RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a correlação entre instrumentos utilizados à avaliação do equilíbrio corporal e a predição do risco de quedas de idosos ativos. Estudo transversal, observacional, realizado com 41 mulheres (69,24±5,24 anos) praticantes de exercícios físicos, em Petrolina-PE. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB), o Índice de Marcha Dinâmica (DGI), o “Timed Up and Go” simples (TUG), o “Timed Up and Go” motor (TUGm), o “Timed Up and Go” cognitivo (TUGc) e o Teste de Equilíbrio Corporal (TEC). Foi observada correlação significativa entre TEC-DGI (r=0,469; p=0,032), EEB-DGI (r= 0,513; p=0,021), correlação significativa negativa entre DGI-TUG (r= -0,454; p˂0,017), DGI-TUGm (r= -0,516; p˂0,006), DGI-TUGc (r= -0,547; p˂0,003), MEEM-TUG (r= -,470; p=0,055), MEEM-TUGm (r= -,470; p=0,057) e correlação significativa e moderada entre TUG-TUGm (r=0,701; p=0,000), TUG-TUGc (r=0,713; <0,000) e TUGm-TUGc (r=0,761; <0,000). Conclui-se que os instrumentos são complementares. Recomenda-se sua aplicação conjunta à avaliação do equilíbrio corporal e à predição do risco de quedas em idosos ativos.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the instruments used to assess body balance and prediction of the risk of falls of active seniors. Cross-sectional, observational study involving 41 women (69.24 ± 5.24 years) practitioners of physical exercises, in Petrolina-PE. The instruments used were the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), the "Timed Up and Go" simple (TUG), the "Timed Up and Go" motor (TUGm), the "Timed up and Go "cognitive (TUGc) and Body Balance Test (CET). Significant correlation was observed between TEC-DGI (r = 0.469; p = 0.032), BSE-DGI (r = 0.513; p = 0.021), a significant negative correlation between DGI-TUG (r = -0.454; ˂0,017), DGI -TUGm (r = -0.516; p˂0,006), DGI-TUGc (r = -0.547; ˂0,003), MMSE-TUG (r = -, 470; p = 0.055), MMSE-TUGm (r = - 470; p = 0.057) and a significant and moderate correlation between TUG-TUGm (r = 0.701; p = 0.000), TUG-TUGc (r = 0.713; p = 0.000) and TUGm-TUGc (r = 0.761; p = 0.000). It is concluded that the instruments are complementary. It is recommended their joint application to the evaluation of the body balance and to predict the risk of falls in elderly active.