RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar os fatores contextuais associados à qualidade de vida (QV) de crianças brasileiras de zero a 12 anos, em momento de ápice de distanciamento social. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal, online, de julho a setembro de 2020, com questionário sobre fatores do contexto familiar associados à QV e Inventário Pediátrico sobre QV — PedsQL™. A análise dos dados foi feita por de regressão logística multinomial. Resultados: A amostra foi de 849 crianças, na maioria da Região Sul (75%), brancas (83%), com desenvolvimento típico (79%), sedentárias (68%), com uso de telas (85%) em tempo >3h/dia (44%). As mães eram as cuidadoras principais (90%). Foram significativamente associadas a escores mais elevados de QV: a condição de saúde típica (odds ratio — OR 2,38; intervalo de confiança de 95% — IC95% 1,60–3,55), o tempo de tela ≤2h/dia (OR 1,62; IC95% 1,17–2,24), o distanciamento social considerado “fácil” (OR 1,67; IC95% 1,20–2,32) e a família afirmar estimular a criança (OR 1,93; IC95% 1,08–3,45). Conclusões: Este estudo mostra que o contexto familiar pode influenciar a QV de crianças, especialmente no período de pandemia e de reorganização do ambiente domiciliar. Objetivo (QV 1 anos Métodos observacional transversal online 2020 PedsQL PedsQL™ multinomial Resultados 84 75%, 75 75% , (75%) 83%, 83 83% (83%) 79%, 79 79% (79%) 68%, 68 68% (68%) 85% 85 (85% 3hdia hdia 3h dia h 44%. 44 44% . (44%) 90%. 90 90% (90%) odds 2,38 238 2 38 95 IC95 IC 1,60–3,55, 160355 1,60–3,55 60 3 55 1,60–3,55) 2hdia 2h 1,62 162 62 1,17–2,24, 117224 1,17–2,24 17 24 1,17–2,24) fácil “fácil 1,67 167 67 1,20–2,32 120232 20 32 1,93 193 93 1,08–3,45. 108345 1,08–3,45 08 45 1,08–3,45) Conclusões domiciliar 202 8 7 (75% (83% (79% 6 (68% (85 4 (44% 9 (90% 2,3 23 IC9 16035 1,60–3,5 5 1,6 16 11722 1,17–2,2 1,20–2,3 12023 1,9 19 10834 1,08–3,4 0 (75 (83 (79 (68 (8 (44 (90 2, 1603 1,60–3, 1, 1172 1,17–2, 1,20–2, 1202 1083 1,08–3, (7 (6 ( (4 (9 160 1,60–3 117 1,17–2 1,20–2 120 108 1,08–3 1,60– 11 1,17– 1,20– 10 1,08– 1,60 1,17 1,20 1,08 1,1 1,2 1,0
ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the contextual factors associated with the quality of life (QOL) of Brazilian children aged 0–12 years during the strict period of social isolation. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted between July and September 2020 using an online questionnaire on QOL-related family factors and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™). Results were analyzed by multinomial logistic regression analysis. Results: The sample had 849 children, mostly from the South Region of Brazil (75%), white (83%), with typical development (79%), sedentary (68%), using screen (85%) for >3 h/day (44%). Their mothers were their main caregivers (90%). The following variables were significantly associated with high scores of QOL: typical health status (OR 2.38; 95%CI 1.60–3.55; screen time ≤2 h/day (OR 1.62; 95%CI 1.17–2.24); social distancing considered as “easy” (OR 1.67; 95%CI 1.20–2.32), and stimulation of the child by the family (OR 1.93; 95%CI 1.08–3.45). Conclusions: This study indicates that the family context can influence children’s QOL, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and home environment reorganization. Objective QOL (QOL 012 0 12 0–1 isolation Methods crosssectional cross sectional 202 QOLrelated related PedsQL™. PedsQL PedsQL™ . (PedsQL™) analysis 84 75%, 75 75% , (75%) 83%, 83 83% (83%) 79%, 79 79% (79%) 68%, 68 68% (68%) 85% 85 (85% 3 > hday h day 44%. 44 44% (44%) 90%. 90 90% (90%) OR 2.38 238 2 38 95CI CI 95 1.60–3.55 160355 1 60 55 ≤ 1.62 162 62 1.17–2.24 117224 17 24 1.17–2.24) easy “easy 1.67 167 67 1.20–2.32, 120232 1.20–2.32 20 32 1.20–2.32) 1.93 193 93 1.08–3.45. 108345 1.08–3.45 08 45 1.08–3.45) Conclusions childrens s COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 reorganization 01 0– (PedsQL™ 8 7 (75% (83% (79% 6 (68% (85 4 (44% 9 (90% 2.3 23 1.60–3.5 16035 5 1.6 16 1.17–2.2 11722 12023 1.20–2.3 1.9 10834 1.08–3.4 COVID1 COVID- (PedsQL (75 (83 (79 (68 (8 (44 (90 2. 1.60–3. 1603 1. 1.17–2. 1172 1202 1.20–2. 1083 1.08–3. (7 (6 ( (4 (9 1.60–3 160 1.17–2 117 120 1.20–2 108 1.08–3 1.60– 1.17– 11 1.20– 10 1.08– 1.60 1.17 1.20 1.08 1.1 1.2 1.0