O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Horto de plantas medicinais da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados-UFGD, em Dourados-MS. Foi avaliada a capacidade produtiva da beterraba (Beta vulgaris L.) 'Tall Top Early Wonder', cultivada em solo coberto com cama-de-frango (dose de 10 t ha-1) - CCF e sem cobertura com cama-de-frango semidecomposta - SCF e sem e com amontoa, em uma (21 dias após o transplante) e duas épocas (21 e 42 dias após o transplante). Os seis tratamentos foram arranjados como fatorial 2 x 3, no delineamento experimental blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. As plantas CCF e com duas amontoas apresentaram a maior altura (25,11cm) e superaram em 3,45cm às CCF e sem amontoa, que tiveram menor altura. As maiores produções de massas frescas de folhas (11,41 t ha-1) e de raízes (19,61 t ha-1) foram das plantas CCF e com uma e duas amontoas, respectivamente e superaram em 5,21 t ha-1 e 9,12 t ha-1, respectivamente, às das SCF com uma amontoa, que apresentaram as menores produções. As maiores percentagens de massas secas de folhas (14,36 %) e de raízes (17,64 %) foram das SCF e com uma amontoa, superando em 1,86 % e 2,08 %, respectivamente, às das SCF com duas amontoas, que apresentaram as menores percentagens. A maior produção de massa fresca de raízes comerciais (15,98 t ha-1), a média por raiz (129,30 g) e o diâmetro médio da raiz (68,93 mm), foram das plantas CCF e com duas amontoas. O maior comprimento médio das raízes comerciais (64,48 mm) foi das SCF com uma amontoa. As maiores renda bruta (R$ 11.186,00) e renda líquida (R$ 9.746,00) foram do tratamento CCF com duas amontoas, que superaram em 124,12 % e 108,65 %, respectivamente, às do SCF e uma amontoa.
This project was carried out at Medicinal Plant Garden of the Federal University of Grande Dourados - UFGD, in Dourados-MS. Yield capacity of 'Tall Top Early Wonder ' beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) was evaluated when cultivated in soil covering with semi-decomposed chicken manure (dose of 10 t ha-1) and without covering with chicken manure and with and without hilling, on one (21 days after transplant) and two dates (21 and 42 days after transplant). The six treatments were arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial scheme, in randomized block experimental design, with six replications. Plants cultivated using manure covering with two hillings showed greater height (25.22 cm) and were superior in 3.45 cm than those plants not using covering and without hilling, those of which showed lesser height. The highest production of fresh leaf mass (11.41 t ha-1) and of roots (19.61 t ha-1) were from plants using manure covering and one and two hillings, respectively, being superior in 5.21 t ha-1 and 9.12 t ha-1, respectively, than those without covering and with one hilling, that showed the smallest yield. The highest percentages of dried leaf mass (14.36 %) and of roots (17.64 %) were from plants without covering and with one hilling, which were superior in 1.86 % and 2.08 %, respectively, than those plants without covering and with two hillings, those of which showed the smallest percentages. The highest yield of fresh mass of commercial roots (15.98 t ha-1), average per root (129.30 g) and average diameter per root (68.93 mm) were from plants using manure covering with two hillings. The greatest average length of commercial roots (64.48 mm) was from plants without manure covering and with one hilling. The greatest gross (R$ 11,186.00) and net (R$ 9,746.00) incomes were from plants that received manure covering treatment with two hillings, which were superior in 124.12 % and 108.65 %, respectively, than those without manure covering and with one hilling treatment.