Resumen Objetivo: Describir la ocurrencia de infecciones severas en pacientes con EMRR tratados con fingolimod y con diferentes grados de linfopenia en nuestra unidad Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo realizado en el Hospital Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI. Pacientes con EMRR tratados con fingolimod, se agruparon por grados de linfopenia e infecciones. Las variables cuantitativas se expresaron como media, desviación estándar y rango intercuartil; las variables cualitativas se expresaron en frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: 110 pacientes, 76 mujeres (69.1%), 34 hombres (30.9%), media de edad 38.39 (17-63 DE 9.85). Media EDSS inicial 1.59 (0-5.5, DE 1.15), tiempo diagnóstico medio 63.67 meses (3-252, DE 50.96). Previo al inicio de fingolimod, 90.09% de los pacientes tenía linfocitos absolutos >1,000. A los 6 meses de tratamiento, 35.64% tenía >1,000 linfocitos. A los 12 meses el 32.95% tenía 501-700 linfocitos, a los 24 meses el 34.21% tenía 701-1,000 linfocitos. De los 110 pacientes, el 31.8% presentó infecciones leves, de las cuales se informó faringitis en 10%, gastroenteritis 2.7%, infección del tracto urinario 10.9%, infección por VPH 0.9%, infección por SARS-CoV-2 3.6%, herpes oftálmico 0.9%, molusco contagioso 0.9%, candidiasis oral 0.9%. El 68.18% no presentó infecciones de ningún tipo, no se reportó infecciones graves incluso con niveles de linfocitos inferiores a 200. Conclusiones: La linfopenia selectiva causada por fingolimod no se asoció a infecciones severas en esta población incluso en niveles de 200 a 500 células/mm3.
Abstract Objective: Describing the occurrence of infections in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) treated with fingolimod and with different degrees of lymphopenia in our unit. Patients and Methods: Observational, descriptive, longitudinal, and retrospective study in the Hospital Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI. Patients with RRMS and treatment with fingolimod were grouped based on lymphocyte count and infections. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean, standard deviation, and interquartile range; qualitative variables were expressed as frequencies and percentages. Results: 110 patients, 76 (69.1%) female, 34 (30.9%) male, mean age 38.3 years (17-63, SD 9.85). Mean of initial expanded disability status scale 1.59 (0-5.5, SD 1.15) with a mean diagnosis time of 63.6 months (3-252, SD 50.96). Prior to starting fingolimod, 90.09% of patients had lymphocyte count >1,000. At six months of treatment, 35.64% had lymphocyte >1,000. At twelve months 32.95% had lymphocyte from 501 to 700. At 24 months, 34.21% had lymphocyte from 701 to 1,000. Of the 110 patients, 31.8% had mild infections, of which pharyngitis was reported in 10%, gastroenteritis 2.7%, urinary tract infection 10.9%, HPV infection 0.9%, SARS-CoV-2 infection 3.6%, ophthalmic herpes 0.9%, molluscum contagiosum 0.9%, oral candidiasis 0.9%. 68.18% did not present infections of any kind, no serious infections were reported even with lymphocyte levels below 200. Conclusions: Selective lymphopenia caused by fingolimod was not associated with infections of any kind in this population even at levels of 200-500 cells/mm3.