RESUMO Objetivou-se investigar as condições de trabalho e a saúde física e mental de profissionais de saúde atuantes na linha de frente da covid-19 em serviços de urgência, emergência e terapia intensiva no Brasil, no segundo ano da pandemia. Estudo transversal, com uso de questionário eletrônico, por meio do qual coletaram-se dados sobre condições de trabalho, saúde física e mental, além do instrumento Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). A amostra (n=209) incluiu enfermeiros (28,7%), técnicos de enfermagem (30,1%), fisioterapeutas (33%) e médicos (8,2%). Os profissionais possuíam idade média de 34,6 anos e relataram uma carga horária média de 53,5 horas/semana. Verificou-se aumento das horas trabalhadas (62%) e da quantidade de pacientes (84%). A maioria relatou bom relacionamento com o chefe (89%) e satisfação com o trabalho (87%). A prevalência de sintomas de estresse, ansiedade e depressão foi superior a 45%, com predomínio de sintomas graves ou extremamente graves. A prevalência de dor musculoesquelética e fadiga foi de 84,7% e 83,3%, respectivamente. Os profissionais de saúde apresentaram aumento de volume de trabalho e de exigência durante a pandemia de covid-19. Observou-se, ainda, intenso prejuízo à saúde física e mental desses trabalhadores. Objetivouse Objetivou se covid19 covid 19 covid-1 urgência Brasil transversal eletrônico coletaramse coletaram Depression DASS21. DASS21 DASS 21 . (DASS-21) n=209 n209 n 209 (n=209 28,7%, 287 28,7% , 28 7 (28,7%) 30,1%, 301 30,1% 30 1 (30,1%) 33% 33 (33% 8,2%. 82 8,2% 8 2 (8,2%) 346 34 6 34, 535 53 5 53, horassemana semana horas/semana Verificouse Verificou 62% 62 (62% 84%. 84 84% (84%) 89% 89 (89% 87%. 87 87% (87%) estresse 45 45% 847 84,7 833 83 3 83,3% respectivamente covid19. 19. Observouse, Observouse Observou se, Observou-se ainda trabalhadores covid1 covid- DASS2 (DASS-21 n=20 n20 20 (n=20 28,7 (28,7% 30,1 (30,1% (33 8,2 (8,2% (62 (84% (89 (87% 4 84, 83,3 (DASS-2 n=2 n2 (n=2 28, (28,7 30, (30,1 (3 8, (8,2 (6 (84 (8 (87 83, (DASS- n= (n= (28, (30, ( (8, (DASS (n (28 (30 (2
ABSTRACT The objective was to investigate the working conditions and physical and mental health of health professionals working on the front lines of COVID-19 in urgent, emergency, and intensive care services in Brazil, in the second year of the pandemic. Cross-sectional study, using an electronic questionnaire, through which data on working conditions, and physical and mental health were collected, in addition to the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) instrument. The sample (n=209) included nurses (28.7%), nursing technicians (30.1%), physiotherapists (33%), and physicians (8.2%). The professionals had an average age of 34.6 years and reported an average workload of 53.5 hours/week. There was an increase in hours worked (62%) and in the number of patients (84%). Most reported a good relationship with their boss (89%) and job satisfaction (87%). The prevalence of symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression was greater than 45%, with a predominance of severe or extremely severe symptoms. The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and fatigue was 84.7% and 83.3%, respectively. Health professionals showed an increase in workload and demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was also intense damage to the physical and mental health of these workers. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 urgent emergency Brazil pandemic Crosssectional Cross sectional study questionnaire collected Depression DASS21 DASS 21 (DASS-21 instrument n=209 n209 n 209 (n=209 28.7%, 287 28.7% , 28 7 (28.7%) 30.1%, 301 30.1% 30 1 (30.1%) 33%, 33 33% (33%) 8.2%. 82 8.2% . 8 2 (8.2%) 346 34 6 34. 535 53 5 53. hoursweek week hours/week 62% 62 (62% 84%. 84 84% (84%) 89% 89 (89% 87%. 87 87% (87%) stress anxiety 45 45% 847 84.7 833 83 3 83.3% respectively workers COVID1 COVID- DASS2 (DASS-2 n=20 n20 20 (n=20 28.7 (28.7% 30.1 (30.1% (33% 8.2 (8.2% (62 (84% (89 (87% 4 84. 83.3 (DASS- n=2 n2 (n=2 28. (28.7 30. (30.1 (33 8. (8.2 (6 (84 (8 (87 83. (DASS n= (n= (28. (30. (3 (8. ( (n (28 (30 (2