Com o objetivo de identificar genótipos de melão-amarelo, tipo exportação, com alto rendimento, foram avaliados nove genótipos em quatro ambientes no Oeste Potiguar. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Pólo Agrícola Mossoró-Assu, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e 16 plantas por parcela. Os genótipos avaliados foram: Rochedo, TSX-32096; PX 4910606, Gold Mine, PX-1010606; Yellow Queen; Gold Pride; Yellow King; AF-646 e AF-682. Os genótipos que apresentaram maior produtividade total, foram Rochedo, TSX-32096, Gold Mine, PX-4010606, Yellow Queen e Gold Pride, com média de 55,1 t/ha, e maior produtividade comercial foram TSX-32096, Rochedo, Gold Mine, PX-4010606 e Gold Pride em Mossoró (40,1 t/ha) e Carnaubais (46,2 t/ha), e os genótipos AF-646, Yellow Queen e AF-682 em Baraúna (63,1 t/ha), ambiente que proporcionou a maior produtividade comercial, superando em 53%, 75% e 166% os ambientes de Carnaubais, Mossoró e Alto do Rodrigues. O peso médio dos frutos foi influenciado pelo ambiente de cultivo, variando de 1,07 kg em Mossoró a 1,64 kg em Baraúna. As maiores concentrações de SS foram observadas nos genótipos AF-646 (11,1%), PX-4910606 (11,0%), Yellow King (10,7%) e TSX-32096 (11,3%).
With the objective of identify genotypes of yellow melon export type and with high yield, were evaluated nine genotypes in four environments in Potiguar West. The experiments were established in the Mossoró-Assu Agricultural Pole, Rio Grande do Norte State - Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications and 16 plants for plot. The genotypes evaluated were: Rochedo, TSX-32096; PX 4910606, Gold Mine, PX-1010606; Yellow Queen; Gold Pride; Yellow King; AF-646 and AF-682. The genotypes that presented higher total productivity were TSX-32096, Gold Mine, PX-4010606, Yellow Queen and Gold Pride, with average of 55.1 t/ha, and with higher marketable productivity were TSX-32096, Rochedo, Gold Mine, PX-4010606 and Gold Pride in Mossoró (40.1 t/ha) and Carnaubais (46.2 t/ha), and the genotypes AF-646, Yellow Queen and AF-682 in Baraúna (63.1 t/ha), this environment provided the largest marketable productivity, overcoming in 53%, 75% and 166% the environments of Carnaubais, Mossoró and Alto do Rodrigues. The fruit mean weight was influenced by the cultivation environment, ranging from 1.07 kg in Mossoró to 1.64 kg in Baraúna. The higher concentration of soluble solids was verified in the genotypes AF-646 (11.1%), PX-4910606 (11.0%), Yellow King (10.7%) and TSX-32096 (11.3%).