Hamsters inoculados oralmente com as amostras de vírus rábico ERA e PV foram sacrificados após 24, 48 e 72 horas, 21 e 30 dias. Fragmentos do cérebro foram analisados através da imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e heminested-PCR (hn-PCR). Os fragmentos do estômado, sangue, coração e pulmão foram examinados somente com a técnica de hn-PCR. Soros de outros hamsters, inoculados de modo similar e obtidos 30 dias após a inoculação, foram submetidos ao teste de soroneutralização (SNT) em camundongos. No 45º dia pós-inoculação, os hamsters foram desafiados intracerebralmente com a amostra CVS, contendo 10(2,7)DL50 em camundongos/0,03 mL. Os fragmentos do cérebro foram todos negativos ao teste de imunofluorescência. A hn-PCR detectou a presença de RNA do vírus da raiva no pulmão de um animal inoculado com a amostra ERA e, no cérebro, estômago, sangue e pulmão de hamsters inoculados com a amostra PV. As amostras de vírus inoculadas oralmente foram capazes de se replicar em diferentes órgãos, no entanto, todos od hamsters morreram ao desafio, indicando uma resposta imunológica insuficiente.
Hamsters orally inoculated with ERA and PV strains of rabies virus were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72 hours, 21 and 30 days after inoculation. Brain fragments were examined by Fluorescent Antibody test (FAT) and heminested PCR (hn-PCR). Fragments from stomach, blood, heart, and lung were examined only by hn-PCR. Sera of other hamsters, similarly inoculated, obtained at 30th day after inoculation were submitted to mouse neutralization test. The hamsters were challenged intracerebrally with CVS strain with 10(2.7)mouse LD50/0.03mL, 45 days after inoculation. Brains examined by FAT were negative. The hn-PCR detected the presence of rabies virus RNA in the lung of one animal inoculated with ERA, and in the brain, stomach, blood, and lung of PV-infected animals. The orally inoculated virus was capable to infect and replicate in several organs and tissues; however, none of the challenged hamsters did survive after challenge.