Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a associação entre tempo assistindo televisão (TV) e a presença de obesidade isolada e associada às doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) de idosos brasileiros, conforme o sexo, comparando-se os dados das Pesquisas Nacionais de Saúde 2013 e 2019. Estudo transversal, com dados de 23.815 e 43.554 idosos das PNS 2013 e 2019, respectivamente. O autorrelato do tempo assistindo à TV foi categorizado em: <3, 3-6 e ≥6 horas diárias. A obesidade isolada foi avaliada pelo índice de massa corporal ≥27 kg/m² e a DCV pelo autorrelato de diagnóstico médico. Em 2013, as idosas que assistiam à TV ≥6 horas/dia apresentaram maiores chances de obesidade isolada (OR=1,87; IC95%=1,32;2,64) e associada à DCV (OR=6,30; IC95%=3,38;11,74). Em 2019, as idosas que assistiam à TV entre 3-6 horas/dia (OR=1,44; IC95%=1,25;1,65) e ≥6 horas/dia (OR=1,55; IC95%=1,28;1,88) tiveram maiores chances de obesidade isolada, já as chances de obesidade associada à DCV, foram maiores para ≥6 horas/dia (OR=2,13; IC95%=1,48;3,06). Em 2019, os homens tiveram maiores chances de obesidade associada às DCV assistindo à TV entre 3-6 horas/dia (OR=1,76; IC95%=1,20;2,56) e ≥6 horas/dia (OR=2,13; IC95%=1,27;3,57). Evidencia-se a importância em diminuir o tempo assistindo à TV dos idosos. Objetivouse Objetivou se (TV (DCV brasileiros sexo comparandose comparando 201 2019 transversal 23815 23 815 23.81 43554 43 554 43.55 respectivamente 3 <3 36 6 3- ≥ diárias 27 ≥2 kgm² kgm kg m² m kg/m médico horasdia dia OR=1,87 OR187 OR 1 87 (OR=1,87 IC95%=1,322,64 IC95132264 IC IC95%=1,32 2,64 IC95 32 2 64 IC95%=1,32;2,64 OR=6,30 OR630 30 (OR=6,30 IC95%=3,3811,74. IC953381174 IC95%=3,38 11,74 . 38 11 74 IC95%=3,38;11,74) OR=1,44 OR144 44 (OR=1,44 IC95%=1,251,65 IC95125165 IC95%=1,25 1,65 25 65 IC95%=1,25;1,65 OR=1,55 OR155 55 (OR=1,55 IC95%=1,281,88 IC95128188 IC95%=1,28 1,88 28 88 IC95%=1,28;1,88 OR=2,13 OR213 13 (OR=2,13 IC95%=1,483,06. IC95148306 IC95%=1,48 3,06 48 06 IC95%=1,48;3,06) OR=1,76 OR176 76 (OR=1,76 IC95%=1,202,56 IC95120256 IC95%=1,20 2,56 20 56 IC95%=1,20;2,56 IC95%=1,273,57. IC95127357 IC95%=1,27 3,57 57 IC95%=1,27;3,57) Evidenciase Evidencia 2381 81 23.8 4355 4 43.5 < OR=1,8 OR18 8 (OR=1,8 322 IC95%=1,322,6 IC9513226 IC95132 IC95%=1,3 264 2,6 IC9 IC95%=1,32;2,6 OR=6,3 OR63 (OR=6,3 3811 IC95%=3,3811,74 IC95338117 IC95338 IC95%=3,3 1174 11,7 7 IC95%=3,38;11,74 OR=1,4 OR14 (OR=1,4 251 IC95%=1,251,6 IC9512516 IC95125 IC95%=1,2 165 1,6 IC95%=1,25;1,6 OR=1,5 OR15 5 (OR=1,5 281 IC95%=1,281,8 IC9512818 IC95128 188 1,8 IC95%=1,28;1,8 OR=2,1 OR21 (OR=2,1 483 IC95%=1,483,06 IC9514830 IC95148 IC95%=1,4 306 3,0 0 IC95%=1,48;3,06 OR=1,7 OR17 (OR=1,7 202 IC95%=1,202,5 IC9512025 IC95120 256 2,5 IC95%=1,20;2,5 273 IC95%=1,273,57 IC9512735 IC95127 357 3,5 IC95%=1,27;3,57 238 23. 