Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a atividade da doença inflamatória intestinal (DII) por ultrassonografia (US) com Doppler em cores, comparada à concentração de calprotectina fecal (CF) em pacientes pediátricos. Materiais e Métodos: Em uma série consecutiva, no período entre 2014 e 2020, foram avaliados 53 exames de 44 pacientes pediátricos: 28 casos de doença de Crohn, 15 de colite ulcerativa e um de colite indeterminada. O diagnóstico da DII foi feito pelos critérios de Porto. O fluxo parietal foi a alteração estudada mais detalhadamente e classificada pelo pesquisador principal e por dois radiologistas pediátricos cegados aos valores de CF e de US Doppler. Baixo fluxo parietal foi definido pela captação de até 2 sinais de US Doppler/cm2, fluxo moderado entre 3 e 5 sinais/cm2 e alto fluxo mais de 5 sinais/cm2. Resultados: Houve concordância substancial entre os radiologistas (kappa = 0,73). Nos exames com baixo fluxo parietal a CF média foi 92 μg/g (intervalo interquartil: 33-661 μg/g) e nos exames com alto fluxo a CF média foi 2.286 μg/g (intervalo interquartil: 1.728-5.612 μg/g). Na amostra total, a US demonstrou sensibilidade de 89,7% e especificidade de 92,0% para detecção da atividade inflamatória, 95,5% e 90,9% na doença de Crohn e 81,3% e 100,0% na colite ulcerativa, respectivamente. Conclusão: Houve forte correlação entre a US da parede intestinal e os valores da concentração de CF na avaliação da atividade inflamatória na DII de pacientes pediátricos. Objetivo (DII (US cores (CF Métodos consecutiva 201 2020 4 1 indeterminada Porto Dopplercm2 Dopplercm cm2 cm Doppler/cm2 sinaiscm2 sinaiscm sinais/cm Resultados kappa 0,73. 073 0,73 . 0 73 0,73) 9 μgg μg g intervalo interquartil 33661 33 661 33-66 2286 286 2.28 1.7285.612 17285612 1.728 5.612 728 612 1.728-5.61 μg/g. total 897 89 7 89,7 920 92,0 955 95 95,5 909 90 90,9 813 81 81,3 1000 100 100,0 respectivamente Conclusão 20 202 Doppler/cm 07 0,7 3366 66 33-6 228 2.2 7285 1.7285.61 1728561 1728 1.72 5612 5.61 72 61 1.728-5.6 8 89, 92, 95, 90, 81, 10 100, 0, 336 6 33- 22 2. 1.7285.6 172856 172 1.7 561 5.6 1.728-5. 1.7285. 17285 17 1. 56 5. 1.728-5 1.7285 1.728-
Abstract Objective: To assess inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) activity with Doppler ultrasound in pediatric patients, comparing the accuracy of the ultrasound findings with that of the concentrations of fecal calprotectin (FC). Materials and Methods: In a consecutive series, we evaluated 53 examinations of 44 pediatric patients seen between 2014 and 2020: 28 with Crohn’s disease, 15 with ulcerative colitis, and one with IBD unclassified. The diagnosis of IBD was made in accordance with the Porto criteria. The alteration studied in the greatest detail was bowel wall flow, which was classified by the lead investigator and two pediatric radiologists, all of whom were blinded to the FC concentrations and the other ultrasound findings. Bowel wall flow was categorized as low if there were up to 2 Doppler ultrasound signals/cm2, moderate if there were 3-5 signals/cm2, and high if there were more than 5 signals/cm2. Results: The agreement among the radiologists was substantial (kappa = 0.73). In cases in which ultrasound showed low bowel wall flow, the median FC concentration was 92 µg/g (interquartile range, 33-661 µg/g), whereas it was 2,286 µg/g (interquartile range, 1,728-5,612 µg/g) in those in which ultrasound showed high bowel wall flow. In the sample as a whole, the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound was 89.7% and 92.0%, respectively, for the detection of inflammatory activity; 95.5% and 90.9%, respectively, for the detection of Crohn’s disease; and 81.3% and 100.0%, respectively, for the detection of ulcerative colitis. Conclusion: Ultrasound of the bowel wall showed a strong correlation with FC concentrations in the assessment of inflammatory activity in pediatric patients with IBD. Objective (IBD FC. . (FC) Methods series 4 201 2020 Crohns Crohn s 1 colitis unclassified criteria signalscm2 signalscm signals cm2 cm signals/cm2 35 3 3- Results kappa 0.73. 073 0.73 0 73 0.73) 9 µgg µg g interquartile range 33661 33 661 33-66 µg/g, , 2286 286 2,28 1,7285,612 17285612 1,728 5,612 728 612 1,728-5,61 whole 897 89 7 89.7 920 92.0% respectively 955 95 95.5 909 90 90.9% 813 81 81.3 1000 100 100.0% Conclusion (FC 20 202 signals/cm 07 0.7 3366 66 33-6 228 2,2 7285 1,7285,61 1728561 1728 1,72 5612 5,61 72 61 1,728-5,6 8 89. 92.0 95. 90.9 81. 10 100.0 0. 336 6 33- 22 2, 1,7285,6 172856 172 1,7 561 5,6 1,728-5, 92. 90. 100. 1,7285, 17285 17 1, 56 5, 1,728-5 1,7285 1,728-