Resumo Estudo caso-controle com o objetivo de estimar os fatores de risco da mortalidade perinatal em um hospital de referência para gestações de alto risco em Curitiba-PR. Os dados de características sociodemográficas, maternas, da gestação e do concepto foram obtidos dos prontuários hospitalares de 316 casos e 316 controles do período de 2013 a 2017. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada, permanecendo no modelo final variáveis com p < 0,05. Os resultados mostram aumento do risco de óbito perinatal em mães com tipo sanguíneo B (OR = 2,82; IC95%: 1,07-7,43), que não realizaram pré-natal (OR = 30,78; IC95%: 4,23-224,29), conceptos com malformações congênitas (OR = 63,90; IC95%: 27,32-149,48), nascidos com menos de 28 (OR = 24,21; IC95%: 1,10-531,81) e entre 28-31 semanas de gestação (OR = 6,03; IC95%: 1,34-27,17) e peso ao nascer abaixo de 1.000g (OR = 51,94; IC95%: 4,31-626,46), entre 1.000-1.499g (OR = 11,17; IC95%: 2,29-54,41) e entre 1.500-2.499g (OR = 2,75; IC95%: 1,25-6,06). Conceptos de gestações com desfecho prematuro, baixo peso ao nascer e presença de malformações congênitas são os principais fatores de risco para o óbito perinatal. Em contrapartida, a assistência pré-natal adequada é importante fator de proteção. casocontrole caso controle CuritibaPR. CuritibaPR Curitiba PR. PR Curitiba-PR sociodemográficas maternas 31 201 2017 hierarquizada 005 0 05 0,05 OR 2,82 282 2 82 IC95% IC95 IC 1,077,43, 107743 1,07 7,43 , 1 07 7 43 1,07-7,43) prénatal pré natal 30,78 3078 30 78 4,23224,29, 42322429 4,23 224,29 4 23 224 29 4,23-224,29) 63,90 6390 63 90 27,32149,48, 273214948 27,32 149,48 27 32 149 48 27,32-149,48) 24,21 2421 24 21 1,10531,81 11053181 1,10 531,81 10 531 81 1,10-531,81 2831 28-3 6,03 603 6 03 1,3427,17 1342717 1,34 27,17 34 17 1,34-27,17 1000g g 000g 51,94 5194 51 94 4,31626,46, 43162646 4,31 626,46 626 46 4,31-626,46) 1.0001.499g 10001499g 1.000 1.499g 000 499g 11,17 1117 11 2,2954,41 2295441 2,29 54,41 54 41 2,29-54,41 1.5002.499g 15002499g 1.500 2.499g 500 2,75 275 75 1,256,06. 125606 1,25 6,06 . 25 06 1,25-6,06) prematuro contrapartida proteção 3 20 00 0,0 2,8 8 IC9 077 1,077,43 10774 107 1,0 743 7,4 1,07-7,43 30,7 307 23224 4,23224,29 4232242 423 4,2 22429 224,2 22 4,23-224,29 63,9 639 9 32149 27,32149,48 27321494 2732 27,3 14948 149,4 14 27,32-149,48 24,2 242 10531 1,10531,8 1105318 110 1,1 53181 531,8 53 1,10-531,8 283 28- 6,0 60 3427 1,3427,1 134271 134 1,3 2717 27,1 1,34-27,1 51,9 519 5 31626 4,31626,46 4316264 431 4,3 62646 626,4 62 4,31-626,46 0001 1000 1.00 1499g 11,1 111 2954 2,2954,4 229544 229 2,2 5441 54,4 2,29-54,4 5002 1500 1.50 2499g 50 2,7 256 1,256,06 12560 125 1,2 606 1,25-6,06 0, 2, 1,077,4 1077 1, 74 7, 1,07-7,4 30, 2322 4,23224,2 423224 42 4, 2242 224, 4,23-224,2 63, 3214 27,32149,4 2732149 273 27, 1494 149, 27,32-149,4 24, 1053 1,10531, 110531 5318 531, 1,10-531, 6, 342 1,3427, 13427 13 271 1,34-27, 51, 3162 4,31626,4 431626 6264 626, 4,31-626,4 100 1.0 11, 295 2,2954, 22954 544 54, 2,29-54, 150 1.5 1,256,0 1256 12 1,25-6,0 1,077, 1,07-7, 232 4,23224, 42322 4,23-224, 321 27,32149, 273214 27,32-149, 105 1,10531 11053 1,10-531 1,3427 1342 1,34-27 4,31626, 43162 4,31-626, 1. 2,2954 2295 2,29-54 15 1,256, 1,25-6, 1,077 1,07-7 4,23224 4232 4,23-224 27,32149 27321 27,32-149 1,1053 1105 1,10-53 1,342 1,34-2 4,31626 4316 4,31-626 2,295 2,29-5 1,256 1,25-6 1,07- 4,2322 4,23-22 27,3214 27,32-14 1,105 1,10-5 1,34- 4,3162 4,31-62 2,29- 1,25- 4,232 4,23-2 27,321 27,32-1 1,10- 4,316 4,31-6 4,23- 27,32- 4,31-
