RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a associação da independência funcional com aspectos clínicos de comprometimento neurológico, a localização e extensão do dano neuronal e os fatores sociodemográficos em pacientes na fase aguda do AVC. Método Estudo analítico de recorte transversal, realizado com 90 pacientes adultos e idosos acometidos por AVC isquêmico, que tiveram admissão no ambiente hospitalar nas primeiras 24 horas após o evento vascular. A coleta dos dados referentes aos aspectos clínicos e fatores sociodemográficos foi realizada pelo prontuário eletrônico e/ou entrevista para descrever o perfil dos pacientes, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale e a Medida de Independência Funcional. Resultados O comprometimento neurológico, de acordo com a National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, foi associado à funcionalidade nas primeiras 24 horas após o AVC. Além disso, a presença de hipertensão arterial, idade, trabalho inativo, tabagismo e extensão do dano neuronal estiveram associados à dependência funcional, mas não permaneceram no modelo final deste estudo. Conclusão A dependência funcional está associada à hipertensão arterial, idade, trabalho inativo, tabagismo, extensão do dano neuronal e grau de comprometimento neurológico nas primeiras 24 horas após o evento vascular. Além disso, um nível mais elevado de comprometimento neurológico foi independentemente associado a níveis aumentados de dependência funcional. transversal 9 isquêmico 2 vascular eou ou Project Score Funcional disso arterial idade inativo estudo
ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the association of functional independence with clinical aspects of neurological impairment, the location and extent of neuronal damage and sociodemographic factors in patients in the acute phase of stroke. Methods Analytical cross-sectional study in 90 adult and older patients affected by ischemic stroke, admitted to the hospital within 24 hours of the vascular event. Sociodemographic factors and clinical aspects data were collected from electronic medical records and/or interviews in order to depict the patients'profile, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and Functional Independence Measure. Results Neurological impairment, according to the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, was associated with functioning in the first 24 hours after the stroke. Furthermore, the presence of arterial hypertension, age, inactive work, smoking and extent of neuronal damage were associated with functional dependence, but did not remain in the final model of this study. Conclusion Functional dependence is associated with arterial hypertension, age, inactive work, smoking, extent of neuronal damage, and degree of neurological impairment in the first 24 hours after the vascular event. Furthermore, a higher level of neurological impairment was independently associated with increased levels of functional dependence. stroke crosssectional cross sectional 9 2 event andor or patientsprofile, patientsprofile profile, profile patients'profile Project Score Scale Measure Furthermore hypertension age work