Abstract Background Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), a human polyomavirus that is unequivocally linked to merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), has been found in association with keratinocytes carcinomas (KC), especially basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). Nevertheless, there is scarce information about the possible involvement of MCPyV in the development of KC. Objectives To assess the presence of MCPyV DNA and Large-T Antigen (LT-Ag) via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) in cases of KC, and to correlate its presence with immunohistochemical markers p16, p53, and ki67, tumor type and subtype, sun-exposed location, and epidemiological data. Methods The prevalence of MCPyV DNA, LT-Ag, and immunohistochemical markers p16, p53, and ki67 was assessed by PCR and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 127 cases of KC, these results were correlated with tumor type and subtype, sun-exposed location, and epidemiological data. Results The MCPyV DNA was detected in 42.57% (43 of 101) cases by PCR, the LT-Ag was detected in 16.4% (20 of 122) of cases, p16 in 81.5% (97 of 119), p53 in 66.4% (83 of 125), ki67 in 89% (73 of 82). No correlation between MCPyV LT-Ag and DNA confronted with tumor type, subtype, location site, and immunohistochemical markers was found. A single correlation between the MCPyV LT-Ag and cSCC tumors and peri-tumoral lymphocyte cells was noted. Study limitations Further steps need to be taken to better evaluate the MCPyV influence and its possible role in KC carcinogenesis, as the evaluation of the virus genome state, the gene sequence that encodes LT-Ag in the KC tumor cells, and in situ hybridization for viral DNA or RNA in these cells. Conclusions Despite the frequent detection of MCPyV in KC, the data available so far does not support the hypothesis of a causal relationship between them. MCPyV, , (MCPyV) MCC, MCC (MCC) (KC) BCC (BCC cSCC. . (cSCC) Nevertheless LargeT Large T LTAg LT Ag (LT-Ag (PCR IHC (IHC p ki subtype sunexposed sun exposed LTAg, Ag, ki6 12 4257 42 57 42.57 43 (4 101 164 16 4 16.4 20 (2 122 p1 815 81 5 81.5 97 (9 119, 119 119) p5 664 66 66.4 83 (8 125, 125 125) 89 73 (7 82. 82 82) site peritumoral peri tumoral noted carcinogenesis state them (MCPyV (MCC (KC (cSCC 1 425 42.5 ( 10 16. 2 8 81. 9 11 6 66. 7 42.