 0,04) Entretanto observouse observou 5% (5 16% 0,3% (0,3 15% 15 29% 29 (29 52% 52 12 0,001. Conclusão COVID19. 19. COVID1 COVID- 20 71,2 (71,2% 0, 13 24,4 (24, 22,8 0,00 000 00 58,1 (58, 49,2 0,0 (0, (2 71, (71,2 24, (24 22, 58, (58 49, (0 (71, (71 (7
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze and compare COVID-19 patient characteristics, clinical management and outcomes between the peak and plateau periods of the first pandemic wave in Portugal. Methods: This was a multicentric ambispective cohort study including consecutive severe COVID-19 patients between March and August 2020 from 16 Portuguese intensive care units. The peak and plateau periods, respectively, weeks 10 - 16 and 17 - 34, were defined. Results: Five hundred forty-one adult patients with a median age of 65 [57 - 74] years, mostly male (71.2%), were included. There were no significant differences in median age (p = 0.3), Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (40 versus 39; p = 0.8), partial arterial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio (139 versus 136; p = 0.6), antibiotic therapy (57% versus 64%; p = 0.2) at admission, or 28-day mortality (24.4% versus 22.8%; p = 0.7) between the peak and plateau periods. During the peak period, patients had fewer comorbidities (1 [0 - 3] versus 2 [0 - 5]; p = 0.002) and presented a higher use of vasopressors (47% versus 36%; p < 0.001) and invasive mechanical ventilation (58.1 versus 49.2%; p < 0.001) at admission, prone positioning (45% versus 36%; p = 0.04), and hydroxychloroquine (59% versus 10%; p < 0.001) and lopinavir/ritonavir (41% versus 10%; p < 0.001) prescriptions. However, a greater use of high-flow nasal cannulas (5% versus 16%, p < 0.001) on admission, remdesivir (0.3% versus 15%; p < 0.001) and corticosteroid (29% versus 52%, p < 0.001) therapy, and a shorter ICU length of stay (12 days versus 8, p < 0.001) were observed during the plateau. Conclusion: There were significant changes in patient comorbidities, intensive care unit therapies and length of stay between the peak and plateau periods of the first COVID-19 wave. Objective COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 characteristics Portugal Methods 202 1 units respectively 34 defined Results fortyone forty one 6 57 [5 74 years 71.2%, 712 71.2% , 71 (71.2%) included 0.3, 03 0.3 0 3 0.3) 40 (4 39 0.8, 08 0.8 8 0.8) pressurefraction pressure fraction 139 (13 136 0.6, 06 0.6 0.6) 57% (57 64% 64 0.2 02 admission 28day day 28 24.4% 244 24 4 (24.4 22.8% 228 22 0.7 07 7 period ( [ 5 5] 0.002 0002 002 47% 47 (47 36% 36 0.001 0001 001 58.1 581 58 (58. 49.2% 492 49 45% 45 (45 0.04, 004 0.04 04 0.04) 59% 59 (59 10% lopinavirritonavir lopinavir ritonavir 41% 41 (41 prescriptions However highflow high flow 5% (5 16% 0.3% (0.3 15% 15 29% 29 (29 52 52% 12 Conclusion COVID1 COVID- 20 71.2 (71.2% 0. 13 24.4 (24. 22.8 0.00 000 00 58. (58 49.2 0.0 (0. (2 71. (71.2 24. (24 22. 49. (0 (71. (71 (7
Health system collapse 45 days after the detection of COVID-19 in Ceará, Northeast Brazil: a preliminary analysis
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Lemos, Daniele Rocha Queiros
; D’Angelo, Sarah Mendes
; Farias, Luis Arthur Brasil Gadelha
; Almeida, Magda Moura
; Gomes, Ricristhi Gonçalves
; Pinto, Geovana Praça
; Cavalcante Filho, Josafa Nascimento
; Feijão, Levi Ximenes
; Cardoso, Ana Rita Paulo
; Lima, Thaisy Brasil Ricarte
; Linhares, Pâmela Maria Costa
; Mello, Liana Perdigão
; Coelho, Tania Mara
; Cavalcanti, Luciano Pamplona de Góes
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
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Abstract INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 emerged in late 2019 and quickly became a serious public health problem worldwide. This study aim to describe the epidemiological course of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 and their impact on hospital bed occupancy rates in the first 45 days of the epidemic in the state of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: The study used an ecological design with data gathered from multiple government and health care sources. Data were analyzed using Epi Info software. RESULTS: The first cases were confirmed on March 15, 2020. After 45 days, 37,268 cases reported in 85.9% of Ceará’s municipalities, with 1,019 deaths. Laboratory test positivity reached 84.8% at the end of April, a period in which more than 700 daily tests were processed. The average age of cases was 67 (<1 - 101) years, most occurred in a hospital environment (91.9%), and 58% required hospitalization in an ICU bed. The average time between the onset of symptoms and death was 18 (1 - 56) days. Patients who died in the hospital had spent an average of six (0 - 40) days hospitalized. Across Ceará, the bed occupancy rate reached 71.3% in the wards and 80.5% in the ICU. CONCLUSIONS: The first 45 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ceará revealed a large number of cases and deaths, spreading initially among the population with a high socioeconomic status. Despite the efforts by the health services and social isolation measures the health system still collapsed.
