RESUMO Objetivo: Explorar a tendência da sífilis congênita segundo características sociodemográficas e pré-natal, no município de São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2007 a 2018. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de série temporal da incidência de sífilis congênita, com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) e do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A incidência anual, por mil nascidos vivos, foi calculada segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e pré-natal. Para as mesmas variáveis, foi estimada a série temporal por regressão logarítmica (Joinpoint Regression). A medida de tendência foi a variação percentual anual. Resultados: Notificaram-se 2.420 casos de 2007 a 2018, com tendência crescente: 64,9 ao ano (2010–2013) e 24,9% (2013–2018). Em 2018, a taxa de sífilis congênita atingiu 41,6/1.000 nascidos vivos, sendo as maiores taxas em adolescentes (90,6/1.000 nascidos vivos), mulheres de cor preta (87,6/1.000 nascidos vivos), com baixa escolaridade (122,8/1.000 nascidos vivos) e aquelas sem pré-natal (677,4/1.000 nascidos vivos). As variações percentuais anuais dessas categorias foram, respectivamente, 37,3 (2010–2018), 33,5 (2012–2018), 39,9 (2014–2018) e 85% (2011–2015), e as demais categorias também tiveram incremento. Conclusões: Identificaram-se incidência elevada e tendência crescente de sífilis congênita em São Gonçalo, principalmente em grupos mais vulnerabilizados, apontando desigualdades em saúde. O pré-natal precisa ser ampliado quantitativa e qualitativamente, sobretudo para mulheres jovens, negras e de baixa escolaridade. Objetivo prénatal, prénatal pré natal, natal Gonçalo Janeiro 200 2018 Métodos SINAN (SINAN SINASC. SINASC . (SINASC) anual vivos prénatal. natal. Joinpoint Regression. Regression Regression) Resultados Notificaramse Notificaram se 2420 2 420 2.42 649 64 9 64, 2010–2013 20102013 2010 2013 (2010–2013 249 24 24,9 2013–2018. 20132018 2013–2018 (2013–2018) 4161000 41 6 1 000 41,6/1.00 90,6/1.000 9061000 90 (90,6/1.00 , 87,6/1.000 8761000 87 (87,6/1.00 122,8/1.000 12281000 122 8 (122,8/1.00 677,4/1.000 67741000 677 4 (677,4/1.00 vivos. foram respectivamente 373 37 3 37, 2010–2018, 20102018 2010–2018 (2010–2018) 335 33 5 33, 2012–2018, 20122018 2012–2018 2012 (2012–2018) 399 39 39, 2014–2018 20142018 2014 (2014–2018 85 2011–2015, 20112015 2011–2015 2011 2015 (2011–2015) incremento Conclusões Identificaramse Identificaram vulnerabilizados saúde qualitativamente jovens 20 201 (SINASC 242 42 2.4 2010–201 2010201 (2010–201 24, 2013201 2013–201 (2013–2018 416100 00 41,6/1.0 90,6/1.00 906100 (90,6/1.0 87,6/1.00 876100 (87,6/1.0 122,8/1.00 1228100 12 (122,8/1.0 677,4/1.00 6774100 67 (677,4/1.0 (2010–2018 2012201 2012–201 (2012–2018 2014–201 2014201 (2014–201 2011201 2011–201 (2011–2015 2. 2010–20 201020 (2010–20 201320 2013–20 (2013–201 41610 0 41,6/1. 90,6/1.0 90610 (90,6/1. 87,6/1.0 87610 (87,6/1. 122,8/1.0 122810 (122,8/1. 677,4/1.0 677410 (677,4/1. 201220 2012–20 (2012–201 2014–20 201420 (2014–20 201120 2011–20 (2011–201 2010–2 20102 (2010–2 20132 2013–2 (2013–20 4161 41,6/1 90,6/1. 9061 (90,6/1 87,6/1. 8761 (87,6/1 122,8/1. 12281 (122,8/1 677,4/1. 67741 (677,4/1 20122 2012–2 (2012–20 2014–2 20142 (2014–2 20112 2011–2 (2011–20 2010– (2010– 2013– (2013–2 416 41,6/ 90,6/1 906 (90,6/ 87,6/1 876 (87,6/ 122,8/1 1228 (122,8/ 677,4/1 6774 (677,4/ 2012– (2012–2 2014– (2014– 2011– (2011–2 (2010 (2013– 41,6 90,6/ (90,6 87,6/ (87,6 122,8/ (122,8 677,4/ (677,4 (2012– (2014 (2011– (201 (2013 41, 90,6 (90, 87,6 (87, 122,8 (122, 677,4 (677, (2012 (2011 (20 90, (90 87, (87 122, (122 677, (677 (2 (9 (8 (12 (67 ( (1 (6
