Resumo Antecedentes As paraplegias espásticas hereditárias ou familiares (SPG) compreendem um grupo de doenças geneticamente e fenotipicamente heterogêneas caracterizadas por degeneração progressiva dos tratos corticospinais. As formas complicadas evoluem com vários outros sinais e sintomas neurológicos, incluindo distúrbios do movimento e ataxia. Objetivo Resumir as descrições clínicas de SPG que se manifestam com distúrbios do movimento ou ataxias para auxiliar o clínico na tarefa de diagnosticar essas doenças. Métodos Realizamos uma revisão da literatura, incluindo relatos de casos, séries de casos, artigos de revisão e estudos observacionais publicados em inglês até dezembro de 2022. Resultados O parkinsonismo juvenil ou de início precoce com resposta variável à levodopa foi relatado principalmente em SPG7 e SPG11. A distonia pode ser observada em pacientes com SPG7, SPG11, SPG22, SPG26, SPG35, SPG48, SPG49, SPG58, SPG64 e SPG76. O tremor não é um achado frequente em pacientes com SPG, mas é descrito em diferentes tipos de SPG, incluindo SPG7, SPG9, SPG11, SPG15 e SPG76. A mioclonia é raramente descrita em SPG, afetando pacientes com SPG4, SPG7, SPG35, SPG48 e SPOAN (paraplegia espástica, atrofia óptica e neuropatia). SPG4, SPG6, SPG10, SPG27, SPG30 e SPG31 podem raramente apresentar ataxia com atrofia cerebelar. E SPG autossômico recessivo, como SPG7 e SPG11, também pode apresentar ataxia. Conclusão Indivíduos com SPG podem apresentar diferentes formas de distúrbios do movimento, como parkinsonismo, distonia, tremor, mioclonia e ataxia. O distúrbio específico do movimento na manifestação clínica de um paciente com SPG pode ser uma pista clínica para o diagnóstico. (SPG corticospinais neurológicos literatura casos 2022 SPG11 SPG22 SPG26 SPG35 SPG49 SPG58 SPG6 SPG76 SPG9 SPG1 SPG4 paraplegia espástica neuropatia. neuropatia . neuropatia) SPG10 SPG27 SPG3 cerebelar recessivo diagnóstico 202 SPG2 SPG5 20 2
Abstract Background Hereditary or familial spastic paraplegias (SPG) comprise a group of genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous diseases characterized by progressive degeneration of the corticospinal tracts. The complicated forms evolve with other various neurological signs and symptoms, including movement disorders and ataxia. Objective To summarize the clinical descriptions of SPG that manifest with movement disorders or ataxias to assist the clinician in the task of diagnosing these diseases. Methods We conducted a narrative review of the literature, including case reports, case series, review articles and observational studies published in English until December 2022. Results Juvenile or early-onset parkinsonism with variable levodopa-responsiveness have been reported, mainly in SPG7 and SPG11. Dystonia can be observed in patients with SPG7, SPG11, SPG22, SPG26, SPG35, SPG48, SPG49, SPG58, SPG64 and SPG76. Tremor is not a frequent finding in patients with SPG, but it is described in different types of SPG, including SPG7, SPG9, SPG11, SPG15, and SPG76. Myoclonus is rarely described in SPG, affecting patients with SPG4, SPG7, SPG35, SPG48, and SPOAN (spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy, and neuropathy). SPG4, SPG6, SPG10, SPG27, SPG30 and SPG31 may rarely present with ataxia with cerebellar atrophy. And autosomal recessive SPG such as SPG7 and SPG11 can also present with ataxia. Conclusion Patients with SPG may present with different forms of movement disorders such as parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, myoclonus and ataxia. The specific movement disorder in the clinical manifestation of a patient with SPG may be a clinical clue for the diagnosis. (SPG tracts symptoms literature reports series 2022 earlyonset early onset levodoparesponsiveness levodopa responsiveness reported SPG22 SPG26 SPG35 SPG48 SPG49 SPG58 SPG6 SPG76 SPG9 SPG15 SPG4 paraplegia atrophy neuropathy. neuropathy . neuropathy) SPG10 SPG27 SPG3 SPG1 dystonia tremor diagnosis 202 SPG2 SPG5 20 2