Análise dos casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita nos anos de 2008 a 2010 em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
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Cardoso, Ana Rita Paulo
; Araújo, Maria Alix Leite
; Cavalcante, Maria do Socorro
; Frota, Mirna Albuquerque
; Melo, Simone Paes de
Resumo O presente estudo analisa os casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes e os possíveis desfechos para o feto e o recém-nascido em Fortaleza, Ceará. Estudo transversal que analisou 175 casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes, pareados com as correspondentes notificações de sífilis congênita durante os anos de 2008 a 2010. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva com frequências absolutas e relativas, medidas de tendência central e dispersão e qui-quadrado de Pearson para analisar a significância estatística, utilizando o valor de p < 0,05. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas das gestantes/puérperas, da assistência prestada aos recém-nascidos e o desfecho dos casos. Os resultados mostraram a ocorrência da sífilis em mulheres jovens com mais de 85,0% de tratamentos inadequados, 62,9% dos parceiros sexuais não tratados ou com informação ignorada e percentuais elevados da não realização dos exames preconizados para a investigação de sífilis congênita nas crianças. Dentre os conceptos, cinco foram natimortos, um aborto e três óbitos neonatais. A falta de tratamento adequado dos casos de sífilis em gestantes pode estar associada à morbimortalidade dos conceptos, mantendo essa infecção como um fardo no rol dos problemas de saúde pública.
Abstract This study analyzes the reported cases of syphilis in pregnant women and the possible outcomes for fetuses and the newborn in Fortaleza, Ceará. It is a cross-sectional study that analyzed 175 reported cases of syphilis in pregnant women matched with the corresponding reports of congenital syphilis during the years 2008-2010. Descriptive statistics with absolute and relative frequencies, central tendency and dispersion measures, and the Pearson's chi-square test were used to analyze the statistical significance using the p-value <0.05. Sociodemographic variables of pregnant/postpartum women, the assistance provided to newborns and the outcome of cases were analyzed. The results showed the occurrence of syphilis in young women with more than 85% of inappropriate treatment, 62.9% of untreated sexual partners or lack of statistics and high percentages of non-realization of the recommended tests for congenital syphilis investigation in children. Among the fetuses, five were stillborn, one miscarried and there were three neonatal deaths. The lack of adequate treatment of pregnant women may be associated with morbidity and mortality of fetuses, maintaining this infection as a burden on the list of public health problems.
Análise dos casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita nos anos de 2008 a 2010 em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
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Cardoso, Ana Rita Paulo
; Araújo, Maria Alix Leite
; Cavalcante, Maria do Socorro
; Frota, Mirna Albuquerque
; Melo, Simone Paes de
Resumo O presente estudo analisa os casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes e os possíveis desfechos para o feto e o recém-nascido em Fortaleza, Ceará. Estudo transversal que analisou 175 casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes, pareados com as correspondentes notificações de sífilis congênita durante os anos de 2008 a 2010. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva com frequências absolutas e relativas, medidas de tendência central e dispersão e qui-quadrado de Pearson para analisar a significância estatística, utilizando o valor de p < 0,05. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas das gestantes/puérperas, da assistência prestada aos recém-nascidos e o desfecho dos casos. Os resultados mostraram a ocorrência da sífilis em mulheres jovens com mais de 85,0% de tratamentos inadequados, 62,9% dos parceiros sexuais não tratados ou com informação ignorada e percentuais elevados da não realização dos exames preconizados para a investigação de sífilis congênita nas crianças. Dentre os conceptos, cinco foram natimortos, um aborto e três óbitos neonatais. A falta de tratamento adequado dos casos de sífilis em gestantes pode estar associada à morbimortalidade dos conceptos, mantendo essa infecção como um fardo no rol dos problemas de saúde pública.
