ABSTRACT Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, mainly no-tillage (NT), cover cropping (CC), soil fertilization with organic amendments (OA), and crop-livestock (CL) and crop-livestock-forestry (CLF) systems, has been widely adopted in areas from Brazilian Cerrado. The CSA may partly offset former soil C losses and contribute to climate change mitigation. However, contradictory findings brought uncertainties about the effect of CSA on soil C. Here, by a systematic review of 87 papers and using 621 data pairs, we provided a pervasive biome-scale analysis of soil C stock changes associated with the adoption of CSA across Brazilian Cerrado. All CSA practices evaluated showed average positive rates of C stock change, indicating a general tendency of soil C accretion after its adoption. In areas under NT, CC and CLF, greater rates were estimated for the deeper soil profile evaluated (0.00-1.00 m) (1.24 ± 0.85, 0.54 ± 0.54 and 1.00 ± 1.47 Mg ha–1 yr–1, respectively), while OA and CL showed more soil C accretion when the assessment was limited down to 0.10 m depth (0.82 ± 0.60 and 0.59 ± 0.66 Mg ha–1 yr–1, respectively). Unfortunately, the lack of basic information precluded any attempt to statically compare our estimations. In this sense, we must be cautious in stating that soil C sequestration occurs at those rates after the adoption of CSA practices. Despite these limitations, the results clearly show that the diversification and intensification of agricultural areas in the Cerrado by the adoption of CSA is a promising pathway to increase soil C stocks, and consequently, contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Finally, our findings emphasize the importance of efforts that stimulate farmers to adopt these practices on large scale, such as Brazil’s Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan, besides providing sound empirical evidence about the role of soil C sequestration in Brazil achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions commitments. Climatesmart Climate smart (CSA notillage no tillage NT , (NT) CC, (CC) OA, (OA) croplivestock crop livestock (CL croplivestockforestry forestry CLF (CLF systems However Here 8 62 pairs biomescale biome scale 0.001.00 000100 0.00 0 00 1 (0.00-1.0 1.24 124 24 (1.2 085 85 0.85 054 54 0.5 100 1.0 147 47 1.4 ha1 ha ha– yr1 yr yr–1 respectively, respectively respectively) 010 10 0.1 0.82 082 82 (0.8 060 60 0.6 059 59 066 66 respectively. . Unfortunately estimations sense limitations stocks consequently adaptation Finally Brazils s LowCarbon Low Carbon Plan commitments (NT (CC (OA 6 001 0.001.0 00010 000 0.0 (0.00-1. 1.2 12 2 (1. 08 0.8 05 5 0. 1. 14 4 yr– 01 (0. 06 0.001. 0001 (0.00-1 (1 (0 0.001 (0.00- ( (0.00 (0.0