Abstract Sugar has a role in the intrinsic properties of the product and gives a satiety effect after consumption. Nevertheless, its adverse effect on the human body becomes an essential reason to reduce the sugar content including in ready-to-drink (RTD) cocoa beverages. Besides the sugar, the properties of the beverages are also affected by the stabilizers. The development of reduced-sugar RTD cocoa beverages was studied in two steps. Initially, the stabilizers comprising kappa-carrageenan (κ-carrageenan) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were optimized in the full-sugar RTD cocoa beverage by which the concentrations of the stabilizers could stabilize cocoa particles and the beverage met its prominent characteristics regarding the sensorial properties also physical properties (sedimentation, rheology, and color). The CMC and κ-carrageenan respectively varied into formulas, which were F0(0%;0%), F1(0.025%;0.01%), F2(0.025%;0.02%), F3(0.025%;0.03%), F4(0.05%;0.01%), F5(0.05%;0.02%), F6(0.05%;0.03%), F7(0.075%;0.01%), F8(0.075%;0.02%), and F9(0.075%;0.03%). The chosen formula given by this first optimization, F5, was used as a basic formula for reducing the sugar of the beverage in which isomalt together with one of the high-intensity sweeteners (HISs), sucralose, was used as sugar replacer. The research revealed that the F5 within its sugar content was reduced until a portion of 37.04%, could still be tolerable based on sensorial properties. consumption Nevertheless readytodrink ready drink (RTD reducedsugar steps Initially kappacarrageenan kappa carrageenan κcarrageenan κ (κ-carrageenan (CMC fullsugar full sedimentation, sedimentation (sedimentation rheology color. color . color) formulas F00%0%, F000 F F0 0% , 0 F0(0%;0%) F10.025%0.01%, F10025001 F1 0.025% 0.01% 025 01 F1(0.025%;0.01%) F20.025%0.02%, F20025002 F2 0.02% 02 F2(0.025%;0.02%) F30.025%0.03%, F30025003 F3 0.03% 03 F3(0.025%;0.03%) F40.05%0.01%, F4005001 F4 0.05% 05 F4(0.05%;0.01%) F50.05%0.02%, F5005002 F5(0.05%;0.02%) F60.05%0.03%, F6005003 F6 F6(0.05%;0.03%) F70.075%0.01%, F70075001 F7 0.075% 075 F7(0.075%;0.01%) F80.075%0.02%, F80075002 F8 F8(0.075%;0.02%) F90.075%0.03%. F90075003 F9 F9(0.075%;0.03%) optimization highintensity high intensity HISs, HISs (HISs) sucralose replacer 3704 37 04 37.04% F00 F00%0% F0(0%;0% F10 F10.025%0.01% F1002500 0025 0.025 001 0.01 F1(0.025%;0.01% F20 F20.025%0.02% F2002500 002 0.02 F2(0.025%;0.02% F30 F30.025%0.03% F3002500 003 0.03 F3(0.025%;0.03% F40 F40.05%0.01% F400500 005 0.05 F4(0.05%;0.01% F50 F50.05%0.02% F500500 F5(0.05%;0.02% F60 F60.05%0.03% F600500 F6(0.05%;0.03% F70 F70.075%0.01% F7007500 0075 0.075 07 F7(0.075%;0.01% F80 F80.075%0.02% F8007500 F8(0.075%;0.02% F90 F90.075%0.03% F9007500 F9(0.075%;0.03% (HISs 370 3 37.04 F00%0 F0(0%;0 F10.025%0.01 F100250 00 0.0 F1(0.025%;0.01 F20.025%0.02 F200250 F2(0.025%;0.02 F30.025%0.03 F300250 F3(0.025%;0.03 F40.05%0.01 F40050 F4(0.05%;0.01 F50.05%0.02 F50050 F5(0.05%;0.02 F60.05%0.03 F60050 F6(0.05%;0.03 F70.075%0.01 F700750 007 0.07 F7(0.075%;0.01 F80.075%0.02 F800750 F8(0.075%;0.02 F90.075%0.03 F900750 F9(0.075%;0.03 37.0 F00% F0(0%; F10.025%0.0 F10025 0. F1(0.025%;0.0 F20.025%0.0 F20025 F2(0.025%;0.0 F30.025%0.0 F30025 F3(0.025%;0.0 F40.05%0.0 F4005 F4(0.05%;0.0 F50.05%0.0 F5005 F5(0.05%;0.0 F60.05%0.0 F6005 F6(0.05%;0.0 F70.075%0.0 F70075 F7(0.075%;0.0 F80.075%0.0 F80075 F8(0.075%;0.0 F90.075%0.0 F90075 F9(0.075%;0.0 37. F0(0% F10.025%0. F1002 F1(0.025%;0. F20.025%0. F2002 F2(0.025%;0. F30.025%0. F3002 F3(0.025%;0. F40.05%0. F400 F4(0.05%;0. F50.05%0. F500 F5(0.05%;0. F60.05%0. F600 F6(0.05%;0. F70.075%0. F7007 F7(0.075%;0. F80.075%0. F8007 F8(0.075%;0. F90.075%0. F9007 F9(0.075%;0. F0(0 F10.025%0 F100 F1(0.025%;0 F20.025%0 F200 F2(0.025%;0 F30.025%0 F300 F3(0.025%;0 F40.05%0 F4(0.05%;0 F50.05%0 F5(0.05%;0 F60.05%0 F6(0.05%;0 F70.075%0 F700 F7(0.075%;0 F80.075%0 F800 F8(0.075%;0 F90.075%0 F900 F9(0.075%;0 F0( F10.025% F1(0.025%; F20.025% F2(0.025%; F30.025% F3(0.025%; F40.05% F4(0.05%; F50.05% F5(0.05%; F60.05% F6(0.05%; F70.075% F7(0.075%; F80.075% F8(0.075%; F90.075% F9(0.075%; F10.025 F1(0.025% F20.025 F2(0.025% F30.025 F3(0.025% F40.05 F4(0.05% F50.05 F5(0.05% F60.05 F6(0.05% F70.075 F7(0.075% F80.075 F8(0.075% F90.075 F9(0.075% F10.02 F1(0.025 F20.02 F2(0.025 F30.02 F3(0.025 F40.0 F4(0.05 F50.0 F5(0.05 F60.0 F6(0.05 F70.07 F7(0.075 F80.07 F8(0.075 F90.07 F9(0.075 F10.0 F1(0.02 F20.0 F2(0.02 F30.0 F3(0.02 F40. F4(0.0 F50. F5(0.0 F60. F6(0.0 F70.0 F7(0.07 F80.0 F8(0.07 F90.0 F9(0.07 F10. F1(0.0 F20. F2(0.0 F30. F3(0.0 F4(0. F5(0. F6(0. F70. F7(0.0 F80. F8(0.0 F90. F9(0.0 F1(0. F2(0. F3(0. F4(0 F5(0 F6(0 F7(0. F8(0. F9(0. F1(0 F2(0 F3(0 F4( F5( F6( F7(0 F8(0 F9(0 F1( F2( F3( F7( F8( F9(