435 43. OR=1, OR1 (OR=1, IC95%=1,322, IC951322 IC9513 IC95%=1, 26 2, IC95%=1,32;2, OR=6, OR6 (OR=6, 381 IC95%=3,3811,7 IC9533811 IC9533 IC95%=3, 117 11, IC95%=3,38;11,7 IC95%=1,251, IC951251 IC9512 16 1, IC95%=1,25;1, IC95%=1,281, IC951281 18 IC95%=1,28;1, OR=2, OR2 (OR=2, IC95%=1,483,0 IC951483 IC9514 3, IC95%=1,48;3,0 IC95%=1,202, IC951202 IC95%=1,20;2, IC95%=1,273,5 IC951273 35 IC95%=1,27;3,5 OR=1 (OR=1 IC95%=1,322 IC951 IC95%=1 IC95%=1,32;2 OR=6 (OR=6 IC95%=3,3811, IC953381 IC953 IC95%=3 IC95%=3,38;11, IC95%=1,251 IC95%=1,25;1 IC95%=1,281 IC95%=1,28;1 OR=2 (OR=2 IC95%=1,483, IC95%=1,48;3, IC95%=1,202 IC95%=1,20;2 IC95%=1,273, IC95%=1,27;3, OR= (OR= IC95%= IC95%=1,32; IC95%=3,3811 IC95%=3,38;11 IC95%=1,25; IC95%=1,28; IC95%=1,483 IC95%=1,48;3 IC95%=1,20; IC95%=1,273 IC95%=1,27;3 (OR IC95% IC95%=3,381 IC95%=3,38;1 IC95%=1,48; IC95%=1,27; IC95%=3,38;
Abstract The scope of this paper was to analyze the association between the time spent watching television (TV) and the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) obesity and obesity associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) among elderly Brazilians, according to gender, comparing data from the 2013 and 2019 National Health Surveys (NHS). It involved a cross-sectional study, with data from 23,815 and 43,554 elderly people, respectively, from the 2013 and 2019 NHS. Self-reported TV screen time was categorized into: <3, 3-6, and ≥6 per day. Obesity was assessed by body mass index ≥27 kg/m² and CVD by self-reported medical diagnosis. In 2013, elderly women who watched TV ≥6 hours/day were more likely to have OCD obesity (OR=1.87; 95%CI=1.32;2.64) and obesity associated with CVD (OR=6.30; 95%CI=3.38;11.74). In 2019, elderly women who watched TV between 3-6 hours/day (OR=1.44; 95%CI=1.25;1.65) and ≥6 hours/day (OR=1.55; 95%CI=1.28;1.88) were more likely to have OCD obesity, while the incidence of obesity associated with CVD was higher for ≥6 hours/day (OR=2.13; 95%CI=1.48;3.06). In 2019, men were more likely to have obesity associated with CVD watching TV between 3-6 hours/day (OR=1.76; 95%CI=1.20;2.56) and ≥6 hours/day (OR=2.13; 95%CI=1.27;3.57). The importance of