Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência e a severidade de fluorose dentária em escolares de 11 a 14 anos de idade em Teresina (PI) Brasil, município de clima tropical com água de abastecimento público fluoretada. Estudo do tipo observacional transversal no qual foram avaliadas 571 crianças distribuídas nas redes pública e particular de ensino. A coleta de dados foi realizada nas unidades escolares, após recolhimento do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE) e questionário respondido pelos pais referentes às condições socioeconômicas e demográficas e aos hábitos de higiene bucal. O exame dentário foi realizado por um cirurgião-dentista calibrado. O índice aplicado foi o Thylstrup e Fejerskov (TF). A prevalência de fluorose foi de 77,9%, e apenas 12,5% das crianças acometidas apresentaram TF ≥ 3, grau com comprometimento estético. Os pré-molares foram os dentes mais afetados pela fluorose. Dentre os escolares com maior severidade de fluorose, 98,6% dos pertenciam à classe social mais baixa (>B2), 91,5% nasceram e sempre moraram em Teresina, 94,4% consumiam água de abastecimento fluoretada, 76% usaram dentifrício infantil e 64% as mães relataram que engoliam dentifrício. A prevalência de fluorose foi elevada, mas com baixa severidade, em indivíduos expostos à fluoretação desde o nascimento.
Abstract The scope of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis among 11 to 14-year-old schoolchildren in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, which is a tropical city with a fluoridated public drinking water supply. It involved a cross-sectional observational study on a sample of 571 students in public and private schools. Informed Consent forms were approved for the data collection and the exams were conducted at the schools. Data were recorded on a questionnaire answered by the parents, regarding the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and oral hygiene habits of the sample. The dental exam was performed qualified dental sugeons. The Thylstrup-Fejerskov (TF) index was used. The prevalence of fluorosis was 77.9%, and only 12.5% of the affected children had TF ≥ grade 3 (with aesthetic damage). The premolars were the teeth most affected by fluorosis. Among the students with the highest severity of fluorosis, 98.6% belonged to the lowest social bracket (> B2), 91.5% were born and had always lived in Teresina, 94.4% consumed water from the fluoridated public supply, 76% used toothpaste for children and 64% of mothers reported that they swallowed toothpaste. The prevalence of fluorosis was high, though the severity was low in individuals exposed to fluoridation since birth.