O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar na literatura científica os artigos que investigam o papel das mães, dos pais e das famílias no tratamento da obesidade dos filhos. Buscou-se artigos originais nas plataformas Bireme (BVS) e Pubmed (Medline) e na base de dados Scielo, entre os anos de 2004 a 2010, com os descritores "the role of parents" and "childhood obesity", "the role of parents" and "child obesity treatment", "the mothers role" and "childhood obesity"; "the mothers" role" and "child obesity treatment", e em português. Foram selecionados 20 estudos, divididos em duas categorias temáticas.Verificou-se que há implicações do papel da familia, pai ou mãe na obesidade das crianças e mais especificamente, dos fatores relacionados ao papel das mães. Identificou-se como fundamental o papel dos pais, mães e familiares no sentido de promover comportamentos e estilos de vida saudável. A percepção materna distorcida faz com que o excesso de peso seja percebido como normal e isso pode prejudicar o tratamento. O reconhecimento do excesso de peso das crianças possivelmente poderá promover uma melhora na adesão e, além disso, pode ser o requisito necessário para a procura de ajuda profissional.
The goal of this study is to review articles in the scientific literature investigating the role of mothers, fathers and relatives in the treatment of obesity of their children. A search for original articles was conducted in the BIREME (BVS), PUBMED (MEDLINE) and Scielo platforms from 2004 to 2010, using the key words "the role of parents" and "childhood obesity," "the role of parents" and "child obesity treatment," "the mother's role" and "childhood obesity," "the mothers role" and "child obesity treatment." Twenty papers were selected and divided into two thematic categories. It was revealed that there are implications of the role of family, namely the father or mother, on the obesity of children, and more specifically related to the role of mothers. The conclusion drawn is that the role of parents and relatives is fundamental in promoting healthy behavior and lifestyles. Distorted maternal perception leads to excess weight being perceived as normal and this may prejudice treatment of child obesity. Acknowledging that the children are overweight most probably promotes greater acceptance of the need for treatment, in addition to being the necessary impetus for seeking professional assistance.