Abstract The study conducted a review of the parasitological profile of vegetables from 2001 to 2021, considering the type, consumption, and cultivation, globally. The databases searched included MEDLINE, SciELO, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Scopus using the terms "Detection OR Prevalence OR Incidence OR occurrence OR contamination AND vegetable OR fruit AND Helminth OR egg OR Parasite OR cysts OR protozoa". A total of 16,600 articles were found, 117 of which were reviewed. Of the 391,291 samples, 3.85% (15,095) were contaminated by parasites. Among those positive, 30.10% (4,543/15,095) contained enteroparasites commonly of human origin and 58.78% (8,873/15,095) came from markets. Few articles mentioned the cultivation type, but among those, conventional cultivation showed more contamination (42.34%; 224/529). Herbaceous vegetables were the most contaminated (56.84%; 8,580/15,095. Ascaris lumbricoides was found in 10.16% (1,535/15,095) of the samples. Lettuce was the most contaminated (20.43%; 3,084/15,095). 200 2021 type consumption globally MEDLINE SciELO Direct Detection protozoa. protozoa . protozoa" 16600 16 600 16,60 11 reviewed 391291 391 291 391,29 samples 385 3 85 3.85 15,095 15095 15 095 (15,095 parasites positive 3010 30 10 30.10 4,543/15,095 454315095 4 543 (4,543/15,095 5878 58 78 58.78 8,873/15,095 887315095 8 873 (8,873/15,095 markets 42.34% 4234 42 34 (42.34% 224/529. 224529 224/529 224 529 224/529) 56.84% 5684 56 84 (56.84% 858015095 580 8,580/15,095 1016 10.16 1,535/15,095 153515095 1 535 (1,535/15,095 20.43% 2043 20 43 (20.43% 3,084/15,095. 308415095 3,084/15,095 084 3,084/15,095) 202 1660 60 16,6 39129 39 29 391,2 38 3.8 15,09 1509 09 (15,09 301 30.1 4,543/15,09 45431509 54 (4,543/15,09 587 5 7 58.7 8,873/15,09 88731509 87 (8,873/15,09 42.34 423 (42.34 22452 224/52 22 52 56.84 568 (56.84 85801509 8,580/15,09 101 10.1 1,535/15,09 15351509 53 (1,535/15,09 20.43 204 2 (20.43 30841509 3,084/15,09 08 166 6 16, 3912 391, 3. 15,0 150 0 (15,0 30. 4,543/15,0 4543150 (4,543/15,0 58. 8,873/15,0 8873150 (8,873/15,0 42.3 (42.3 2245 224/5 56.8 (56.8 8580150 8,580/15,0 10. 1,535/15,0 1535150 (1,535/15,0 20.4 (20.4 3084150 3,084/15,0 15, (15, 4,543/15, 454315 (4,543/15, 8,873/15, 887315 (8,873/15, 42. (42. 224/ 56. (56. 858015 8,580/15, 1,535/15, 153515 (1,535/15, 20. (20. 308415 3,084/15, (15 4,543/15 45431 (4,543/15 8,873/15 88731 (8,873/15 (42 (56 85801 8,580/15 1,535/15 15351 (1,535/15 (20 30841 3,084/15 (1 4,543/1 4543 (4,543/1 8,873/1 8873 (8,873/1 (4 (5 8580 8,580/1 1,535/1 1535 (1,535/1 (2 3084 3,084/1 ( 4,543/ 454 (4,543/ 8,873/ 887 (8,873/ 858 8,580/ 1,535/ 153 (1,535/ 308 3,084/ 4,543 45 (4,543 8,873 88 (8,873 8,580 1,535 (1,535 3,084 4,54 (4,54 8,87 (8,87 8,58 1,53 (1,53 3,08 4,5 (4,5 8,8 (8,8 8,5 1,5 (1,5 3,0 4, (4, 8, (8, 1, (1, 3, (8
