Um estudo seccional foi realizado nas Vilas Waimiri e Atroari em Balbina, entre julho e outubro de 2006, com o objetivo de estimar a freqüência de anticorpo antiToxocara canis da classe IgG e avaliar as variáveis epidemiológicas e socioculturais. Foram estudadas 34 famílias e incluídos 100 indivíduos, o que correspondeu a 5% (100/2.000) da população das vilas. A idade variou de zero a 76 anos (M=22,9 Dp=18). Quanto ao gênero, 53% eram femininos e 47% masculino; 52% das amostras foram positivas para Toxocara canis, 44,5% negativas e 3,2% inconclusivas. Observou-se menor número de indivíduos com sorologia negativa na Vila Atroari 29,5% (13/44) em comparação com a Waimiri 46,4% (26/56). Com relação ao contato com cães, dos 55 indivíduos com contato domiciliar 60% (33/55) foram positivos para anticorpo antiToxocara canis Apresentaram sorologia positiva 66,6% (10/15) dos indivíduos que tinham contato domiciliar com filhotes de cão (chi²22,149 p=0,008). A existência de contato domiciliar com cães e filhotes mostrou associação com a presença de anticorpo anti-Toxocara canis na população estudada.
A cross-sectional study was carried out in the Waimiri and Atroari settlements in Balbina, between July and October 2006, with the aims of estimating the frequency of the antibody anti-Toxocara canis of the IgG class and studying the epidemiological and sociocultural variables. Thirty-four families were studied and 100 individuals were included, corresponding to 5% (100/2000) of the population of the settlements. The age range was 0-76 years (mean = 22.9; standard deviation = 18). The gender distribution was 53% female and 47% male. The samples were 52% positive for Toxocara canis, 44.5% negative and 3.2% inconclusive. The number of individuals who tested serologically negative in Atroari (29.5%; 13/44) was lower than in Waimiri (46.4%; 26/56). In relation to contact with dogs, among the 55 individuals with contact in their homes, 60% (33/55) were positive for Ac anti-Toxocara canis and 40% (22/55) were negative (chi2= 14.317; p = 0.026). Among the individuals who had contact in their homes with puppies, 66.6% (10/15) were serologically positive (chi2= 22.149; p=0.008). The existence of home contact with dogs and puppies showed an association with the presence of Ac anti-Toxocara canis in the study population.