Abstract This study analyzes the reported cases of syphilis in pregnant women and the possible outcomes for fetuses and the newborn in Fortaleza, Ceará. It is a cross-sectional study that analyzed 175 reported cases of syphilis in pregnant women matched with the corresponding reports of congenital syphilis during the years 2008-2010. Descriptive statistics with absolute and relative frequencies, central tendency and dispersion measures, and the Pearson's chi-square test were used to analyze the statistical significance using the p-value <0.05. Sociodemographic variables of pregnant/postpartum women, the assistance provided to newborns and the outcome of cases were analyzed. The results showed the occurrence of syphilis in young women with more than 85% of inappropriate treatment, 62.9% of untreated sexual partners or lack of statistics and high percentages of non-realization of the recommended tests for congenital syphilis investigation in children. Among the fetuses, five were stillborn, one miscarried and there were three neonatal deaths. The lack of adequate treatment of pregnant women may be associated with morbidity and mortality of fetuses, maintaining this infection as a burden on the list of public health problems.
Cell migration inhibition activity of a non-RGD disintegrin from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom
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Oliveira, Isadora Sousa de
; Manzini, Rafaella Varzoni
; Ferreira, Isabela Gobbo
; Cardoso, Iara Aimê
; Bordon, Karla de Castro Figueiredo
; Machado, Ana Rita Thomazela
; Antunes, Lusânia Maria Greggi
; Rosa, José Cesar
; Arantes, Eliane Candiani
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases
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Abstract Background: In recent decades, snake venom disintegrins have received special attention due to their potential use in anticancer therapy. Disintegrins are small and cysteine-rich proteins present in snake venoms and can interact with specific integrins to inhibit their activities in cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions. These molecules, known to inhibit platelet aggregation, are also capable of interacting with certain cancer-related integrins, and may interfere in important processes involved in carcinogenesis. Therefore, disintegrin from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom was isolated, structurally characterized and evaluated for its toxicity and ability to interfere with cell proliferation and migration in MDA-MB-231, a human breast cancer cell line. Methods: Based on previous studies, disintegrin was isolated by FPLC, through two chromatographic steps, both on reversed phase C-18 columns. The isolated disintegrin was structurally characterized by Tris-Tricine-SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. For the functional assays, MTT and wound-healing assays were performed in order to investigate cytotoxicity and effect on cell migration in vitro, respectively. Results: Disintegrin presented a molecular mass of 7287.4 Da and its amino acid sequence shared similarity with the disintegrin domain of P-II metalloproteases. Using functional assays, the disintegrin showed low cytotoxicity (15% and 17%, at 3 and 6 μg/mL, respectively) after 24 h of incubation and in the wound-healing assay, the disintegrin (3 μg/mL) was able to significantly inhibit cell migration (24%, p < 0.05), compared to negative control. Conclusion: Thus, our results demonstrate that non-RGD disintegrin from C. d. collilineatus induces low cytotoxicity and inhibits migration of human breast cancer cells. Therefore, it may be a very useful molecular tool for understanding ECM-cell interaction cancer-related mechanisms involved in an important integrin family that highlights molecular aspects of tumorigenesis. Also, non-RGD disintegrin has potential to serve as an agent in anticancer therapy or adjuvant component combined with other anticancer drugs.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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Zappi, Daniela C.
; Filardi, Fabiana L. Ranzato
; Leitman, Paula
; Souza, Vinícius C.
; Walter, Bruno M.T.
; Pirani, José R.
; Morim, Marli P.
; Queiroz, Luciano P.
; Cavalcanti, Taciana B.
; Mansano, Vidal F.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Abreu, Maria C.
; Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro
; Agra, Maria F.
