Resumo Objetivos: estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade e analisar os fatores associados em gestantes assistidas por equipes de saúde da família. Métodos: estudo epidemiológico observacional de base populacional, transversal e analítico, realizado com gestantes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em Montes Claros, MG, Brasil, entre outubro de 2018 a novembro de 2019. Avaliaram-se características socioeconômicas e demográficas, obstétricas, apoio social e familiar, aspectos emocionais e comorbidades. A presença de sobrepeso/ obesidade foi estimada pelo Índice de Massa Corporal inicial (até 13ª semana gestacional) adquirido da caderneta da gestante. Foi realizada regressão de Poisson hierarquizada com variância robusta. Resultados: participaram deste estudo 1.279 gestantes. A prevalência do sobrepeso/obesidade foi de 45,3% e esteve associada aos fatores: ter companheiro(a) (RP=1,52; IC95%=1,24-1,86), maior renda familiar (RP=1,23; IC95%=1,04-1,46), presença de gestações anteriores (RP=1,65; IC95%=1,39-1,95%), maior faixa etária (RP=2,26; IC 95%=1,70-3,01), diabetes mellitus gestacional (RP=1,43; IC95%=1,21-1,69) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (RP=1,29; IC95%=1,04-1,61). Conclusão: verificou-se alta prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade nas gestantes avaliadas e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos, obstétricos e comorbidades crônicas. Há necessidade de monitoramento e de realização da educação nutricional no cuidado pré-natal prestado pelas equipes de saúde da família, com ênfase no fortalecimento do cuidado multiprofissional. Objetivos sobrepesoobesidade sobrepeso família Métodos populacional analítico Claros MG Brasil 201 2019 Avaliaramse Avaliaram se demográficas obstétricas até ª gestante robusta Resultados 1279 1 279 1.27 453 45 3 45,3 companheiroa companheiro companheiro(a RP=1,52 RP152 RP 52 (RP=1,52 IC95%=1,241,86, IC95124186 IC95%=1,24 1,86 , IC95 24 86 IC95%=1,24-1,86) RP=1,23 RP123 23 (RP=1,23 IC95%=1,041,46, IC95104146 IC95%=1,04 1,46 04 46 IC95%=1,04-1,46) RP=1,65 RP165 65 (RP=1,65 IC95%=1,391,95%, IC95139195 IC95%=1,39 1,95% 39 95 IC95%=1,39-1,95%) RP=2,26 RP226 2 26 (RP=2,26 95%=1,703,01, 95170301 95%=1,70 3,01 70 01 95%=1,70-3,01) RP=1,43 RP143 43 (RP=1,43 IC95%=1,211,69 IC95121169 IC95%=1,21 1,69 21 69 IC95%=1,21-1,69 RP=1,29 RP129 29 (RP=1,29 IC95%=1,041,61. IC95104161 1,61 . 61 IC95%=1,04-1,61) Conclusão verificouse verificou sociodemográficos crônicas prénatal pré natal multiprofissional 20 127 27 1.2 4 45, RP=1,5 RP15 5 (RP=1,5 241 IC95%=1,241,86 IC9512418 IC95124 IC95%=1,2 186 1,8 IC9 8 IC95%=1,24-1,86 RP=1,2 RP12 (RP=1,2 041 IC95%=1,041,46 IC9510414 IC95104 IC95%=1,0 146 1,4 0 IC95%=1,04-1,46 RP=1,6 RP16 6 (RP=1,6 391 IC95%=1,391,95% IC9513919 IC95139 IC95%=1,3 195 1,95 9 IC95%=1,39-1,95% RP=2,2 RP22 (RP=2,2 703 95%=1,703,01 9517030 95170 95%=1,7 301 3,0 7 95%=1,70-3,01 RP=1,4 RP14 (RP=1,4 211 IC95%=1,211,6 IC9512116 IC95121 169 1,6 IC95%=1,21-1,6 IC95%=1,041,61 IC9510416 161 IC95%=1,04-1,61 12 1. RP=1, RP1 (RP=1, IC95%=1,241,8 IC951241 IC9512 IC95%=1, 18 1, IC95%=1,24-1,8 IC95%=1,041,4 IC951041 IC9510 14 IC95%=1,04-1,4 IC95%=1,391,95 IC951391 IC9513 19 1,9 IC95%=1,39-1,95 RP=2, RP2 (RP=2, 95%=1,703,0 951703 9517 95%=1, 30 3, 95%=1,70-3,0 IC95%=1,211, IC951211 16 IC95%=1,21-1, IC95%=1,041,6 IC95%=1,04-1,6 RP=1 (RP=1 IC95%=1,241, IC951 IC95%=1 IC95%=1,24-1, IC95%=1,041, IC95%=1,04-1, IC95%=1,391,9 IC95%=1,39-1,9 RP=2 (RP=2 95%=1,703, 951 95%=1 95%=1,70-3, IC95%=1,211 IC95%=1,21-1 RP= (RP= IC95%=1,241 IC95%= IC95%=1,24-1 IC95%=1,041 IC95%=1,04-1 IC95%=1,391, IC95%=1,39-1, 95%=1,703 95%= 95%=1,70-3 IC95%=1,21- (RP IC95% IC95%=1,24- IC95%=1,04- IC95%=1,391 IC95%=1,39-1 95% 95%=1,70- IC95%=1,39-
