RESUMO Nesse artigo, temos por objetivo analisar a emergência do campo dos “esportes de prancha” evidenciando alguns dos agentes, estruturas e práticas que foram centrais nesse processo histórico. A hipótese que nos guia nesse percurso se respalda no entendimento de que modalidades como o bodyboarding, sandboard, wakeboard, skate, entre outras, são derivações do surf. Em termos metodológicos, realizamos um levantamento de artigos, produções literárias, relatos de experiência bem como de reportagens em sites e blogs especializados que versam sobre “esportes de prancha”. No que diz respeito aos direcionamentos teóricos, partimos do referencial sociológico de Pierre Bourdieu e endossamos a análise a partir das contribuições de Mike Featherstone e Anthony Giddens por entender que seus constructos somam oportunamente à leitura da dialética de oferta e demanda dos “esportes de prancha”.
ABSTRACT In this article, our objective is to analyze the emergence of the field of “board sports” showing some of the agents, structures and practices that were central to this historic process. The hypothesis that guides us on this path supports the understanding that sports such as bodyboarding, sandboarding, wakeboard, skate, among others, are the surf derivations. In terms of methodology, we did a survey articles, literary productions, experience reports as well as reports on websites and specialized blogs dealing on “board sports”. About to theoretical directions, we were based in the sociological framework of Pierre Bourdieu and endorsed the analysis by contributions of Mike Featherstone and Anthony Giddens understanding that their theoretical constructs are timely add to the supply of dialectical reading about offer and demand of the “board sports”.