; Almeida Jr., Eduardo B.
; Almeida, Gracineide S.S.
; Almeida, Rafael F.
; Alves, Flávio M.
; Alves, Marccus
; Alves-Araujo, Anderson
; Amaral, Maria C.E.
; Amorim, André M.
; Amorim, Bruno
; Andrade, Ivanilza M.
; Andreata, Regina H.P.
; Andrino, Caroline O.
; Anunciação, Elisete A.
; Aona, Lidyanne Y.S.
; Aranguren, Yani
; Aranha Filho, João L.M.
; Araújo, Andrea O.
; Araújo, Ariclenes A.M.
; Araújo, Diogo
; Arbo, María M.
; Assis, Leandro
; Assis, Marta C.
; Assunção, Vivian A.
; Athiê-Souza, Sarah M.
; Azevedo, Cecilia O.
; Baitello, João B.
; Barberena, Felipe F.V.A.
; Barbosa, Maria R.V.
; Barros, Fábio
; Barros, Lucas A.V.
; Barros, Michel J.F.
; Baumgratz, José F.A.
; Bernacci, Luis C.
; Berry, Paul E.
; Bigio, Narcísio C.
; Biral, Leonardo
; Bittrich, Volker
; Borges, Rafael A.X.
; Bortoluzzi, Roseli L.C.
; Bove, Cláudia P.
; Bovini, Massimo G.
; Braga, João M.A.
; Braz, Denise M.
; Bringel Jr., João B.A.
; Bruniera, Carla P.
; Buturi, Camila V.
; Cabral, Elza
; Cabral, Fernanda N.
; Caddah, Mayara K.
; Caires, Claudenir S.
; Calazans, Luana S.B.
; Calió, Maria F.
; Camargo, Rodrigo A.
; Campbell, Lisa
; Canto-Dorow, Thais S.
; Carauta, Jorge P.P.
; Cardiel, José M.
; Cardoso, Domingos B.O.S.
; Cardoso, Leandro J.T.
; Carneiro, Camila R.
; Carneiro, Cláudia E.
; Carneiro-Torres, Daniela S.
; Carrijo, Tatiana T.
; Caruzo, Maria B.R.
; Carvalho, Maria L.S.
; Carvalho-Silva, Micheline
; Castello, Ana C.D.
; Cavalheiro, Larissa
; Cervi, Armando C.
; Chacon, Roberta G.
; Chautems, Alain
; Chiavegatto, Berenice
; Chukr, Nádia S.
; Coelho, Alexa A.O.P.
; Coelho, Marcus A.N.
; Coelho, Rubens L.G.
; Cordeiro, Inês
; Cordula, Elizabeth
; Cornejo, Xavier
; Côrtes, Ana L.A.
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; Costa, Fabiane N.
; Costa, Jorge A.S.
; Costa, Leila C.
; Costa-e-Silva, Maria B.
; Costa-Lima, James L.
; Cota, Maria R.C.
; Couto, Ricardo S.
; Daly, Douglas C.
; De Stefano, Rodrigo D.
; De Toni, Karen
; Dematteis, Massimiliano
; Dettke, Greta A.
; Di Maio, Fernando R.
; Dórea, Marcos C.
; Duarte, Marília C.
; Dutilh, Julie H.A.
; Dutra, Valquíria F.
; Echternacht, Lívia
; Eggers, Lilian
; Esteves, Gerleni
; Ezcurra, Cecilia
; Falcão Junior, Marcus J.A.
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; Fernandes, José M.
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; Ferreira, Fabrício M.
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; Ferreira, Priscila P.A.
; Ferreira, Silvana C.
; Ferrucci, Maria S.
; Fiaschi, Pedro
; Filgueiras, Tarciso S.
; Firens, Marcela
; Flores, Andreia S.
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; Fortuna-Perez, Ana P.
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; Freitas, Maria F.
; Fritsch, Peter W.
; Furtado, Samyra G.
; Gaglioti, André L.
; Garcia, Flávia C.P.
; Germano Filho, Pedro
; Giacomin, Leandro
; Gil, André S.B.
; Giulietti, Ana M.
; A.P.Godoy, Silvana
; Goldenberg, Renato
; Gomes da Costa, Géssica A.
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; Gomes-Klein, Vera L.
; Gonçalves, Eduardo Gomes
; Graham, Shirley
; Groppo, Milton
; Guedes, Juliana S.
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; Indriunas, Alexandre
; Jacques, Eliane L.
; Jardim, Jomar G.
; Kamer, Hiltje M.
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; Kinoshita, Luiza S.
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; Kuntz, Juliana
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; Lima, Rita B.
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; Longhi-Wagner, Hilda M.
; Lopes, Rosana C.
; Lorencini, Tiago S.
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; Lovo, Juliana
; Lozano, Eduardo D.
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; Luz, Christian L.
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; Maciel, Jefferson R.
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; Mamede, Maria C.H.
; Manoel, Evelin A.
; Marchioretto, Maria S.
; Marques, Juliana S.
; Marquete, Nilda
; Marquete, Ronaldo
; Martinelli, Gustavo
; Martins da Silva, Regina C.V.
; Martins, Ângela B.
; Martins, Erika R.
; Martins, Márcio L.L.
; Martins, Milena V.
; Martins, Renata C.
; Matias, Ligia Q.
; Maya-L., Carlos A.
; Mayo, Simon
; Mazine, Fiorella
; Medeiros, Debora
; Medeiros, Erika S.
; Medeiros, Herison
; Medeiros, João D.
; Meireles, José E.
; Mello-Silva, Renato
; Melo, Aline
; Melo, André L.
; Melo, Efigênia
; Melo, José I.M.
; Menezes, Cristine G.
; Menini Neto, Luiz
; Mentz, Lilian A.
; Mezzonato, A.C.
; Michelangeli, Fabián A.
; Milward-de-Azevedo, Michaele A.
; Miotto, Silvia T.S.
; Miranda, Vitor F.O.
; Mondin, Cláudio A.
; Monge, Marcelo
; Monteiro, Daniele
; Monteiro, Raquel F.
; Moraes, Marta D.
; Moraes, Pedro L.R.
; Mori, Scott A.
; Mota, Aline C.
; Mota, Nara F.O.
; Moura, Tania M.
; Mulgura, Maria
; Nakajima, Jimi N.
; Nardy, Camila
; Nascimento Júnior, José E.
; Noblick, Larry
; Nunes, Teonildes S.
; O'Leary, Nataly
; Oliveira, Arline S.
; Oliveira, Caetano T.
; Oliveira, Juliana A.
; Oliveira, Luciana S.D.
; Oliveira, Maria L.A.A.
; Oliveira, Regina C.
; Oliveira, Renata S.
; Oliveira, Reyjane P.
; Paixão-Souza, Bruno
; Parra, Lara R.
; Pasini, Eduardo
; Pastore, José F.B.
; Pastore, Mayara
; Paula-Souza, Juliana
; Pederneiras, Leandro C.
; Peixoto, Ariane L.
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; Perdiz, Ricardo O.
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; Rodrigues, Rodrigo S.
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; Zickel, Carmem S
Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
Metabolic response induced by endophytic fungi and bacteria in H. marrubioides Epling in vitro microplants
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Vitorino, Luciana Cristina
; Silva, Fabiano Guimarães
; Lima, William Cardoso
; Soares, Marcos Antônio
; Pedroso, Rita Cássia Nascimento
; Silva, Marolí Rodrigues
; Dias, Herbert Júnior
; Crotti, Antônio Eduardo Miller
; Silva, Márcio Luís Andrade e
; Cunha, Wilson Roberto
; Pauletti, Patrícia Mendonça
; Januário, Ana Helena
Hyptis marrubioides Epling is a native plant from Brazilian Cerrado. In this paper, the response of in vitro microplants of this species to inoculation with bacterial and fungal endophytic isolates is evaluated. HPLC-DAD analysis showed the presence of 3,4-O-(Z)-dicaffeoylquinic acid and quercetin-7-O-glucoside as the main components. GC/MS analysis demonstrated that the sesquiterpenes τ-cadinol and caryophyllene oxide were only produced in microplants inoculated with endophytic bacteria, while methyl hexadecanoate, methyl heptadecanoate and methyl (Z,Z,Z) 9,12,15-octadecatrienoate and the triterpene methyl 3β-hydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oate were overexpressed only when the microplant was treated with endophytic fungi.
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