Nos anos de 1995 e 1996, ocorreu em São Luis uma epidemia de dengue (DEN), causada pelo sorotipo DEN1. Objetivando avaliar o impacto da mesma na população da grande São Luis (municípios de Paço do Lumiar - PL, São José de Ribamar - SJR e São Luis SL), realizamos um inquérito soro - epidemiológico aleatório, onde aplicamos um questionário. Os soros foram testados por inibição da hemaglutinação (IH), e os resultados, negativo e positivo (resposta primária - RP e resposta secundária - RS), foram analisados utilizando os "software's" Lotus 123, Epi-info 6.0, Excel 5.0 e STATA. Coletaram-se 1217 amostras, (101 de PL, 100 de SJR e 1016 de SL). A positividade foi: 55,4% em PL, 28% em SJR e 41,4% em SL. Destes, 505 (41,2%) amostras foram positivas sendo 96 RP (7,9%) e 405 RS (33,3%). Da amostra obtida, 508 soros (227 positivos) foram do sexo masculino e 709 (278 positivos) do feminino, não havendo diferença estatística significativa. Houve significância (p < 0,003) na estratificação de acordo com a renda, sendo mais freqüente nas populações com melhor nível sócio econômico. Estimou-se em 401.933 infecções causadas pelo vírus dengue. Os pacientes referiram febre, cefaléia, calefrios, tontura, astenia, dor retro ocular, mialgia, artralgia, náuseas, anorexia, prurido e exantema. Há uma grande população sensibilizada pelo DEN-1, suscetível a outro sorotipos o que aumenta o risco de dengue hemorrágico.
The Island of São Luis in the State of Maranhão, constituted by the municipalities of São Luis - SL (835,428 inhabitants), São José de Ribamar - SJR (60,633 inhabitants) and Paço do Lumiar - PL (80,274 inhabitants), has been suffering dengue (DEN) fever epidemics since 1995, caused by DEN-1. In 1996, from August through October, an aleatory sero-epidemiologic survey was carried out in order to estimate the incidence of DEN infection and to analyze other clinical and epidemiological parameters. A questionnaire was applied and serum samples were simultaneously obtained. Serum samples were tested by hemagglutination inhibition (HI). Results were analyzed using Lotus123, Epi-info 6.0, Excel 5.0 and STATA softwares. A total of 1,217 serum samples were obtained (101 of PL, 100 of SJR and 1017 of SL). The rate of DEN was 55.4% in PL, 28% in SJR and 41.4% in SL, suggesting the occurrence of 401,933 infections. No difference was seen between males and females, but infection occurred more in the upper social class than in poor people (p < 0.003), and was more frequent in adults than in children (p < 0.0004). In SL, the incidence was stratified into seven sanitary districts (SD), and prevalence was found to range from 26.1% in SD4 to 56.8% in SD1 (p < 0.0001). Symptoms were more frequently reported by people whose HI was positive: they included fever, headache, chills, dizziness, retrobulbar pains, muscle and joint pains, nausea, anorexia and skin rash. In spite of the high incidence of infection, no hemorrhagic cases were reported.