Abstract Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of overweight/obesity and analyze the associated factors in pregnant women assisted by family health teams. Methods: epidemiological observational study of populational, cross-sectional, and analytical base carried out with pregnant women at the Estratégia de Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, between October 2018 and November 2019. Socioeconomic and demographic, obstetric characteristics, social and family support, emotional aspects and comorbidities. The presence of overweight/obesity was estimated by the initial Body Mass Index (up to the 13th gestational week) acquired from the pregnant woman’s health booklet. Hierarchized Poisson regression with robust variance was carried out. Results: a total of 1,279 pregnant women participated in this study. The prevalence of overweight/ obesity was 45.3% and was associated with the following factors: having a partner (PR=1.52; CI95% =1.24-1.86), higher family income (PR=1.23; CI95% =1.04-1.46), presence of previous pregnancies (PR=1.65; CI95% =1.39-1.95%), higher age group (PR=2.26; CI95% =1.70-3.01), gestational diabetes mellitus (PR=1.43; CI95% =1.21-1.69) and systemic arterial hypertension (PR=1.29; CI95% =1.04-1.61). Conclusion: there was a high prevalence of overweight/obesity in the evaluated pregnant women and its association with sociodemographic and obstetric factors and chronic comorbidities. There is a necessity for monitoring and carrying out nutritional education in prenatal care provided by family health teams, with emphasis on strengthening multidisciplinary care. Objectives overweightobesity overweight teams Methods populational crosssectional, crosssectional cross sectional, sectional cross-sectional Family Strategy Claros State Brazil 201 2019 demographic characteristics support comorbidities up th week womans woman s booklet Results 1279 1 279 1,27 453 45 3 45.3 PR=1.52 PR152 PR 52 (PR=1.52 CI95 CI =1.241.86, 124186 =1.24 1.86 , 24 86 =1.24-1.86) PR=1.23 PR123 23 (PR=1.23 =1.041.46, 104146 =1.04 1.46 04 46 =1.04-1.46) PR=1.65 PR165 65 (PR=1.65 =1.391.95%, 139195 =1.39 1.95% 39 95 =1.39-1.95%) PR=2.26 PR226 2 26 (PR=2.26 =1.703.01, 170301 =1.70 3.01 70 01 =1.70-3.01) PR=1.43 PR143 43 (PR=1.43 =1.211.69 121169 =1.21 1.69 21 69 =1.21-1.69 PR=1.29 PR129 29 (PR=1.29 =1.041.61. 104161 1.61 . 61 =1.04-1.61) Conclusion 20 127 27 1,2 4 45. PR=1.5 PR15 5 (PR=1.5 CI9 241 =1.241.86 12418 124 =1.2 186 1.8 8 =1.24-1.86 PR=1.2 PR12 (PR=1.2 041 =1.041.46 10414 104 =1.0 146 1.4 0 =1.04-1.46 PR=1.6 PR16 6 (PR=1.6 391 =1.391.95% 13919 139 =1.3 195 1.95 9 =1.39-1.95% PR=2.2 PR22 (PR=2.2 703 =1.703.01 17030 170 =1.7 301 3.0 7 =1.70-3.01 PR=1.4 PR14 (PR=1.4 211 =1.211.6 12116 121 169 1.6 =1.21-1.6 =1.041.61 10416 161 =1.04-1.61 12 1, PR=1. PR1 (PR=1. =1.241.8 1241 =1. 18 1. =1.24-1.8 =1.041.4 1041 10 14 =1.04-1.4 =1.391.95 1391 13 19 1.9 =1.39-1.95 PR=2. PR2 (PR=2. =1.703.0 1703 17 30 3. =1.70-3.0 =1.211. 1211 16 =1.21-1. =1.041.6 =1.04-1.6 PR=1 (PR=1 =1.241. =1 =1.24-1. =1.041. =1.04-1. =1.391.9 =1.39-1.9 PR=2 (PR=2 =1.703. =1.70-3. =1.211 =1.21-1 PR= (PR= =1.241 = =1.24-1 =1.041 =1.04-1 =1.391. =1.39-1. =1.703 =1.70-3 =1.21- (PR =1.24- =1.04- =1.391 =1.39-1 =1.70- =1.39-