Resumo O estudo realizou uma revisão do perfil parasitológico de vegetais, de 2001 a 2021, considerando o tipo, consumo e cultivo, global. Foram pesquisadas as bases MEDLINE, SciELO, Web of Science, Science Direct e Scopus com os termos "Detection OR Prevalence OR Incidence OR occurrence OR contamination AND vegetable OR fruit AND Helminth OR egg OR Parasite OR cysts OR protozoa". Foram encontrados 16.600 artigos, 117 dos quais foram revisados. Das 391.291 amostras, 3,85% (15.095) estavam contaminadas por parasitos. Entre as positivas, 30,10% (4.543/15.095) continham enteroparasitos comumente de origem humana e 58,78% (8.873/15.095) eram originadas de mercados. Poucos artigos mencionaram o tipo de cultivo, mas entre esses, o convencional apresentou maior contaminação (42,34%; 224/529). Vegetais herbáceos foram os mais contaminados (56,84%; 8.580/15.095). Ascaris lumbricoides foi encontrado em 10,16% (1.535/15.095) das amostras. Alface foi o vegetal mais contaminado (20,43%; 3.084/15.095). vegetais 200 2021 cultivo global MEDLINE SciELO Detection protozoa. protozoa . protozoa" 16600 16 600 16.60 11 revisados 391291 391 291 391.29 amostras 385 3 85 3,85 15.095 15095 15 095 (15.095 parasitos positivas 3010 30 10 30,10 4.543/15.095 454315095 4 543 (4.543/15.095 5878 58 78 58,78 8.873/15.095 887315095 8 873 (8.873/15.095 mercados esses 42,34% 4234 42 34 (42,34% 224/529. 224529 224/529 224 529 224/529) 56,84% 5684 56 84 (56,84% 8.580/15.095. 858015095 8.580/15.095 580 8.580/15.095) 1016 10,16 1.535/15.095 153515095 1 535 (1.535/15.095 20,43% 2043 20 43 (20,43% 3.084/15.095. 308415095 3.084/15.095 084 3.084/15.095) 202 1660 60 16.6 39129 39 29 391.2 38 3,8 15.09 1509 09 (15.09 301 30,1 4.543/15.09 45431509 54 (4.543/15.09 587 5 7 58,7 8.873/15.09 88731509 87 (8.873/15.09 42,34 423 (42,34 22452 224/52 22 52 56,84 568 (56,84 85801509 8.580/15.09 101 10,1 1.535/15.09 15351509 53 (1.535/15.09 20,43 204 2 (20,43 30841509 3.084/15.09 08 166 6 16. 3912 391. 3, 15.0 150 0 (15.0 30, 4.543/15.0 4543150 (4.543/15.0 58, 8.873/15.0 8873150 (8.873/15.0 42,3 (42,3 2245 224/5 56,8 (56,8 8580150 8.580/15.0 10, 1.535/15.0 1535150 (1.535/15.0 20,4 (20,4 3084150 3.084/15.0 15. (15. 4.543/15. 454315 (4.543/15. 8.873/15. 887315 (8.873/15. 42, (42, 224/ 56, (56, 858015 8.580/15. 1.535/15. 153515 (1.535/15. 20, (20, 308415 3.084/15. (15 4.543/15 45431 (4.543/15 8.873/15 88731 (8.873/15 (42 (56 85801 8.580/15 1.535/15 15351 (1.535/15 (20 30841 3.084/15 (1 4.543/1 4543 (4.543/1 8.873/1 8873 (8.873/1 (4 (5 8580 8.580/1 1.535/1 1535 (1.535/1 (2 3084 3.084/1 ( 4.543/ 454 (4.543/ 8.873/ 887 (8.873/ 858 8.580/ 1.535/ 153 (1.535/ 308 3.084/ 4.543 45 (4.543 8.873 88 (8.873 8.580 1.535 (1.535 3.084 4.54 (4.54 8.87 (8.87 8.58 1.53 (1.53 3.08 4.5 (4.5 8.8 (8.8 8.5 1.5 (1.5 3.0 4. (4. 8. (8. 1. (1. 3. (8