Resumo Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de dor neuropática e caracterizar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com osteoartrite que consultaram um ambulatório de dor no sudoeste da Colômbia. Métodos Este foi um estudo transversal realizado por meio de entrevista telefônica. Foram incluídos participantes ≥18 anos de idade com diagnóstico de osteoartrite. O questionário Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) foi utilizado para avaliação dos sintomas e sinais de dor neuropática e o Short Form-8 analisou a qualidade de vida. Resultados A taxa de resposta foi de 54,1% (46/85). A razão homem:mulher foi de 5:1, com média de idade de 72 ±10 anos. A maioria dos participantes (91,3%) apresentava dor intensa. A prevalência de dor neuropática foi de 28,3% (intervalo de confiança [IC] de 95% = 15,99-43,46) e a prevalência de dor neuropática entre mulheres foi de 84,6% (IC 95% = 54,55-98,01). Disestesias e dor paroxística foram relatadas por 92,3% dos indivíduos com dor neuropática. Em relação à qualidade de vida, as limitações na prática de atividade física foram as mais significativas e relatadas por 63% dos indivíduos. Conclusão A dor neuropática foi prevalente e tinha impacto negativo na função física. Isso destaca a necessidade de estratégias terapêuticas direcionadas a vias específicas da dor neuropática em pacientes com osteoartrite. Colômbia telefônica 18 ≥1 LANSS (LANSS Form8 Form 8 Form- 541 54 1 54,1 46/85. 4685 46/85 . 46 85 (46/85) homemmulher homem mulher 51, 51 5 1, 5:1 7 10 ±1 91,3% 913 91 3 (91,3% intensa 283 28 28,3 intervalo IC [IC 95 15,9943,46 15994346 15,99 43,46 15 99 43 15,99-43,46 846 84 6 84,6 54,5598,01. 54559801 54,55 98,01 55 98 01 54,55-98,01) 923 92 92,3 63 ≥ 54, 468 46/8 4 (46/85 5: ± 91,3 9 (91,3 2 28, 9943 15,9943,4 1599434 1599 15,9 4346 43,4 15,99-43,4 84, 5598 54,5598,01 5455980 5455 54,5 9801 98,0 0 54,55-98,01 92, 46/ (46/8 91, (91, 994 15,9943, 159943 159 15, 434 43, 15,99-43, 559 54,5598,0 545598 545 980 98, 54,55-98,0 (46/ (91 15,9943 15994 15,99-43 54,5598, 54559 54,55-98, (46 (9 15,994 15,99-4 54,5598 54,55-98 (4 ( 15,99- 54,559 54,55-9 54,55-
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of neuropathic pain and characterize the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis who consulted a pain clinic in Southwestern Colombia. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted via telephone survey. Participants ≥18 years of age with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis were included. The LANSS questionnaire was used to evaluate symptoms and signs of neuropathic pain, and the Short Form-8 was used to evaluate quality of life. Results Response rate was 54.1% (46/85). The male-to-female ratio was 5:1, with an average age of 72 ±10 years. Most participants (91.3%) had severe pain. The prevalence of neuropathic pain was 28.3% (95%CI = 15.99-43.46), and the prevalence of neuropathic pain amongst women was 84.6% (95%CI = 54.55-98.01 ). Dysesthesias and paroxysmal pain were present in 92.3% of individuals with neuropathic pain. Regarding quality of life, limitations in physical activity were the most significant, as 63% of individuals reported such limitations. Conclusion Neuropathic pain was found to be prevalent and had a negative impact on physical function, highlighting the need for therapeutic strategies targeted to specific neuropathic pain pathways in patients with osteoarthritis. Colombia crosssectional cross sectional survey 18 ≥1 included Form8 Form 8 Form- 541 54 1 54.1 46/85. 4685 46/85 . 46 85 (46/85) maletofemale male female 51, 51 5 1, 5:1 7 10 ±1 91.3% 913 91 3 (91.3% 283 28 28.3 95%CI 95CI CI 95 15.9943.46, 15994346 15.99 43.46 , 15 99 43 15.99-43.46) 846 84 6 84.6 54.5598.01 54559801 54.55 98.01 55 98 01 54.55-98.0 ) 923 92 92.3 significant 63 function ≥ 54. 468 46/8 4 (46/85 5: ± 91.3 9 (91.3 2 28. 9943 15.9943.46 1599434 1599 15.9 4346 43.4 15.99-43.46 84. 5598 54.5598.0 5455980 5455 54.5 9801 98.0 0 54.55-98. 92. 46/ (46/8 91. (91. 994 15.9943.4 159943 159 15. 434 43. 15.99-43.4 559 54.5598. 545598 545 980 98. 54.55-98 (46/ (91 15.9943. 15994 15.99-43. 54.5598 54559 54.55-9 (46 (9 15.9943 15.99-43 54.559 54.55- (4 ( 15.994 15.99-4 15.99-