Abstract A case-control study was carried out to estimate risk factors for perinatal mortality in a referral hospital for high-risk pregnancies in Curitiba-PR. Sociodemographic, maternal, pregnancy and concept characteristics data were obtained from the hospital records of 316 cases and 316 controls from 2013 to 2017. A hierarchical multiple logistic regression analysis was performed, remaining in the final model variables with p < 0.05. The results show an increased risk of perinatal death in mothers with blood type B (OR = 2.82; 95%CI: 1.07-7.43), who did not undergo prenatal care (OR = 30.78; 95%CI: 4.23-224.29), fetuses with congenital malformations (OR = 63.90; 95%CI: 27.32-149.48), born under 28 (OR = 24.21; 95%CI: 1, 10-531.81) and between 28-31 weeks of gestation (OR = 6.03; 95%CI: 1.34-27.17) and birth weight below 1,000g (OR = 51.94; 95%CI: 4.31-626.46), between 1,000-1,499g (OR = 11.17; 95%CI: 2.29-54.41) and between 1,500-2,499g (OR = 2.75; 25-6.06). Concepts of pregnancies with premature outcome, low birth weight and the presence of congenital malformations are the main risk factors for perinatal death. On the other hand, adequate prenatal care is an important protective factor. casecontrol case control highrisk high CuritibaPR. CuritibaPR Curitiba PR. PR Curitiba-PR Sociodemographic maternal 31 201 2017 performed 005 0 05 0.05 OR 2.82 282 2 82 95%CI 95CI CI 95 1.077.43, 107743 1.07 7.43 , 1 07 7 43 1.07-7.43) 30.78 3078 30 78 4.23224.29, 42322429 4.23 224.29 4 23 224 29 4.23-224.29) 63.90 6390 63 90 27.32149.48, 273214948 27.32 149.48 27 32 149 48 27.32-149.48) 24.21 2421 24 21 10531.81 1053181 10 531.81 531 81 10-531.81 2831 28-3 6.03 603 6 03 1.3427.17 1342717 1.34 27.17 34 17 1.34-27.17 1000g g 000g 51.94 5194 51 94 4.31626.46, 43162646 4.31 626.46 626 46 4.31-626.46) 1,0001,499g 10001499g 1,000 1,499g 000 499g 11.17 1117 11 2.2954.41 2295441 2.29 54.41 54 41 2.29-54.41 1,5002,499g 15002499g 1,500 2,499g 500 2.75 275 75 256.06. 25606 25 6.06 . 06 25-6.06) outcome hand factor 3 20 00 0.0 2.8 8 9 077 1.077.43 10774 107 1.0 743 7.4 1.07-7.43 30.7 307 23224 4.23224.29 4232242 423 4.2 22429 224.2 22 4.23-224.29 63.9 639 32149 27.32149.48 27321494 2732 27.3 14948 149.4 14 27.32-149.48 24.2 242 10531 10531.8 105318 53181 531.8 53 10-531.8 283 28- 6.0 60 3427 1.3427.1 134271 134 1.3 2717 27.1 1.34-27.1 51.9 519 5 31626 4.31626.46 4316264 431 4.3 62646 626.4 62 4.31-626.46 0001 1000 1,00 1499g 11.1 111 2954 2.2954.4 229544 229 2.2 5441 54.4 2.29-54.4 5002 1500 1,50 2499g 50 2.7 256 256.06 2560 606 25-6.06 0. 2. 1.077.4 1077 1. 74 7. 1.07-7.4 30. 2322 4.23224.2 423224 42 4. 2242 224. 4.23-224.2 63. 3214 27.32149.4 2732149 273 27. 1494 149. 27.32-149.4 24. 1053 10531. 5318 531. 10-531. 6. 342 1.3427. 13427 13 271 1.34-27. 51. 3162 4.31626.4 431626 6264 626. 4.31-626.4 100 1,0 11. 295 2.2954. 22954 544 54. 2.29-54. 150 1,5 256.0 25-6.0 1.077. 1.07-7. 232 4.23224. 42322 4.23-224. 321 27.32149. 273214 27.32-149. 105 10-531 1.3427 1342 1.34-27 4.31626. 43162 4.31-626. 2.2954 2295 2.29-54 15 256. 25-6. 1.077 1.07-7 4.23224 4232 4.23-224 27.32149 27321 27.32-149 10-53 1.342 1.34-2 4.31626 4316 4.31-626 2.295 2.29-5 25-6 1.07- 4.2322 4.23-22 27.3214 27.32-14 10-5 1.34- 4.3162 4.31-62 2.29- 25- 4.232 4.23-2 27.321 27.32-1 10- 4.316 4.31-6 4.23- 27.32- 4.31-