Introduction: The Domiciliary Oxygen therapy (DO) represents more than 70% of the total cost of the medical care of hypoxemic patients. This paper presents the experience of the Program of Oxygen Therapy and Non Invasive Ventilation of the Health Insurance Service of Public Employees of Mendoza. The objectives were to know the prevalence, demographic and epidemiologic characteristics, main reasons for oxygen therapy prescription, oxygen supply equipment, duration of oxygen therapy and reasons for discharge from the DO therapy at the Health Insurance Service of Public Employees of Mendoza. Material and method: The investigation method was a retrospective evaluation of the clinical records and database of patients registered in the program from January 2004 to December 2010. They were divided into Domiciliary Chronic Oxygen Therapy (DCO) and Oxygen Therapy Special Situations (OSS). Results: 839 patients were registered in the DO program. They were divided into: a) DCO: 498 patients, mean age 67.95 years; 60.85% were males. The main cause for prescription was COPD (68%) and average duration of treatment 20,56 months. b) OSS: 341 patients, mean age 62.43 years; 51% were females. The main cause for prescription was neoplasic illnesses (52.2%; Lung Cancer 50%) and average time of duration of treatment was 5.45 months. Conclusions: The DCO represented 59% of the prescriptions, the prevalence was 19.8 inhabitants per 100 000 per year, much less than the European rates. The main cause for prescription was COPD (68%) which was associated to the smoking habit in 99% of cases. The oxygen was supplied through oxygen concentrators in 79.5% of patients and the average duration of treatment was 20.56 months. The OSS represented 41% of the prescriptions, the prevalence was 16.85 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. The main causes for prescription were the neoplasic terminal illnesses (52.2% of cases) and the lung cancer represented 50% of cases. The discharge rate was high (87.4%), the case fatality was 78.2% and the average duration of treatment was 5.45 months.
Introducción La oxigenoterapia domiciliaria (OD) representa más del 70% del costo total de los cuidados médicos del enfermo hipoxémico. A continuación presentaremos la experiencia desarrollada en el Programa de Oxigenoterapia y Ventilación No Invasiva de la Obra Social de Empleados Públicos de Mendoza. Objetivos: conocer prevalencia, características demográficas y epidemiológicas, causa principal de prescripción, equipos suministrados, tiempo de estadía y causa de baja del Programa de Oxigenoterapia Domiciliaria de la Obra Social de Empleados Públicos (OSEP), Mendoza (Argentina). Material y método: Se realizó una evaluación retrospectiva de las historias clínicas y base de datos de los pacientes del programa, durante el periodo enero 2004 a diciembre 2010. Se los dividió en Oxigenoterapia Crónica Domiciliaria (OCD) y Oxigenoterapia Situaciones Especiales (OSE). Resultados: Ingresaron al programa de OD 839 pacientes. Se los dividió en: a) OCD: 498 pacientes, edad media 67,95 años, 60,85% hombres, causa prevalente de prescripción EPOC 68% y tiempo medio de estadía 20,56 meses. b) OSE: 341 pacientes, edad media 62,43 años, 51% mujeres, causa prevalente de prescripción enfermedades neoplásicas 52,2% (Cáncer de Pulmón 50%) y tiempo medio de estadía de 5.45 meses. Conclusiones: La OCD representa el 59% de las prescripciones, prevalencia 19,8 c/100.000 habitantes/año, muy por debajo de la Europea, causa prevalente de indicación es EPOC (68%) asociada al tabaquismo en el 99%. La forma de suministro de oxígeno es concentrador en el 79,5% y el tiempo medio de estadía 20,56 meses. La OSE representa el 41% de las prescripciones, prevalencia de 16,85 c /100.000 habitantes/ año, se destacan las enfermedades terminales neoplásicas en 52,2%, donde el Cáncer de Pulmón ocupa el 50%. Alta tasa de egresos 87,4 %, elevada mortalidad 78,2% y menor tiempo medio de estadía 5.45 meses.