Para avaliar a utilização da tomografia axial computadorizada craniana (TC) em nosso meio, analisamos as solicitações de 367 exames consecutivos no período compreendido entre 07/1995 e 07/1996. Houve ampla variação da faixa etária, com média de 31,7 ± 22,9 anos. As especialidades que mais solicitaram o exame foram: Neurologia (36,2%), Pronto Atendimento (17,4%), Neuropediatria (16,9%) e Clínica Médica (5,9%). As indicações mais frequentes para o exame foram: convulsão (30%), cefaléia (26,2%), déficit motor (20,2%) e redução do nível de consciência (16,9%). As "hipóteses" aventadas com maior frequência foram: afastar lesão estrutural (9,0%), acidente vascular não discriminado (8,2%) e neurocisticercose (8,2%). O laudo da TC foi normal em 50,4% dos exames. Os laudos anormais mais frequentes foram: hidrocefalia (5,4%), acidente vascular isquêmico (5,4%) e neoplasia (3,5%). As maiores taxas de achados normais foram encontradas nas "hipóteses" de cefaléia (94,4%), convulsão (71,4%) e afastar lesão estrutural (66,7%). Os maiores índices de acerto entre hipótese e laudo foram encontrados nas situações de "afastar lesões estruturais" (66,7%), hidrocefalia (50%), acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (50%) e hematoma (50%). Concluimos que a utilização de um recurso auxiliar de diagnóstico como a TC cumpre melhor ainda a sua função se o requisitante do exame preencher com clareza e detalhamento o pedido do exame.
The use of computed axial tomography (CT) in the investigation of neurologic disorders is attractive for his disponibility in the health services. However, the indications of the exam and the correlation with the clinical features has not been frequently studied. We study correlation between the requests of CT and the findings reported by the radiologist, in 367 exams performed from 07/1995 to 07/ 1996. The mean age was 31.7 ± 22.9 years. The CT were requested in decrescent order of frequency by the Services of Neurology (36.2%), Emergency room (17.4%), Pediatric Neurology (16.9%) and Internal Medicine (5.9%). The CT was more indicated in cases of seizures (30%), headache (26.2%), motor impairment (20.2%) and reduction of conscience level (16.9%). The main hypothetic diagnosis were "to discard anatomic lesions" (9.0%), not specified stroke (8.2%) and neurocisticercosis (8.2%).The result of the CT was normal in 50.4% of the exams specially those requested in cases of headache (94.4%), seizures (71.4%) and "to discard anatomic lesions"(66.7%).The more frequently CT abnormalities were hydrocephalus (5.4%), ischemic stroke (5.4%) and neoplasm (3.5%) The greatest rates of correlation were among those to discard anatomic lesions (66,7%), hydrocephalus (50%), ischemic stroke (50%) and hematoma (50%).We concluded that CT is more helpfull if more clinical data is provided in the request form, so aiding the radiologist in the final report.