Abstract Objective: This study aimed to explore the temporal trend in congenital syphilis, according to sociodemographic and prenatal care in the city of São Gonçalo – Rio de Janeiro, from 2007 to 2018. Methods: Ecological time series study, with data from SINAN (Information System for Notifiable Diseases) and SINASC (Information System on Live Births databases). We calculated annual incidence (per 1,000 live births) according to sociodemographic and prenatal variables. For the same variables, we calculated trends by logarithmic regression (Joinpoint Regression), estimating the annual percentage change. Results: A total of 2,420 cases were reported from 2007 to 2018, with an increasing trend: 64.9% per year (2010–2013) and 24.9% (2013–2018). In 2018, the highest rates were in adolescents (90.6/1,000 live births), black women (87.6/1,000 live births), low-educated women (122.8/1,000 live births), and those without prenatal care (677.4/1,000 live births). The annual percentage change of these categories was, respectively, 37.3% (2010–2018), 33.5% (2012–2018), 39.9% (2014–2018), and 85.0% (2011–2015), but all categories showed a crescent trend. Conclusions: We identified high congenital syphilis incidences and crescent trends, especially in more vulnerable groups, pointing to social and healthcare inequalities. Prenatal care needs to be more comprehensive and qualified, primarily for young, low-educated, and black women. Objective Janeiro 200 2018 Methods Information Diseases databases. databases . databases) 1000 1 000 1,00 births variables Joinpoint Regression, Regression , Regression) Results 2420 2 420 2,42 649 64 9 64.9 2010–2013 20102013 2010 2013 (2010–2013 249 24 24.9 2013–2018. 20132018 2013–2018 (2013–2018) 90.6/1,000 9061000 90 6 (90.6/1,00 births, 87.6/1,000 8761000 87 (87.6/1,00 loweducated low educated 122.8/1,000 12281000 122 8 (122.8/1,00 677.4/1,000 67741000 677 4 (677.4/1,00 births. was respectively 373 37 3 37.3 2010–2018, 20102018 2010–2018 (2010–2018) 335 33 5 33.5 2012–2018, 20122018 2012–2018 2012 (2012–2018) 399 39 39.9 2014–2018, 20142018 2014–2018 2014 (2014–2018) 850 85 0 85.0 2011–2015, 20112015 2011–2015 2011 2015 (2011–2015) Conclusions groups inequalities qualified young loweducated, educated, 20 201 100 00 1,0 242 42 2,4 64. 2010–201 2010201 (2010–201 24. 2013201 2013–201 (2013–2018 90.6/1,00 906100 (90.6/1,0 87.6/1,00 876100 (87.6/1,0 122.8/1,00 1228100 12 (122.8/1,0 677.4/1,00 6774100 67 (677.4/1,0 37. (2010–2018 33. 2012201 2012–201 (2012–2018 39. 2014201 2014–201 (2014–2018 85. 2011201 2011–201 (2011–2015 10 1, 2, 2010–20 201020 (2010–20 201320 2013–20 (2013–201 90.6/1,0 90610 (90.6/1, 87.6/1,0 87610 (87.6/1, 122.8/1,0 122810 (122.8/1, 677.4/1,0 677410 (677.4/1, 201220 2012–20 (2012–201 201420 2014–20 (2014–201 201120 2011–20 (2011–201 2010–2 20102 (2010–2 20132 2013–2 (2013–20 90.6/1, 9061 (90.6/1 87.6/1, 8761 (87.6/1 122.8/1, 12281 (122.8/1 677.4/1, 67741 (677.4/1 20122 2012–2 (2012–20 20142 2014–2 (2014–20 20112 2011–2 (2011–20 2010– (2010– 2013– (2013–2 90.6/1 906 (90.6/ 87.6/1 876 (87.6/ 122.8/1 1228 (122.8/ 677.4/1 6774 (677.4/ 2012– (2012–2 2014– (2014–2 2011– (2011–2 (2010 (2013– 90.6/ (90.6 87.6/ (87.6 122.8/ (122.8 677.4/ (677.4 (2012– (2014– (2011– (201 (2013 90.6 (90. 87.6 (87. 122.8 (122. 677.4 (677. (2012 (2014 (2011 (20 90. (90 87. (87 122. (122 677. (677 (2 (9 (8 (12 (67 ( (1 (6