Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as representações do corpo indígena produzidas por ocasião da 14ª edição do Acampamento Terra Livre, realizado entre os dias 24 e 28 de abril de 2017, as quais foram difundidas e discutidas através de imagens e threads na rede social Twitter a partir de então. As análises situam-se no campo dos Estudos Culturais e os resultados apontam, de um lado, para uma representação que aposta na identidade genérica do índio como estratégia para conferir visibilidade às suas demandas sociais e políticas e, de outro, para disputas e embates em torno dessas mesmas representações.
Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the representations of the indigenous body produced during the 14th edition of the Acampamento Terra Livre [Free Land Occupation], which happened between April 24th and 28th, 2017, and that were disseminated and debated by means of images and threads in the social network Twitter from then on. The analyses are situated within the Cultural Studies field and the results point, on one hand, to a representation that considers the generic identity of the indigenous as a strategy to confer visibility to their social and political demands and, on the other, for disputes and clashes around these same representations.
Résumé: Cet article pour objectif of analyser les représentations du corps indigène produites to the woollen l’occasion 14e édition of l’Free Encampment Land, réalisé between le 24 et le 28 Avril 2017, qui ont été, dès lors, diffusées et discutées pair DES images et discussions sur le réseau social Twitter. Les analyses sont situées dans le domaine théorique DES Études Culturelles et les résultats montrent, of joins part, joins représentation qui mise sur l’identité générique of l’Indien comme joins stratégie pour to donner joins visibilité to ses exigences sociales et politiques et of autre part, pour débattre autour of ces représentations.