Introdução: Até o momento, nenhum estudo avaliou o stent recoberto por titânio-óxido nítrico em pacientes com doença arterial coronariana multiarterial. Comparamos o desempenho do stent Titan-2® ao stents farmacológicos de segunda geração nesse cenário. Métodos: No período de 2011 a 2012, 284 pacientes foram tratados com o stent Titan-2®, dos quais 100 (35,2%) eram portadores de doença arterial coronariana multiarterial. Esse grupo foi comparado a 100 pacientes, de um grupo de 304 (38,9%), com doença arterial coronariana multiarterial, tratados com o stent farmacológico de segunda geração com polímeros duráveis ou biodegradáveis. O desfecho primário foi a ocorrência de eventos cardíacos adversos maiores em 1 ano. Resultados: Características clínicas, angiográficas e do procedimento não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. A maioria dos pacientes do grupo Titan-2® era do sexo masculino (70%), com idade de 68,4 ± 12,9 anos e 25% eram diabéticos. Predominaram os quadros clínicos estáveis (68%), 51% tinham acometimento triarterial e a função ventricular estava preservada. A incidência de eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores em 1 ano no grupo Titan-2® foi de 21% (vs. 17%; p = 0,59), óbito ocorreu em 3% (vs. 2%; p > 0,99) dos pacientes, infarto do miocárdio em 5% (vs. 4%; p > 0,99) e nova revascularização miocárdica em 13% (vs. 11%; p = 0,83). Não foram constatadas tromboses de stent definitivas em nenhum grupo. Conclusões: O uso do Titan-2® apresentou resultados similares aos do stent farmacológico de segunda geração, o que o torna atrativo para ser utilizado no complexo cenário de pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana multiarterial.
Background: To date, there are no studies evaluating the use of the titanium-nitride-oxide coated stent in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. We have compared the performance of the Titan-2® stent to that of the second generation drug-eluting stents in this scenario. Methods: From 2011 to 2012, 284 patients were treated with the Titan-2® stent, of which 100 (35.2%) had multivessel coronary artery disease. This group was compared to 100 patients, of a group of 304 (38.9%) patients with multivessel coronary artery disease treated with second generation drug-eluting stents with durable or biodegradable polymers. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of major adverse cardiovascular events at 1 year. Results: Clinical, angiographic and procedure-related characteristics of the patients did not show differences between groups. Most patients in the Titan-2® group were male (70%), mean age was 68.4 ± 12.9 years and 25% were diabetic. Stable symptomatic patients were prevalent (68%), 51% had three-vessel disease and ventricular function was preserved (55.6 ± 12.7%). The incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events at 1 year in the Titan-2® group was 21% (vs. 17%; p = 0.59), death was observed in 3% (vs. 2%; p > 0.99) of the patients, acute myocardial infarction in 5% (vs. 4%; p > 0.99) and a new revascularization procedure in 13% (vs. 11%; p = 0.83). Definitive stent thrombosis was not observed in either group. Conclusions: The Titan-2® stent showed similar results to those of the second-generation drug-eluting stents, which makes it attractive for use in the complex scenario of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease.