Resumo O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a sobrevida de cinco anos em pacientes com câncer de laringe tratados no Sistema Único de Saúde no Brasil e regiões entre janeiro de 2002 e junho de 2010. São escassas as informações relativas à magnitude e sobrevida do câncer de laringe no país, o que dificulta a adoção de estratégias específicas para seu controle. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte retrospectiva a partir da Base Nacional em Oncologia. Estimou-se a probabilidade de sobrevida para o câncer de laringe segundo faixa etária, sexo e regiões/estados brasileiros por meio do método de Kaplan-Meier. O teste de log-rank foi aplicado para avaliar as diferenças na sobrevida, considerando-se o nível de significância de 5%. A sobrevida no Brasil foi estimada em 50,8% (IC95%: 49,9-51,8), sendo menor em pacientes do sexo masculino (49,1%; IC95%: 48,10-50,16); com idade entre 50 e 60 anos (48,4%; IC95%: 46,7-50,0); e para moradores da região Norte (45,5%; IC95%: 39,5-51,3). A variação na sobrevida para o câncer de laringe em relação aos estados e às regiões do país aponta disparidades que podem estar relacionadas à desigualdade de acesso ao diagnóstico e/ou tratamento. 200 2010 controle Oncologia Estimouse Estimou se etária regiõesestados KaplanMeier. KaplanMeier Kaplan Meier. Meier Kaplan-Meier logrank log rank considerandose considerando 5 5% 508 8 50,8 IC95% IC95 IC (IC95% 49,951,8, 499518 49,9 51,8 , 49 9 51 49,9-51,8) 49,1% 491 1 (49,1% 48,1050,16 48105016 48,10 50,16 48 10 16 48,10-50,16) 6 48,4% 484 4 (48,4% 46,750,0 467500 46,7 50,0 46 7 0 46,7-50,0) 45,5% 455 45 (45,5% 39,551,3. 395513 39,5 51,3 . 39 3 39,5-51,3) eou ou tratamento 20 201 50, IC9 (IC95 951 49,951,8 49951 499 49, 518 51, 49,9-51,8 49,1 (49,1 1050 48,1050,1 4810501 4810 48,1 5016 50,1 48,10-50,16 48,4 (48,4 750 46,750, 46750 467 46, 500 46,7-50,0 45,5 (45,5 551 39,551,3 39551 395 39, 513 39,5-51,3 2 (IC9 95 49,951, 4995 49,9-51, (49, 105 48,1050, 481050 481 48, 501 48,10-50,1 (48, 75 46,750 4675 46,7-50, 45, (45, 55 39,551, 3955 39,5-51, (IC 49,951 49,9-51 (49 48,1050 48105 48,10-50, (48 46,75 46,7-50 (45 39,551 39,5-51 49,95 49,9-5 (4 48,105 48,10-50 46,7-5 39,55 39,5-5 49,9- ( 48,10-5 46,7- 39,5- 48,10-
Abstract The scope of this article was to analyze the five-year survival rate among patients with laryngeal cancer treated in the Unified Health System in Brazil and its regions between January 2002 and June 2010. There is still scarce information in Brazil regarding the scale and survival rate of laryngeal cancer patients, which makes it difficult to adopt specific strategies for the control of the condition in the country. A retrospective cohort study based on the National Oncology Database was conducted, and the survival probability rate for laryngeal cancer according to age, sex and Brazilian regions/states was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank test was used to assess the differences observed, considering a 5% significance level. Survival in Brazil was estimated at 50.8% (95%CI: 49.9%-51.8%), being lower among male patients (49.1%; 95%CI: 48.10%-50.16%); between 50 and 60 years of age (48.4%; 95%CI: 46.7%-50.0%); for residents of the Northern region (45.5%; 95%CI: 39.5%-51.3%). The regional variation in the survival rate for laryngeal cancer in Brazil reveals disparities between Brazilian regions/states that may be linked to inequality of access to diagnosis and/or treatment. fiveyear five year 200 2010 country conducted regionsstates states KaplanMeier Kaplan Meier method logrank log rank observed 5 level 508 8 50.8 95%CI 95CI CI 95 (95%CI 49.9%51.8%, 499518 49.9% 51.8% , 49 9 51 49.9%-51.8%) 49.1% 491 1 (49.1% 48.10%50.16% 48105016 48.10% 50.16% 48 10 16 48.10%-50.16%) 6 48.4% 484 4 (48.4% 46.7%50.0% 467500 46.7% 50.0% 46 7 0 46.7%-50.0%) 45.5% 455 45 (45.5% 39.5%51.3%. 395513 39.5% 51.3% . 39 3 39.5%-51.3%) andor or treatment 20 201 50. 49.9%51.8% 49951 499 49.9 518 51.8 49.9%-51.8% 49.1 (49.1 48.10%50.16 4810501 4810 48.10 5016 50.16 48.10%-50.16% 48.4 (48.4 46.7%50.0 46750 467 46.7 500 50.0 46.7%-50.0% 45.5 (45.5 39.5%51.3% 39551 395 39.5 513 51.3 39.5%-51.3% 2 49.9%51.8 4995 49. 51. 49.9%-51.8 (49. 48.10%50.1 481050 481 48.1 501 50.1 48.10%-50.16 48. (48. 46.7%50. 4675 46. 46.7%-50.0 45. (45. 39.5%51.3 3955 39. 39.5%-51.3 49.9%51. 49.9%-51. (49 48.10%50. 48105 48.10%-50.1 (48 46.7%50 46.7%-50. (45 39.5%51. 39.5%-51. 49.9%51 49.9%-51 (4 48.10%50 48.10%-50. 46.7%5 46.7%-50 39.5%51 39.5%-51 49.9%5 49.9%-5 ( 48.10%5 48.10%-50 46.7%-5 39.5%5 39.5%-5 49.9%- 48.10%-5 46.7%- 39.5%- 48.10%-