reducing screen time by the elderly is clearly evident. (TV obsessivecompulsive obsessive compulsive (OCD (CVD Brazilians gender 201 NHS . (NHS) crosssectional cross sectional study 23815 23 815 23,81 43554 43 554 43,55 people respectively Selfreported Self reported into 3 <3 36, 36 6, 6 ≥ day 27 ≥2 kgm² kgm kg m² m kg/m selfreported self diagnosis hoursday hours OR=1.87 OR187 OR 1 87 (OR=1.87 95%CI=1.322.64 95CI132264 CI 95%CI=1.32 2.64 95 32 2 64 95%CI=1.32;2.64 OR=6.30 OR630 30 (OR=6.30 95%CI=3.3811.74. 95CI3381174 95%CI=3.38 11.74 38 11 74 95%CI=3.38;11.74) 3- OR=1.44 OR144 44 (OR=1.44 95%CI=1.251.65 95CI125165 95%CI=1.25 1.65 25 65 95%CI=1.25;1.65 OR=1.55 OR155 55 (OR=1.55 95%CI=1.281.88 95CI128188 95%CI=1.28 1.88 28 88 95%CI=1.28;1.88 OR=2.13 OR213 13 (OR=2.13 95%CI=1.483.06. 95CI148306 95%CI=1.48 3.06 48 06 95%CI=1.48;3.06) OR=1.76 OR176 76 (OR=1.76 95%CI=1.202.56 95CI120256 95%CI=1.20 2.56 20 56 95%CI=1.20;2.56 95%CI=1.273.57. 95CI127357 95%CI=1.27 3.57 57 95%CI=1.27;3.57) evident (NHS 2381 81 23,8 4355 4 43,5 < OR=1.8 OR18 8 (OR=1.8 322 95%CI=1.322.6 95CI13226 95CI132 95%CI=1.3 264 2.6 9 95%CI=1.32;2.6 OR=6.3 OR63 (OR=6.3 3811 95%CI=3.3811.74 95CI338117 95CI338 95%CI=3.3 1174 11.7 7 95%CI=3.38;11.74 OR=1.4 OR14 (OR=1.4 251 95%CI=1.251.6 95CI12516 95CI125 95%CI=1.2 165 1.6 95%CI=1.25;1.6 OR=1.5 OR15 5 (OR=1.5 281 95%CI=1.281.8 95CI12818 95CI128 188 1.8 95%CI=1.28;1.8 OR=2.1 OR21 (OR=2.1 483 95%CI=1.483.06 95CI14830 95CI148 95%CI=1.4 306 3.0 0 95%CI=1.48;3.06 OR=1.7 OR17 (OR=1.7 202 95%CI=1.202.5 95CI12025 95CI120 256 2.5 95%CI=1.20;2.5 273 95%CI=1.273.57 95CI12735 95CI127 357 3.5 95%CI=1.27;3.57 238 23, 435 43, OR=1. OR1 (OR=1. 95%CI=1.322. 95CI1322 95CI13 95%CI=1. 26 2. 95%CI=1.32;2. OR=6. OR6 (OR=6. 381 95%CI=3.3811.7 95CI33811 95CI33 95%CI=3. 117 11. 95%CI=3.38;11.7 95%CI=1.251. 95CI1251 95CI12 16 1. 95%CI=1.25;1. 95%CI=1.281. 95CI1281 18 95%CI=1.28;1. OR=2. OR2 (OR=2. 95%CI=1.483.0 95CI1483 95CI14 3. 95%CI=1.48;3.0 95%CI=1.202. 95CI1202 95%CI=1.20;2. 95%CI=1.273.5 95CI1273 35 95%CI=1.27;3.5 OR=1 (OR=1 95%CI=1.322 95CI1 95%CI=1 95%CI=1.32;2 OR=6 (OR=6 95%CI=3.3811. 95CI3381 95CI3 95%CI=3 95%CI=3.38;11. 95%CI=1.251 95%CI=1.25;1 95%CI=1.281 95%CI=1.28;1 OR=2 (OR=2 95%CI=1.483. 95%CI=1.48;3. 95%CI=1.202 95%CI=1.20;2 95%CI=1.273. 95%CI=1.27;3. OR= (OR= 95CI 95%CI= 95%CI=1.32; 95%CI=3.3811 95%CI=3.38;11 95%CI=1.25; 95%CI=1.28; 95%CI=1.483 95%CI=1.48;3 95%CI=1.20; 95%CI=1.273 95%CI=1.27;3 (OR 95%CI 95%CI=3.381 95%CI=3.38;1 95%CI=1.48; 95%CI=1.27; 95%CI=3.38;