Resumo Este artigo analisa um excerto do romance de Chico Buarque, Leite derramado (2009), no qual o protagonista articula a genealogia familiar à posse de um chicote. O percurso analítico focaliza, de um lado, a recorrência e as irradiações do assunto na tradição literária nacional e, de outro, busca entender o fragmento como parte que, de acordo com a lógica do círculo hermenêutico, apreende o todo da obra.
Abstract This article analyzes an excerpt from Chico Buarque’s novel, Leite derramado (2009), in which the protagonist articulates the family genealogy to the possession of a whip. The analytical path focuses, on the one hand, on the recurrence and irradiations of the subject in the national literary tradition, and the other, it seeks to understand the fragment as part that, according to the logic of the hermeneutic circle, apprehends the whole of the work.
Résumé Cet article analyse un extrait du roman de Chico Buarque, Leite derramado (2009), dans lequel le protagoniste articule la généalogie familiale à la possession d’un fouet. Le parcours analytique concentre, d’une part, la récurrence et les irradiations du sujet dans la tradition littéraire nationale et, d’autre part, cherche à comprendre le fragmente comme partie qui, selon la logique du cercle herméneutique, appréhende l’ensemble de l’oeuvre.